97 Search results

For the term "native american".
Native American Artifacts and Heritage 0

Native American Artifacts and More

I just have to rave about the amazing morning we had!  I have a very good friend who is a distant relative (12x Great Granddaughter) of Pocahontas.  She is a member of the Powhatan tribe… and has quite a number of artifacts that have come down her family line that date back 400 years or so!  I organized an event to have her speak to some of the homeschoolers in...

Free Native American Notebook Pages 0

Free Native American Resources and Printables

This time of year, many people study Native Americans and/or the history of the colonies.  We have a lot of  free resources on the blog that I thought I would highlight again. I also thought I would include some of the books and resources we used along the way.  We’ve covered the history and culture of different Native American tribes in different years, so you’ll find that the first resources...


Native American Unit

Columbus Day was set aside as the second Monday in October as a federal holiday in 1934. Slowly celebrations of Native American culture has been gaining recognition as well.  For example, South Dakota renamed Columbus Day to Native American Day in 1990. This Columbus Day,  more cities are recognizing Native Americans (see this CBS article). According to CBS News, nine cities will be celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day. Those cities include ...


Native Americans of the Southeast: Cherokee, Seminole Indians, Trail of Tears

I got a little behind posting because it took so long to share our experiences visiting with Pocahontas’s Great-Great-Great (12th Great) Granddaughter.  In the meantime, we’ve done another entire portion of our Native American unit. We learned about the Seminole Indians, their culture and removal (for many of them) from Florida. And, we also learned about the culture and tragic history of the Cherokee people. We started the unit with a...


Native Americans of the Northeast Unit (Part II, Iroquois Indians)

This fall we are doing a huge unit on Native Americans.  We started with a study of the Native Americans of the Northeast.  We learned about the two major language groups, the Algonquian (see this post for our activities) and Iroquois. Each of these groups consisted/s of a number of different tribes. Last week I shared some of our activities relating to the Powhatan Indians, a confederacy that lived in...


Native Americans of the Northeast Unit (Part I, Algonquian Indians)

This fall we are learning about different Native American groups. The past few weeks we learned about the two language groups of the Northeast — the Algonquian Indians and the Iroquois and some of the tribes that make up these groups. A few weeks ago, we went to Williamsburg, VA for homeschool week. That was truly wonderful and is the topic of another post!  We went with some friends who...


6 Native American Picture Books to Share with the Kids

I was looking for Native American children’s books written by and about Native Americans.  I found Debbie Reese’s website, American Indians in Children’s Literature. What a great resource! Today I’d like to share some of the books we read together this past week.  I went with the books that were available at our library and that were appealing to the kids. 1) Buffalo Bird Girl: A Hidatsa Story (affiliate link) This is a...


Thanksgiving Activities — Learning about Native Americans

Living where we do, our kids really don’t hear orlearn much about Native Americans. (On the otherhand, we have learned a lot on Aboriginal culture.)Anyway, this week I introduced them to some ofthe Native American tribes (in a VERY basic way). We read The Magic Tree House: Buffalo BeforeBreakfast. We watched the buffalo hunting scenein the movie, Dances With Wolves. And we pulledout some of the Native American items we...


American History Resources

Today I wanted to highlight a number of American History Resources we have used in our homeschool. In the spring, we tend to do quite a bit of review. One really good overview of all of American History is a video called America, The Story of Us. The episodes are dramatized and really keep the attention of my kids. This is not an in-depth series, just a broad overview, but...

History through Literature - Book Lists for Elementary 0

History through Literature – Book Lists for Units on China, Middle Ages, American Revolution and More!

When we are doing history units, I’ve always tried to bring in a rich selection of literature. Historical fiction is a powerful way to make readers feel more connected to that period. A book like Johnny Tremain (affiliate link) has a rich cast of memorable characters that helps the period, in this case the American Revolutionary period, come to life. We have brought in a wide selection of books for...


American Revolution Unit: Books, Movies and Resources for Kids

There are lots of wonderful books and movies for kids about the American Revolution. In this post, I’m going to highlight some of the resources we used during our American Revolution Unit.  Our kids are currently elementary and middle school age:  7, (almost) 10 and 12. You might be interested in our packet, American Revolution Unit. Click here for more details: Books and Resources we used for this unit study:...

American Revolution Unit - Worksheets and Activities 0

Causes of and Events Leading to the American Revolution (60-Page Packet)

American Revolution Unit: Worksheets, Review Cards, Lapbook Page, Books, Resources, and More! Our most recent history unit was on the causes and events leading up to the American Revolution. We went into quite a bit of depth on the French and Indian War and how the colonies then became the focus of England’s attention in the post-(French and Indian)-War period as Parliament struggled to cover their expenses and tackle their...


American History Textbook/Curriculums We Use

Last week, I talked a lot about our civics and government unit.  Today, I thought I would briefly mention the American History books the kids have been reading this year. As many of you know, we started off the year with a unit on Native Americans (We shared a number of notebook pages that are free to download for that unit): Native Americans of the Northeast (Part I: Algonquins) Native...

Earth Science and Physical Science Units BUNDLE 0

Earth Science BUNDLE Options

There are a number of different Earth Science BUNDLE options and I wanted to highlight the options are available (like I’ve done for the Big Animal Bundle, Biology Bundle , Chemistry Bundle, Human Body Bundle, a new Nature Studies Bundle and Spelling Bundle).  You can still purchase these units separately or in various combinations depending on your need. These units are PDF downloads. Be sure to check your PayPal email...