97 Search results

For the term "native american".
Excellence in Reading Program - Reading Lists 0

Excellence in Reading Program – Certificate & T-Shirt

Someone in a group I’m in mentioned the Excellence in Reading Program run by Mensa for Kids.  You don’t have to be a member of Mensa to participate. 🙂  I really love their free printable reading lists (for K-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12). There is a wonderful collection of books there. I’ll link to those below. Here is what the Excellence in Reading Program is about (from their website): To...

Summer Activity Ideas 0

Fun Summer Activity Ideas

This post has tons of fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer! It includes everything from summer camp songs to sing with the kids to crafts, creative math fun to a huge design and draw challenge, a free summer travels packet to fun science experiment ideas!! Hope you find something your kids will enjoy!! ~Liesl Summer is often the time to do some activities that...

Free Copywork Pages 0

Free Copywork Worksheets – Famous Sayings

Today, I have a free set of copywork pages for you.  These are the types of pages my kids did when they were still in the pre-writing stages. This set has famous sayings from Benjamin Franklin and others: They early bird catches a worm. When one door shuts, another opens. A friend in need, is a friend indeed. A stitch in time saves nine. A penny saved is a penny...

Prek Kindergarten Packets and Free Resources 0

PreK-K Printables, Montessori 3-Part Cards and More!

30+ Preschool and Kindergarten Resources You Don’t Want to Miss! When my kids were younger, we did a wide range of activities.  Along the way, I made a number of Montessori 3-Part cards and other resources for them. I wanted to highlight some of those printables for you today.  Below, you’ll find more than 30+ printables.  Many of them are free. 🙂  Enjoy! ~Liesl Free Montessori Sorting Activity: Living Nonliving...

James Monroe 0

Happy Birthday, James Monroe!

The weather is so lovely this time of year, we often try to take advantage and squeeze in some educational trips. On Friday, we did a special trip out to Highland, the home of James Monroe, in Charlottesville, VA. (We love having the flexibility to do amazing trips like this! Yay for homeschooling!) James Monroe was our 5th president. He would have turned 259 yesterday!  (He was born April 28,...

Language Arts Resources

We have so many writing and language arts resources on the blog, I thought it was time to create a tab so our resources are a bit easier to find.  Almost all of our grammar pages are currently free!! We have posts in these language arts categories: Writing Workshop – How and Why we started using a homeschool writing workshop. Mini-Lessons about Writing Comma Rules and Practice Pages Other Free...

Homeschool-Freebies-Free-Worksheets 0

50+ Homeschool Freebies!

Happy Labor Day! This is a post you definitely don’t want to miss. It has links to dozens of freebies in science, history, language arts, math, PreK, German and Spanish!! Today is a holiday that honors the hard work of men and women across America. This blog has been my labor of love for more than seven years! It started as a way for me to document our homeschool journey...


World’s Only Diamond Mine Open to the Public & Acoma Pueblo Sky City (NM)

When we were planning our trip out West, I purchased a book of some of America’s best geological sites.  I read about the Crater of Diamonds state park and the kids were beside themselves at the thought of being able to search for *real* diamonds!! This state park is the world’s eighth largest diamond-bearing volcanic crater. We camped in the state park and tried our hand at diamond mining! Many...


25 Beloved Books for Kids Ages 8-12

Today I’m going to share a list of chapter books for older kids.  This is a great selection of books. We’ve now read every book on this list (and then some!!).  Many of them we read aloud together.  I loved Hatchet so much that I read this aloud with LD and then read it again to DD just this year.  Sometimes its fun to share the excitement together. Our family...


25 Beloved Picture Books for Kids Ages 4-8

We absolutely love reading. This is a book I compiled one summer of the books our family loves!  Just click on the picture or link below to print out the list. Books–25 Beloved Books Free Printable Lists 25 Beloved Books for 4-8 Year Olds (In no particular order) These are affiliate links. Millions of Cats  by Wanda Gág Miss Nelson Is Missing!by Harry Allard Strega Nona: Book & CD by...


History Units: Year in Review 2015-2016 (Grades 2, 5, 7)

In today’s post, I thought I would re-cap our school year.  Looking back, it’s been a really great year! The chart below shares links to some of the history units we covered in our homeschool.  As you’ll see below, I made notebook pages and packets to go along with most of the units we covered. 🙂 This year the kids were in Grades 2, 5 and 7.  We do our...

Plains Indians Worksheets Wounded Knee Sand Creek 0

Plains Wars: Cheyenne and Sioux Notebook Pages (Sand Creek, Wounded Knee, etc.)

The West – The Plains Wars The past month or so, we have been studying Native American History again. This part of our unit was on the history of the Plains Wars from 1864 through 1890. We talked about the Sand Creek Massacre where the Colorado Territory militia attacked a peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho Village (1864), Red Clouds War and the Fetterman Massacre Great Sioux War of 1876 including the...

Navajo of the Southwest - Notebook Pages 2

Navajo – History Notebook Pages

We are spending some time studying the Native Americans of the West; we started with a study of the Navajo and Navajo history. I’ll share the resources we used and the free history notebook pages I made about the Navajo. About a year and a half ago, we did a unit on Native Americans. We covered the Algonquian Indians and Iroquois of the Northeast, the Cherokee and Seminole Indians of...

Biology Packet - Ecosystems Biomes Food Chains Food Web Trophic Levels Populations 4

Biology Unit on the Biosphere: biomes, ecosystems, habitats, feeding relationships, biological interactions

What is the difference between a biome, ecosystem, and habitat?  What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? What are trophic levels?  What is the energy pyramid? What is symbiosis?  How do different species interact?  What in the world is amensalism or antiobiosis?!   These are some of the things we covered in our latest biology unit! How We Started Our unit on Biomes: This semester we...