483 Search results

For the term "middle ages".
Homemade Bagels 0

Homemade Bagels

You can buy frozen bagels where we live, but they arevery thick/chewy and pretty horrible (in my opinion). This evening I decided to try making bagels based onthis recipe. It was faster than making bread since youdon’t have to let it rise very much. I was able to makethem while preparing the rest of dinner. They were done bythe time dinner was on the table. (A total of 50 minutes,I...

Language Arts — Spectrum Reading 0

Language Arts — Spectrum Reading

We have a number of different ways we approach languagearts. LD is a pretty good reader, so he’s had “independentreading” time each day for the past four or five months. Hechooses a book to read and reads quietly on his own. Welet him choose whatever he wants (not even offering suggestionsor comments about how easy/hard a book is).  We also don’t ask him anything about his reading except perhapswhat did...

A Study of China 1

A Study of China

LD worked very hard to put together a book on China. We have a new binding gadget and have moved awayfrom lapbooking and instead are putting pages togetherwith a comb binder. He did some sand writing (China andthe GreatWall using glue/colored sand). He did somelapbook elements (the capital of China, the flagand thingslike that). He did some Chinese writing(with the answersfolded up on the left). We read some interesting storiesfrom...