Back to School – Writing Activity Pages
I have some new Back to School Writing Activity Pages that are a perfect way to get your kids’ writing juices flowing at the beginning of your homeschool year. These pages have been added to the Writing Resource BUNDLE.
I know many of you are not quite ready to start back into homeschooling, but I wanted to make these Writing Pages available sooner than later. 🙂
For younger students there is an All About Me writing page. Students can jot down their name, birthday, family members and things like their favorite food, animal, and season.
For older students there are pages with prompts that require a bit more writing.
Some of the prompts in the Back to School – Writing Activity for older students include
- What did you do this summer? What was your favorite thing about summer break? What was your least favorite thing about summer break?
- What are you excited about this year? What are you dreading? What challenges are you facing this year?
- Write about a childhood memory.
- What has been your biggest mistake in life so far? OR What is the strangest thing that has happened to you?
As I mentioned above, I added these to our Writing Workshop and Writing Resource Bundle. You can read more about why we used a Writing Workshop model in our homeschool here at the Writing Workshop Page. There you can watch the video that talks a bit about our writing journey. Writing time was a bit rocky until we started the writing workshop routine… and then writing became one of our favorite times of the day! I encourage you to browse that page before adding the Writing Resource Bundle to your cart (just to make sure it’s a good match for you). It’s more than 300 page of materials, so I hope that it is helpful, but I want you to know a little more about what you are getting. 🙂
Writing Workshop and Writing Resource BUNDLE
The Writing Resource BUNDLE includes over 300 pages in length and consists of 9 pdf packets:
- 1 Writing Resource Packet
- 2 Writing Prompts & Writing Paper
- 3 Creating a Writing Workshop in Your Homeschool: Mini-Lessons & Book Ideas
- 4 Writing for your Older Kids
- 5 History Portfolio Projects
- 6 Writing – Back to School Writing Pages (my daughter really enjoyed these!)
- 7 Writing a Persuasive Essay
- 8 Book Review Templates and Literary Analysis Worksheets
- 9 Short Story Analysis and Story List
Again, you can see even more pictures about what is included here: Writing Resource BUNDLE
This will come as a zipped file (so you may need to open it on your desktop or laptop). The zipped file will include 9 PDFs.
Writing Workshop and Writing Resource Packet BUNDLE
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link! If you have any trouble, feel free to email me! ~Liesl
Again, you can find out more about the Writing Workshop & Writing Resource BUNDLE here at the Writing Workshop page.
Here are some other activities that we have done at the beginning of the year:
Free Daily Calendar (for ages 4-7) This is a page that I did with my daughter when she was in Kindergarten. It’s been quite popular over the years!
Calendar Packet We also have a Calendar Packet in our K-2 Math Bundle that covers the Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons. It includes both worksheets & booklets. The Calendar Packet is $2.50 but it is included in the K-2 Math Bundle which includes more than 20+PDFs and is just $5.50
Morning Work Pages (Ages 4-6)
Last year I created some morning work pages for August, September and October. You will find these in the K-2 Math Bundle as well. These pages include tracing OR there is an option for students to write the answers in themselves.
August Morning Work Pages
September Morning Work Pages
October Morning Work Pages
Again, all of the material above (and 20 other PDFs!!) are included in the K-2 Math BUNDLE.
Multiplication/Division Bundle
Since I have mentioned some of the activities included in the K-2 Math Bundle, I thought I’d also mention that we have a HUGE multiplication and division bundle that also has more than 20+ PDFs. I started making these for my daughter because she needed more practice than the math book we were using. There are packets for practicing the 2s, 3s, 4s… up through the 12s. There are more than 300-pages of games, activities and worksheets for practicing the 2s through the 12s. You get more than 20 PDFs for $7.00. You can read more here: Multiplication/Division BUNDLE. (Look for the red Add to Cart button on that page.)
Where I Live Activity Packet
World Facts
World Facts Packet When the kids were in elementary and early middle school, we often started the new school year covering some basic world facts such as What is the largest country? What countries have the largest population? What are the longest rivers in the world? What is the tallest mountain? What cities have the biggest populations? Then we would go over some of the geographic features, landform words, deserts of the world, world landmarks and so forth! These were basic topics that I wanted the kids to know, but weren’t necessarily covered in our history units.
U.S. States and Capitals: The year that we studied American history, we started the year by covering U.S. geography and learning the states and capitals. You can check out our States and Capitals packet here.
Don’t forget to grab our new Fall 2022 Planner. It is free to download if you think it might be useful. Visit this post to grab that: Free Printable Homeschool Planner
And, if you are still just enjoying your summer rest, relax and enjoy!
Once you are ready, you might check out this post: Homeschool Summer Checklist: Getting Ready for the New School Year which has a free printable or the Homeschool Supplies and Homeschool Science Supplies Checklists.
That’s about it for today!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well.
Again, if you are interested in joining our Homeschool Den Newsletter, feel free to subscribe here.
The Welcome Series includes 5 packed emails… with tips on homeschooling, keeping motivated, finding various resources and freebies tucked away on the blog and more!
Plus, you’ll be the first to hear about new packets (generally offered at a discount when they are first released), seasonal resources and more!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Homeschooling!