97 Search results

For the term "native american".

History Units

Homeschool History Units I wanted to make a page that will make it easier to see what history resources we have available on our blog. These are some of the history units we have covered so far in our homeschool and the posts I’ve written related to each unit. As many of you know, we *love* hands-on activities and have done lots of creative activities along the way. 🙂 You...


Homeschool Language Arts: Our Year in Review and Resources Chart

Language arts is a subject that is always in progress, so it doesn’t make quite as snazzy of a year in review wrap-up, but I thought this might be a good opportunity to share some of our free grammar resources again in a nice, organized table form since those still are so popular. The chart also includes links to our popular Homeschool Writing Workshop series.  I’ve also included links to...


Homeschool History: Our Year in Review and What’s Coming Up

What a successful year!  As the year draws to a close, I love taking a look at what we’ve accomplished not only in school, but in life in general.  I’m not one to make “resolutions” per se, but I do enjoy thinking about what’s to come and seeing just how to make that happen! This year was a *huge* one for my blog.  January 5, 2015 was my last official...


Crusades Worksheets (Middle Ages Unit)

The past 3 or 4 weeks, we have been working on our Middle Ages unit again.  We had covered up through the 1200s or so last spring and we’ve been studying the 1300s — the Crusades, Black Plague and the Hundred Years War. We had a lot of fun watching Terry Jones’ Medieval Lives (affiliate link, but I suggest you look on youtube to see if it’s available).  The 8...


Time for Pumpkin Muffins!

About this time of year, I always seem to make lots of batches of Pumpkin Muffins. And, with so many new readers I always feel inclined to share our recipe again! This is a recipe I got from my friend, Michelle, about fifteen years ago. I’ve been making them ever since!! This year the girls staged a photo shoot featuring our muffins for you!! You need a very, very large...

Ancient Greece Unit - Homeschool 2

Ancient Greece Unit for Kindergarten, Grade 1 or 2

Ancient Greece Unit Many homeschoolers start off with a unit on the  Ancient world. Our family was no different! 🙂 When LD was 6 (and the girls were 4 and 2), we started with units on Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.  I thought I would share some of the activities and books we used for our Ancient Greece Unit.   You’ll see that the way we pull units together hasn’t changed...


A Passel of Past Posts #4

Welcome to the 4th post in this summer series. I am highlighting a “passel” of posts in this series. This is just a random assortment of activities, printables and posts that you may have missed in the six years I’ve been writing this blog!! Hope you find something useful today. Vertebrate – Invertebrate Cards – These sorting cards are free!! They are useful as kids start learning about classifying animals...


Standardized Testing Options for Homeschoolers

Yesterday we ordered the standardized tests we’ll take to fulfill the homeschool requirements of our state.  We used Brewer Testing Service because of the ease of ordering.  Their customer service has been excellent. (I’ll tell you more about that below.) This year, all three of my kids will be testing.  They will be taking different tests: First Grade: I am having ED take the Terra Nova Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills....

Middle Ages Hands-On Projects 0

Middle Ages Projects and Books

Middle Ages Projects and Books for Kids! As with a lot of our homeschool curriculum, we’re patching together our Middle Ages Unit.  I thought I’d share some of the books, projects, and resources we’ve been using recently as we continue through our studies of the Middle Ages. Yesterday, we got to such an exciting part of our current Middle Ages novel, that we couldn’t stop! We read aloud for nearly...


Our Homeschool Language Arts, Spelling, and Grammar Curriculum

So, what does our family do for our homeschool language arts curriculum?  I’ll share what we’ve been using for 1st through 6th grades. Over the past week, I’ve gotten three separate emails and FB messages asking about what we use for language arts — spelling, grammar and literature. It must be that time of year again when we start thinking about our plans for next year. 😉 I’ll start with...


Middle Ages: King Arthur, Charlemagne

The last week or so we have learned a lot about King Arthur and Charlemagne. Last week, I shared our monasteries worksheets. This week we finished reading a fabulous book about King Arthur.  I’ve read a lot of King Arthur stories/books over the years, but this one was absolutely perfect for our homeschool… with rich exciting tales that the kids and I all loved! I mentioned it last week, but it’s...

Homeschool Resources

Homeschooling in Elementary, Middle School and High School One of the questions I am asked the most is “Where do I start?” “Do you have any tips for me, my child is in x-Grade?”  These free guides (Creating a Homeschool Curriculum) might provide a starting point for those of you just starting your homeschool journey and may give you an idea or two if you’ve been at this homeschool thing...


Viking Unit – Norse Myths, Woodburning Craft and More!

Last week, we combined our study of the Vikings with a new art project — woodburning!   We have just started a new unit on the Middle Ages. Last week, we focused on northern Europe and the Vikings/Norsemen.  We started by learning the location of the Scandinavian countries. We talked about the “barbarian” invasions of the Roman Empire and read that section in our history book. The spine for our...

Earth Science Worksheet - volcanoes plates faults earthquakes 25

Earth Science Packet: Layers of the Earth, Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, 4 Types of Mountains and More!

This 150+ page Earth Science Packet includes worksheets about the solar system, the layers of the Earth, plate tectonics, the ring of fire, earthquake activity and volcanoes. I also included instructions for more than a dozen hands-on activities we did with this unit. This includes activities about plate tectonics, using a compass, earthquakes, volcanoes,  instructions on how to make a shake table and more! My kids were in Grades 1, 4,...