136 Search results

For the term "China".
Excellence in Reading Program - Reading Lists 0

Excellence in Reading Program – Certificate & T-Shirt

Someone in a group I’m in mentioned the Excellence in Reading Program run by Mensa for Kids.  You don’t have to be a member of Mensa to participate. 🙂  I really love their free printable reading lists (for K-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12). There is a wonderful collection of books there. I’ll link to those below. Here is what the Excellence in Reading Program is about (from their website): To...

Summer Activity Ideas 0

Fun Summer Activity Ideas

This post has tons of fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer! It includes everything from summer camp songs to sing with the kids to crafts, creative math fun to a huge design and draw challenge, a free summer travels packet to fun science experiment ideas!! Hope you find something your kids will enjoy!! ~Liesl Summer is often the time to do some activities that...

History Homeschool Year in Review 0

History Year in Review (Grades 8, 6, 3)

Last week, I managed to get our Science Year in Review  post done. I had hoped to get the history post done too, but life got away from me!  It’s ready for my this week, though! So, here’s our HISTORY year in review!  There are quite a number of freebies in addition to the more in-depth packets I made this year. 🙂 This year my kids were in Grades 8,...

Free Homeschool Planner 2

Homeschool Planning for Next Year (Free Planning Pages)

Homeschool Vision Planner (This 50+ page pdf is FREE to download!) For many of us the school year is coming to a close and we’re thinking about next year.  We’re tossing around ideas and trying to determine just what subjects and units we’ll be covering next fall. I thought I would share the process I go through… and also will share the planning pages that I’ve been using the past...

Prek Kindergarten Packets and Free Resources 0

PreK-K Printables, Montessori 3-Part Cards and More!

30+ Preschool and Kindergarten Resources You Don’t Want to Miss! When my kids were younger, we did a wide range of activities.  Along the way, I made a number of Montessori 3-Part cards and other resources for them. I wanted to highlight some of those printables for you today.  Below, you’ll find more than 30+ printables.  Many of them are free. 🙂  Enjoy! ~Liesl Free Montessori Sorting Activity: Living Nonliving...

Britain geography landmarks packet 2

Britain Geography and Landmarks Packet

Today I have a new packet to share with you about the geography and famous landmarks of Britain.  We have been studying the history of Britain.  I wanted the kids to be familiar with some of the well-known places of London (and Britain in general). That way, when we talk about places like the Tower of London or Westminster Abbey, they would be able to envision these famous buildings. Better...

Homeschool Life Grade 3 6 8 0

What We’ve Been Up To (Grades 3, 6, 8)

Our Homeschool Week It has been quite a while since I wrote about the flow of our homeschool day. I really like writing these posts because it gives a glimpse of our messy, busy, wonderful homeschool life! Plus, I love looking back and seeing how things have changed.  I’ll link to some of our previous posts from other years down below at the bottom of the post.  (I still feel...


Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome Worksheets and Activities

Today, I’m going to share a few worksheets and cards about Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.  These are free to download! These cover highlights such as: Homer Troy the Parthenon The story or Romulus and Remus the Colosseum Julius Caesar Last semester, we read the Story of the World, vol. 1 (affiliate link), which is all about the ancient world. As I said before, ED loved this book! (And her...

Ancient Egypt Pyramid Craft 2

Make Your Own Egyptian Pyramid!

We love hands-on projects and ED had fun at the end of last semester learning about Ancient Egypt. I thought I would share the cool project she made (mostly on her own!). My youngest and I read through the Story of the World, vol. 1 (affiliate link) about the ancient world. ED loved the way this book is written. (She is 8.) At the time, my older two were doing...

US Presidents Worksheets 0

US Presidents Free Notebook Pages: Eisenhower

Today I have a free packet for you that reviews our US Presidents. At times in our homeschool, we take the opportunity to review the 45 U.S. Presidents. We do that by singing a song that lists them in order. 🙂   We then spend time highlighting 6 or 8 of them and talking about the major events that happened during their presidency. Then we’ll learn a bit more about...

Ancient Mesopotamia Worksheets 0

Free Ancient World Worksheets (Egypt, Mesopotamia, India)

Today I have another set of free ancient world history notebook pages about  Sumer, Mesopotamia, Babylon and more! These review a few facts about Ancient Egypt, Sumer, Akkadia, Babylon, and Mohenjo-Daro (in the Indus River Valley). My youngest and I are reading Story of the World (affiliate link) together while my older two are working on research papers.  This is a fabulous book for young learners. The stories are engaging...

Free Ancient Egypt Worksheets 0

Free Ancient Egypt Notebook Pages

If you are studying Ancient Egypt, you might be able to use these free Ancient Egypt worksheets. These cover Upper and Lower Egypt and their unification, the myth about Osiris, hieroglyphics, mummification, and the Egyptian pyramids. My youngest and I have been reading through the Story of the World, vol. 1 (affiliate link) about the ancient world. These pages follow along with chapters 2, 3 and 4. ED is LOVING...

Homeschooling Multiple Ages 0

Homeschooling Multiple Ages

Reader Email (abridged): I have five kids from 8 years old down to a 1-year old. I would like homeschool, but I don’t know where to begin.  Do you have any advice for me? This post is for a dear reader who has a very full house with five kids – from an 8-year-old she’s considering homeschooling,  down to a 1-year-old!  This amazing Mom deserves a medal!! She was wondering...

Language Arts Resources

We have so many writing and language arts resources on the blog, I thought it was time to create a tab so our resources are a bit easier to find.  Almost all of our grammar pages are currently free!! We have posts in these language arts categories: Writing Workshop – How and Why we started using a homeschool writing workshop. Mini-Lessons about Writing Comma Rules and Practice Pages Other Free...