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For the term "middle ages".
New Gov’t Study Shows an Increase in Homeschooling 5

New Gov’t Study Shows an Increase in Homeschooling

In August 2013, a new study was released showing a continued increase in the number and percentage of students who are homeschooled in America.  The last time the U.S. government released data about the number of homeschooled students was back in 2007. How many homeschoolers are there? In 2007, 2.9% of students were homeschooled. In 2011-2012, 3.4% of students were homeschooled. In 2007, the number of homeschooled students was about 1.5...


Typical Day with Tots & PreKs (When the kids were 18months, 3 and 5 years old)

This is a post from several years ago that had its own separate page.  At the time the kids were about 18-20 months (or so), 3 years old and 5 years old (I’m not sure exactly when because the page wasn’t dated). We still lived in Australia at the time I wrote this post. A Day in the Life of Our Homeschool Someone asked me what our homeschool schedule looks...

Daily Calendar Printable 8

What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like? (K, 3rd, 5th)

Someone asked what our typical homeschool day looks like.  Actually, no day is really ever like another, but I’ll do my best to share the general rhythm of our day… that is, if we’re home all day. Kindergarten Day: ED (now in kindergarten) is still the first one up most days.  She and I sit down together to eat at the dining room table and I read her a book...

Reasons for Homeschooling 9

Homeschool Questions Answered: Why Do People Homeschool?

People are often curious why homeschoolers have chosen this route. After all, the vast majority of people choose to send their children to public school.  On the other hand, there are now more children being home-schooled than are enrolled in charter and voucher schools combined. I read recently that there are now over 2 million homeschooled children. In 1999, three reasons for homeschooling were the most frequently cited: 49 percent...


Free German Worksheets for Kids

This post has some free German worksheets that you can use with beginners. These are some of the printable materials I used with my kids when they were first learning German. In this post, I’ve shared some of the resources we used as we reviewed basic words in German: numbers, colors, words around the house, words in a school room, animals, etc. Be sure to scroll all the way to...


Homeschool Year in Review (Grades 2 and 4)

This is such a fun post to write! This is where I get to reminisce and think about the amazing year we’ve had.  It has been a blast… tiring at times (particularly in February when LD had a lot of out-of-town gymnastics meets, I had lots of meetings and was training for a half-marathon). But looking back, we had a fulfilling, successful year. We do a lot of our activities...


Standardized Testing: The Furor Over Exams

The weather feels like summer and we had a week away, but we actually haven’t quite brought our school year to a close. We have a couple of weeks left partly because we haven’t done our end-of-year testing yet.  As part of the requirements for our state, the kids have to take a national exam (there are several to choose from). The tests are graded elsewhere, we receive the results...

Free Montessori World Geography Map - Printable 19

Montessori Geography Activities (Free Montessori World Map)

FREE Montessori World Pin Map Printable You can make your own Montessori Style World Pin Map with this free printable! While my older kids were learning a lot about the location of the specific countries of Africa, my preschooler was working on world geography again.  I thought I’d share some of the activities ED has been doing the past week or two. As always, we started out by singing the...

Digestive System Unit 7

Digestive System Worksheets – 150+page Packet

We had so much fun with our Digestive System Unit.  We did hands on activities to see how the digestive tract works (how nutrients pass through), made “fake”vomit, measured out the length of the digestive system and more! We broke our unit into three parts: Part I: Digestive System — Mouth Part II: Digestive System — Swallowing, How the epiglottis works Part III: Digestive System — The Digestive Tract I...


Digestive System Hands-On Activities – Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestines

We did a lot of hands-on activities over the course of two or three weeks. I’m going to put them all into one post. These hands-on activities are all activities we did as we went through our Digestive Unit.  Be sure to check out our 150+ page Digestive System Packet too! Esophagus Activities: Does food fall down to the stomach? We proved that muscles helped move the food bolus down to...


The Kids’ Service Project – Selling Their Paintings to Raise Money to Buy a Goat, Sheep, or Chickens…

One of the lovely things about homeschooling is that we can reach out to our community — both near and far.  The kids and I helped a bit here in our community by volunteering at the local food pantry during the fall. They bagged apples and passed them out to people who came to the bi-weekly food bank.  This semester, we’re doing a service project that spins off from our...


Preschool at Home: Handwriting

ED really enjoys writing…  Here’s a picture of ED writing in her journal from last January. The kids and I made a special trip to Staples for them to pick out their own journals. I offered to write whatever they wanted for them, so they could record things about their day. While I wrote heaps for DD and LD, much to my surprise, ED insisted on writing in her journal...


Learning About West Africa – Children’s Games and more

It has been quite a while since I talked about our African Unit. I think the last time I wrote, I shared the history pages I made about the Ghana and Mali Empires. We had also learned about some famous Africans such as Sundiata and Mansa Musa. The past couple of weeks, we’ve been learning more about contemporary Africa.  We’ve been doing a lot of reading from Journey into Africa:...

Body Systems Worksheet 29

Human Body Systems — Worksheets

Today I’m sharing our Human Body Systems Worksheets with you.  This set provides an overview of the Body’s major systems. It also talks about human cells, tissues and organs. Once a year, we usually learn about one of the human body systems.  One year, we went into great detail one year about the Skeletal System. Another year,  we studied the digestive system.  And recently, we learned about the circulatory system. We...