143 Search results

For the term "writing workshop".

Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons Day 5 (Exploring Memories)

This was one of the best mini lessons we’ve had on writing.  The kids still talk about how much they enjoyed sharing their memories and writing about them. They’ve asked me when we can do this again.  I call that a successful day! If you’ve missed the previous posts in this series, I would suggest you go back and start with them, though honestly, you can do any of these...


Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons (Day 4–Story Openings)

Day 4: Story Openings–Set the mood or feeling of your story You’ve set up a good writing space, have your supplies – pencils, journals, resource materials. Now what?!! This is the second in a series of 5 posts with lesson ideas to help young writers get started on their writing journey. Be sure to read the introduction to this series in last Monday’s post, Day 1. Here are some of our first mini-lesson topics....


Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons Day 3: Creating Interesting Characters

Day 3: Creating Interesting Characters You’ve set up a good writing space, have your supplies – pencils, journals, resource materials. Now what?!! This is the second in a series of 5 posts with lesson ideas to help young writers get started on their writing journey. Be sure to read the introduction to this series in last Monday’s post, Day 1. Here are some of our first mini-lesson topics. I used mentor texts and picked...


Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons Day 2 – Make the Story Come Alive with Details

Writing Workshop Mini-Lesson #2: Make the Story Come Alive with  Details; Show the reader what happened; Create images in the reader’s mind You’ve set up a good writing space, have your supplies – pencils, journals, resource materials. Now what?!! This is the second in a series of 5 posts with lesson ideas to help young writers get started on their writing journey. Be sure to read the introduction to this series in last Monday’s...


How do I Help the Kids to Start Writing?! 5 Lessons Ideas for the Writing Workshop (Day 1)

You’ve set up a good writing space, have your supplies – pencils, journals, resource materials. Now what?!! This is the first in a series of 5 posts with lesson ideas to help young writers get started on their writing journey. Introduction: Writing Workshop Mini-Lessons I have spent a lot of time writing about why we use a writing workshop, how we set up and structure our writing workshop, and even went into...


Writing Workshop: Dr. Seuss Style

Yesterday I mentioned that we read the Sneetches (while talking about some of the lessons about the Civil Rights Movement: Civil Rights Movement Lessons – Prejudice Stereotypes Groups and More).  We talked for a long time about how it feels to be left out. We talked about fitting in and sometimes how it’s hurtful not to wear the right thing or look the right way. I told the kids a...


Free Writing Workshop Resource Pack (30-pages)

A couple of weeks ago, I started writing a series about how and why we started our own Homeschool Writing Workshop. This is the fourth post in the series. Since it’s been a while, let me link to the first few posts in the series Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop — Post #1: How and Why We Got Started with a Workshop Model. Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop – Post...


Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop — Post #3 (Mini-Lessons and Useful Resources)

In the first post in this series, I explained how we had dabbled in writing, but had never found a “program” or curriculum that worked well for us.  I found some expert advice from primary classroom teachers, though, and set about creating a workshop that works for our family. I learned about the 6+1 writing traits (the basic qualities that make writing work and include: ideas, organization, word choice, voice, sentence...


Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop – Post #2 (Creating a Space)

Getting the Writing Workshop Area Ready One of the things that jumped out for me from all the reading I was doing about writing workshops is that it is important to have a space, routine and materials completely ready to go.  We had always fit in writing pell-mell whenever it fit in to our homeschool day. I wanted there to be a designated space (both physically and mentally) for our...


Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop – Post #1

For the past six months, I’ve been alluding to the fact that we have really changed the way we approach writing.  Part of me has been wanting to write a post for ages, but I just wasn’t quite sure where to start.  Time to jump in! First, a little background.  LD has always been a reluctant writer. When he was K-1, we worked a lot on handwriting and copywork. We...


Monster Creative Writing Packet (FREE!)

This Monster Creative Writing Packet is a fun activity that encourages descriptive writing! This creative writing printable is currently FREE to download! Activities in the Monster Creative Writing Packet include: Describe the monsters using as many descriptive words as possible. Monster Details: Have everyone write a description of a monster and create a matching drawing. Use a lot of descriptive details. One by one, as one student reads their descriptions...

Back to School Writing Pages 0

Back to School – Writing Activity Pages

I have some new Back to School Writing Activity Pages that are a perfect way to get your kids’ writing juices flowing at the beginning of your homeschool year. These pages have been added to the Writing Resource BUNDLE. I know many of you are not quite ready to start back into homeschooling, but I wanted to make these Writing Pages available sooner than later. 🙂 For younger students there...

Writing Resource BUNDLE 0

Writing Resource BUNDLE

This Writing Resource BUNDLE will help you take your kids’ writing to the next level! It includes five huge action-packed pdfs! For the last year, I have been trying to compile and put ALL (300+pages) of our writing materials and resources into a more convenient packet.  It’s been a huge undertaking!  I thought it was about time to release it… even though it is always a work in progress! 🙂...

Biography Writing Paper Packet - Free Download 0

Free Biography Writing Paper Packet

Today I have a free Biography Writing Paper Packet to share with you! These writing pages include famous Americans as well as famous historical figures from King Tut to Marie Curie, Albert Einstein dozens more! These can be used with the biographies my daughter read (more details about those below) or just as quick assignments when you have the time. 🙂 My youngest has been working independently on these for...