End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire Printable (Student Reflection Questions)
The end of the school year is coming up quickly. I usually take some time to reflect how the year went for our family. We’ll talk about some of the things we covered this year… everything from really diving into the Writing Workshop for the first time to our huge units on India, Gandhi, the Civil Rights Movement and China… plus our science units on Simple Machines, Weather, Water… our adventures with Math Circles and Critical Thinking Activities. At various times, the kids would declare math or writing, history or science their absolute favorite activity… I’m curious to see what they think now that the year is over.
This year I made a questionnaire for the kids to pick out some of their best memories, favorite projects, and things like that. I also am curious to see if they have thoughts about things they want to change for next year or something they’re really excited to learn.
Student Questionnaire: Here’s what I’m going to give to the kids one day to fill out and answer. I’m sharing this as a pdf so you can download it and print it out. Since every family is different, you may just want to use this as a start and include your own questions.
End of Year Questionnaire for Students (free printable)
Adult End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire: At the same time there are some end-of-year things that I need to think about as well. Not only is it time to reflect on some of the things that went well (or didn’t), but it’s also time to take stock of what we/I need to do to get ready for next year. I’ll jot down supplies we need, things I need to file, sort through, reorganize and thoughts I have about the units we’ll do when we start back up again and so forth.
You might also enjoy this series we did last year at the end of the year, planning for the new year:
- Here are the questions I consider when planning for a new school year.
- This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement.
- I talked about how I assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I talked a lot about the books I’ve read that helped us find the homeschool style that works for us.
- Consider the long-term goals for homeschooling yesterday.
- Short term planning: What are we actually going to cover next year
Here are some posts about planning a science curriculum:
- Creating a Homeschool Science Curriculum (PreK-K)
- Creating a Homeschool Science Curriculum (Elementary)
New Series! Creating Your Own Homeschool Curriculum – Grade-by-Grade! These resource guides are all FREE to download:
There are FREE 30-50+ page resource guide that I put together to help answer some basic questions: What subjects should I teach my 1st, 3rd or 8th grader? Where do I start? How do I know what to teach my kids? These are some of the units and topics our family covered in the middle school years. It might provide a starting point for those of you just starting your homeschool journey and may give you an idea or two if you’ve been at this homeschool thing for a while! I hope they are helpful!! ~Liesl
Creating Your Own Homeschool Curriculum: These are some resources I made that might be helpful as you create your own homeschool plans. These are somewhere between 30 and 50 pages and are FREE to download:
You might also be interested in this post Planning for Next Year (Free Planning Pages) At that post I shared the process I go through as I plan out next year. These pages are not as much a traditional Homeschool Planner as Homeschool Vision Planner. If they are of interest you can check them out here:
Free Step-by-Step Guide for Planning out your Homeschool Year!
Of course, you’ll want to check out the History, Science and Language Arts resource pages as well:
- You’ll find some longer units like the Civics & Government Packet, Feudalism, Age of Exploration, American Revolution, Slavery and the Civil War packet in Our Store. We also have *tons* of free resources such as the pages you see below on Ancient China, world religions, US Presidents Activities, the Civil Rights Movement, India and Africa learning packets… plus much more, so you’ll want to check out the more complete resource lists here: History and World Cultures Resource Page.
- Here’s the link to the Science Resource Page. We absolutely ♥ love hands-on science activities. We do a lot of science experiments as we do our science units. You might find something useful here:
How do I know what science or history topics/units to cover? I have a general checklist of topics I hope to cover K-8 that I shared on the blog some years back: Science Checklist for Elementary and Middle School
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl
P.S. Our store is getting a bit of a make-over. Hooray! I can’t tell you how many people have asked me if there was a way to purchase more than one item at a time. Since I run this blog on my own and always super busy juggling our homeschooling (and homeschool planning), outside activities, and work on the website/business… it has taken a long time to get to this! (Sheepish grin here!)
You can pop over to check out our store here. I have the science and history units done and hope to have the rest done in the next week or so. Thank you all *so* much for your support! My dear readers totally rock! ~Liesl
Thank you so much for being such a blessing to me and our family! Your posts and free downloads have come in handy! Thanks again! May the Lord bless you!
You’re welcome, Lena! I’m glad you’ve found our website useful! I appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment! 🙂 ~Liesl