422 Search results

For the term "preschool at home".

Hamburger Plant Activity– Garden Science Unit

Knowing we’d be doing the hamburger plant activity and to get us into the proper mood, we had hamburgers for dinner the night before! This activity came from the instructor’s manual of the Junior Master Gardener program. The next morning we drew pictures of an imaginary hamburger plant.  The purpose of this activity was to discuss the origins of many of the ingredients in a hamburger. When you trace things...


Gardening and our new gardening science curriculum

Gardening continues to be a rewarding part of our home life.  We all have an incredible enthusiasm for our new gardening adventures! Here’s a glimpse at our veggie garden. I put in planks to keep ED and the others from wandering all over the garden. They enjoy balancing along them and have claimed certain sections for themselves! We already have quite a large number of lettuce plants (since that’s one...

Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful

Blogs I Enjoy and Visit, Resources I Find Helpful

Homeschool Blogs I Enjoy In no particular order: The Forest Room  Our Worldwide Classroom We Don’t Need No Education The Adventures of Bear Confessions of a Homeschooler Walking by the Way Our Country Road Satori Smiles  Almost Unschoolers The Arrowood Zoo  Educating April  Joyful Learner  Owlet Homeschool Escapade Little Blossoms Enchanted Homeschooling Mom  Half-a-Hundred Acre Wood Musings of Me Eclectic Homeschooling Wildflowers and Marbles 2pequenostraviesos–2 Little Rascals Counting Coconuts Eclectic...


Oil and Water Fireworks — Science Experiment

LD was itching to do some of his old science experiments this morning.  We had all of the directions collected on a 3X5 ring (from when we did them a year+ ago). LD leafed through and chose several experiments. Here is the first one he and the girls did. It’s been over a year since we last did this experiment, but it still had a real “wow” factor for all...


St Patrick’s Day Units — Free Downloads, Printables, etc.

There are such wonderful resources out there for those of you planning to do some St. Patrick’s Day activities with your kids. Here are some of the free St. Patrick’s Day units and printables I’ve come across this past week: Irish-themed letters (lower and upper case), numbers (0-20) and phonics cards; Powerpoint Explanation about St. Patrick and how he brought Christianity to Ireland Musings of Me — St. Patrick’s Day Teacher’s...

How mountains form - activity 15

Earth Science: How Fold Mountains are Formed

The most common types of mountains are fold mountains. Some fold mountains include the Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, and Alps. This activity showed how plate movement creates folded mountains.When the two continents collide, the plates wrinkle and fold.  Here’s our activity to show this happening.  It’s the same principle as the damp graham cracker we did a few days ago, but this shows the “layers” of the earth folding/wrinkling. Showing how...

Tectonic Plates Hands-On Activity 8

Earth Science: Plate Movements, Pangaea

We were still talking about plate tectonics on Friday. We talked about how scientists theorize that the continents were once connected as one giant super-continent, Pangaea. I cut out South America and Africa and asked them to fit them together as best the could. When they didn’t fit together perfectly I asked the kids why the continents wouldn’t match perfectly after 250 million years? We talked about erosion and the...


Earth Science: Plate Movement, Earthquakes

We looked a bit more closely at what happens at fault lines where slight shifts in the crust cause earthquakes. First the kids all made their own layered crust. ED especially enjoyed this! Then we placed an index card in a larger container and created layers on both sides of the paper. We moved the index card back and forth and watched as the grains of rice shifted and moved....

Plate Tectonics Activity 16

Earth Science: Plate Movements & Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Mountain-Making

Here’s our hands-on studies of tectonic plate movements, 2nd grade style. We used: a tray with a thin layer of chilled jello (jelly) graham crackers for the earth’s crustal plates colored icing (green-continents and blue-oceans) You can see LD putting the continent and ocean onto his plate (ie. graham cracker). We read about the plates and tectonic plate movement and looked carefully at this map.  We talked about how when...

Layers of the Earth Hands-On Activity 28

Earth Science: Layers of the Earth Hands-on Activity

Just adding this in on Tuesday: I found out today that I have Pneumonia which is why I’ve been feeling ever so lousy. I first saw this activity last year at The Learning Ark. It fit in perfectly with our Earth Science unit. There is also a similar activity using a hard-boiled egg in the book we are using for this unit, How the Earth Works by Michelle O’Brien-Palmer.  One...


Earth Science — Gravity: the planets, moon and space

Today we had our second earth science lesson.  LD begged to do science again and I always love that enthusiasm! I’m still using  Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding: A Science Curriculum for K-2  (affliliate link) as the basis for some of our lessons. *I read an excerpt about how the earth isn’t the only place with gravity. The moon and other planets have gravity too.  We talked about how people...


Earth Science Unit — Gravity

We have been making slow headway through our Ancient Rome unit, but we needed some new spice added into our homeschool days. We’re off to do a unit on earth science — studying concepts such as gravity, horizontal/vertical, directionality–N,S,E,W, and then moving on to the layers of the earth and the surface of the earth — the “ups and downs, ins and outs” of the landforms and waterforms and how...


Butterfly and Insect Lapbook

A few weeks ago, I asked DD what she wanted to learn about. She chose to study butterflies and insects. We used two lapbooks. One is no longer available. The other one was a free lapbook on butterflies from Yee Shall Know. (Website no longer available.) (If you’ve never seen any of her lapbooks, I highly recommend her free lapbooks. (Website no longer available.) They are based on the Magic...


Snippets of our Week (for our 2 1/2 yr old)

I’ve had a hard time getting to the computer this week (more about that in another posting). I have about four posts I’ve been working on–Snippets of DD’s week–age 5, LD’s week – age 7 and my week, not to mention posting pictures of DD’s completed butterfly lapbook. But now these are rather looonnnggg because it’s taken so long to get these posted. So, in reality these are snippets of the...