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For the term "middle ages".
Short-Term Goals and Planning: Our Upcoming Homeschool Units 6

Short-Term Goals and Planning: Our Upcoming Homeschool Units

This is the fifth post in a series about planning for the new school year. Here are the previous posts in this series: Here are the questions I consider. This post looks a back at our school year. I talk about what went well and what could use some improvement. I talked about how I  assess our homeschooling philosophy: Am I happy with *how* we are homeschooling? I talked a lot about...

Digital Tools Your Child Can Master 0

Digital Tools Your Child Can Master

Technology in Education and in your Homeschool (Part 2) Last week I talked about how you can incorporate video, audio and educational apps into your homeschool. This week’s post talks about how your child/student can use tools to create their own projects that use photos, diagrams, audio, visual components including interactive animations,  3D animations and/or video content.  Your child can use a wide range of tools to create stunning videos,...

Learning to Type for Kids 1

Learning to Type for Kids

My older two kids are 7 and 9.  They don’t yet know how to type, though hubby has been suggesting it for more than a year now. It was just one of those things that was hard to add into our day.  About two weeks ago, we finally took the plunge.  I started off introducing the keyboard to them in collection (our group time). I didn’t tell them what we...


An Interview with a Classical Christian Educator: Part 2

This is a continuation of my interview with Brandy, author of Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  If you missed yesterday’s post (Part I) be sure to go back and read her description of classical education and the weekly educational community they participate in, Classical Conversations. The second part of this interview focuses a bit more on their day-to-day homeschool style. I often ask others if they have a particular style of homeschooling. How...


An Interview with a Classical Christian Educator: Part 1

In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country.  This week I interviewed Brandy, the author of the inspiring and informative blog, Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood.  Brandy is a classical educator and her boys participate weekly in the educational program, Classical Conversations.  She will tell us much more about that in just a moment! Welcome Brandy!  First, could you tell us the age of...


Homeschool Interviews: Homeschooling through a Virtual School

In this series, I have had the privilege of interviewing other homeschoolers from across the country. Here to tell us how her family got started homeschooling and what her family’s homeschool style looks like is Rachel.   Rachel’s children are twice-exceptional–gifted but with learning disabilities. They homeschool using a virtual school, a cyber school where the kids’  learning takes place online. Welcome Rachel! First, could you tell us the ages...

About Us

About Us

Hi again! I’m Liesl.  That’s a picture of me as we hiked down into the Grand Canyon in May. Love that we have the flexibility to create our own schedule… and can define what learning is! We feel that homeschooling is not just learning out of a book, it’s the experiences we have in the wider world too! 🙂 Before I tell you about myself, let me address some of...


Phases of the Moon Activity: Homemade Oreo Cookie Recipe (Yum!!)

We had a lot of fun with this part of our astronomy unit.We talked about the phases of the moon. We started off with a lamp and held an egg in our hand. Then we moved the egg slowly around, watching how the shadow on the egg changed as the egg moved relative to the earth/our eyes.  We all took turns slowly watching the shadows on the egg change (photo...


Human Body Unit: The Hand

Our Study of the Human Hand Why do we have so many bones in our hand? We talked about the fact that there are 27 bones in the hand. First, to demonstrate why this is important I did an activity we had done a couple years ago. We pretended that we just had one bone per finger by taping popcycle sticks to their fingers.  Then they had to pick up...

Reading Roundup – China 4

Reading Roundup – China

We are using the Five in a Row book list  and some recommended children’s authors to add some spice to our children’s literature readings. WOW! Have we had a wonderful time so far on this adventure! Here is our children’s literature book list, a collection of authors and titles we are making our way through (though I liberally add in my own books/findings as you see!). These books have a...

Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful

Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful

Homeschool Blogs I Enjoy In no particular order: The Forest Room  Our Worldwide Classroom We Don’t Need No Education The Adventures of Bear Confessions of a Homeschooler Walking by the Way Our Country Road Satori Smiles  Almost Unschoolers The Arrowood Zoo  Educating April  Joyful Learner  Owlet Homeschool Escapade Little Blossoms Enchanted Homeschooling Mom  Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood Musings of Me Eclectic Homeschooling Wildflowers and Marbles 2pequenostraviesos–2 Little Rascals Counting Coconuts Eclectic...

We’re Enjoying the Festive Season 2

We’re Enjoying the Festive Season

The kids were all born in Australia and there was no snow in the Outback. Today was their very first snow experience!  What fun! We got about three inches; it snowed all day and we were in and out of the house until late this evening. ED loved licking the snow while LD scared me with his daring dashes down our steep driveway on the sled!  The woods sure look...

Addition Math Games for Number Families 9-18 7

Addition Math Games for Number Families 9-18

I spent some time making some cards and games to work withLD on his addition facts the 9s through 18s families (so 4+5=9or 11+7=18, etc.). Each game set works with three families(so pictured below are the games for the 9s, 10s and 11s families). Addition Bingo (below):In the board below, the cards for 9s, 10s, 11s should be upside down in a pile. Each player takes a turn picking upa...

Easter Logic Puzzle and Bunny Hundreds Place Value Grid 2

Easter Logic Puzzle and Bunny Hundreds Place Value Grid

It’s probably too late to be of use to anyone else, but I stillthought I’d share these puzzles that I made for my kids(4 and 6). If you look at the left sheet above, you see there are twogrids. After looking at the two puzzles, the kids have toplace all 9 pieces on the blank grid to make ONE puzzle. I also made an answer key (for each of the...