they’re/their/there, it’s/its, you’re/your, way/weigh – and other Homophones Worksheet
Today I’m sharing a very quick homophone worksheet I made for the kids. Some of the words they have to use correctly include:
- they’re/their/there
- it’s/its
- you’re/your
- way/weigh
- fare/fair
- witch/which
- new/knew
- right/write
This homophone worksheet is free to download. There is an answer sheet too (though I don’t show it below). Hope someone else finds it useful! 🙂 ~Liesl
Homophones Worksheet: they’re/their/there, it’s/its, you’re/your, etc.
Other related posts that may be of interest:
- Free Grammar Worksheets: Homophones (words that sound the same, but are spelled differently)
- Their, They’re, There – Its, It’s Free Practice Sheets
- Grammar Sheets: Lay-Lie, Piece-Peace, Accept-Except
- Here is a recent practice sheet I made for their/there/they’re and its/it’s
- Grammar Practice: Possessive Nouns and Pronouns
- Free Grammar Worksheets: Homophones (words that sound the same, but are spelled differently)
-  The use of apostrophes, quotation marks and underlining
- Grammar Practice Sheets: Irregular Verbs and Nouns
- More Irregular Verb and Plural Noun Practice Sheets
- Free Cupcake Contraction Activity and worksheet
- Grammar Rules & Review Sheet: rules about using capital letters, commas and letter writing for 1st grade
We also have various spelling sorts and spelling games available at the blog:
Long A Sounds /ay/ – a, ai, ay, a-e, ei, eigh, ey –Sorting Cards and Board Game!, which is bundled with the Long I Sounds printables:
Other Language Arts Posts:
- Homeschool Language Arts: Our Year in Review and Resources Chart
- Our Homeschool Language Arts, Spelling, and Grammar Curriculum
- Language Arts Homeschool Checklist
You might also be interested in this post: Our Homeschool Language Arts, Spelling, and Grammar Curriculum
See you again soon here or Homeschool Den Facebook page. Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! ~Liesl