143 Search results

For the term "writing workshop".

40 Journal Writing Prompts (Free Printable)

In a blog post a few weeks ago, I talked about why we use the writing workshop and how it works. But this year, I also added in Journal Prompt Writing  as part of their checklist of things to do.  Here’s why.  ED started writing with us right from the start (even before she officially started kindergarten.) She enjoys writing, but her “stories” are always about a cat (or dog...


Finding a Language Arts Curriculum (Writing, Grammar, etc.)

Welcome back to the our series on how to start homeschooling. During the past week, I have provided information about some of the homeschool curriculums available out there in the different subject areas. Today I wanted to share some of the writing and grammar programs available to homeschoolers. This is not an exhaustive list. You may want to order the (free)  Rainbow Resource Catalog, which is packed with homeschool reviews.  But these...


Wonderful Free Writing Resource for Young Writers

I was so excited to come across the Young Writer’s Survival Kit by Melissa Forney. It has been an amazing resource for our writing workshop. UPDATE: Sorry to say, the resource below (Young Writer’s Survival Kit) is no longer available.  You might want to check out our Writing Resource Packet. It is currently free. At times when it’s writing time, I haven’t thought of a writing mini-lesson for the day....


Build-A-Sentence Creative Writing Pack

Over the weekend, I made a set of Build_A_Sentence-Creative-Writing-Pack    for my first-grader. Build_A_Sentence Creative Writing Activity Here are my plans for them: The first couple of pages are filled with ideas.  She’ll go through and create sentences (silly or not) to write in her journal. Next we’ll work together to brainstorm ideas for some of the other themed sheets. I made about twenty different themed sheets with topics such as friendship, aliens,...

Earth Science and Physical Science Units BUNDLE 0

Earth Science BUNDLE Options

There are a number of different Earth Science BUNDLE options and I wanted to highlight the options are available (like I’ve done for the Big Animal Bundle, Biology Bundle , Chemistry Bundle, Human Body Bundle, a new Nature Studies Bundle and Spelling Bundle).  You can still purchase these units separately or in various combinations depending on your need. These units are PDF downloads. Be sure to check your PayPal email...

Welcome Email #5

Hi! How do you know what to teach? You and the kids get to decide! This is the final email in this series.  A few days ago, I talked about planning in a general way. I shared our free curriculum resource guides as well as the free printable Homeschool Science Unit Checklist for Elementary and Middle School and a similar Similarly, this history checklist might help you choose the time...

Welcome Email #4

Hi! Yesterday’s email was all about our Freebies. Today, I want to talk about keeping motivated as a homeschooling family. When you first start to homeschool, there’s a sense of nervousness and anticipation. You see all the possibilities. You can just imagine all the exciting things that will happen in your homeschool, all the wonderful books that will get read. But, the truth is homeschooling can be downright hard?  Why? ...

Their There They're Its It's-FREE Practice Worksheet 0

there, their, they’re – its, it’s FREE Practice Worksheets

At one point, I noticed that the kids need a bit more practice distinguishing between their, they’re, there and its, it’s so I made this grammar worksheet for them. It has become one of the most popular free worksheets on the website and I wanted to highlight it for you again! I have made the kids tons of grammar worksheets over the years and these PDFs are all FREE!  Scroll...

Literary Analysis and Short Story Worksheets 0

Short Story Analysis Worksheets

As we start of this new school year we are diving deep into literary analysis!  We have covered the basic literary terms like similes, metaphors, rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia and now we’re diving into some wonderful short stories! As homeschoolers, language arts consists of several blocks during in our day 1) independent reading (the kids read their own novels), 2) literature (our read aloud book/novel), 3) language arts (which included grammar...


Homeschool Language Arts

Our Language Arts Activities at the Start of the Year I wanted to share some of the things we are doing for language arts in our homeschool as we begin year. For our homeschooling family, we think of language arts as basically four different activities: 1) independent reading, 2) a novel we read together, 3) language arts (literary analysis, grammar, vocab, editing, etc.) and 4) writing. We try to do...

Short Story Unit Printable 0

Short Story Lit. Unit (Free Printable)

Often, we have a novel that we read aloud. Over the next few weeks, we are going to be doing a Short Story Unit instead. We’ll be reading 2-3 stories a day (depending on their length and the time we have available). I’ve included pictures (and tables of contents) for the two resources we’re  using, but of course these pages are open-ended so you can use whatever you have on...

Homeschool Literature and Language Arts 0

Literature & Language Arts in our Homeschool

Earlier this week, I had a wonderful back-and-forth email conversation with a reader about literature and language arts in our homeschool. She had questions about the literature book/s we were using when my kids were in grades 2, 5 and 7.  I thought I would share a lot of that conversation with you today. It highlights some of the language arts books/texts/resources we have used over the years. Plus, I’ve...

Homeschool Resources 2

Our Homeschool Resources

Finding materials on the Homeschool Den! I wrote this post to help you find some of the pages, posts and homeschool resources within our blog that might be the most useful for you. Over the years, I have made homeschool packets on everything from history and science to spelling, math, spelling and foreign languages (German & Spanish).  And, many of those are free! We have materials from preschool through high...


Homeschool Supplies & Science Supply List

What supplies do you need to have on hand to homeschool? This post includes a free printable list of basic homeschooling supplies and science materials that you might want to have on hand. This list covers everything from office supplies & art materials to math manipulatives and science materials we have used in our homeschool through the years. Obviously, the first starting point is access to books and curriculum. No...