143 Search results

For the term "writing workshop".

Homeschool Room — Transformed!

Yesterday, I mentioned that my friend and I had some really lengthy conversations about homeschooling.  We both really want to change up our writing time.  I’ve been spending months and months reading books about writing and feel like I have some really wonderful ideas and direction for this part of our homeschool.  When I got back, I decided I really wanted a spot where I could feature some of the...


Homeschooling Through High School (a continuation of yesterday’s interview)

This is a continuation of yesterday’s interview, Homeschooling Through Spousal Deployments, a Destructive Flood and More.  Today I’m continuing that interview starting with some questions about homeschooling through high school.   Many people decide to put their kids into school for their high school years. What has made you decide to continue homeschooling them? First, the kids really don’t want to go to “regular school” – they like the freedom...


An Interview with a Radical Unschooling Family

 Today I have the privilege of introducing Dayna Martin. She is a well-known leader in the unschooling community. She has been interviewed in dozens of television and radio pieces about radical unschooling. She speaks nationally and internationally at unschooling conferences. Dayna is a pioneer who has been at the forefront of the conscious parenting and unschooling movement for the past decade. Author of Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and...