422 Search results

For the term "preschool at home".
Valentine's Subtraction Cards 1

Valentine’s Day Math Games: Division and Subtraction Cards and other games

Valentine’s Day Division Cards I made a Valentine’s Day set of division cards to use with LD over the next week or so. We use these cards to play a game called Fast Track — an idea we got from Peggy Kaye’s Games for Math. To make the board you need a large piece of butcher paper or poster board. There are three win spaces, three start spaces and various...

First Aid and Fire Safety (Day 3-4) 2

First Aid and Fire Safety (Day 3-4)

Fire Safety  We were quite overdue for a review of some basic fire safety rules.  Even though we’ve lived here for a year and a half, we hadn’t made a family meeting spot outside in case of emergency. Nor had we gone over in detail how the kids can escape from their room in case of emergency. We talked about what to do if your clothes or hair catches fire....

We’re Moving Soon! 8

We’re Moving Soon!

Not out of the house, we’re here to stay for a while yet… but the Homeschool Den blog will be moving. A couple of months ago one of the editors of Parents contacted me and asked if I would like to come under the Parents umbrella as one of their bloggers. I was honored and thrilled to join such a great team of people.  So in just a couple of...


Astronomy Unit: The Moon (Day 2)

On this day we read about the Moon and did the lapbook components to add to our science notebook. What’s perfect about these lapbooks for us right now is the writing is not overwhelming and  reinforces the main points we’ve gone over.  We used the Moon — Speedy Lapbook by Homeschool Bits (which was quite inexpensive). Moon Craters: Our activity that day was to talk about why the surface of...


Astronomy Unit: The Moon (Day 1)

The moon is very far away (225,622 miles to 252,088 miles depending on its position in its elliptical orbit around the Earth). NASA had to be very careful about the calculations they made to send someone to the moon especially since the moon is a moving target.  In this activity, the kids are trying to hit the moon (a nut suspended on a string) that is swinging back and forth....


Astronomy Unit: Refraction, Vacuum, Saturn’s Rings

The kids have been begging for some hands-on science experiments. I have a bigger unit planned, but since December and January will be a bit broken up as far as our schooling goes, I decided to delve into a short unit with lots of experiments based on one of Janice VanCleave’s books (202 Oozing, Bubbling, Dripping, Bouncing, Experiments) and lots of notebook/lapbook pages from Homeschool Bits. Here’s some of what...

Thanksgiving Freebies 0

Thanksgiving Freebies

I came across a number of free Thanksgiving activity packs and thought I’d share those for anyone who might be interested in the next week or so:  Thanksgiving Activity Pack from Itsy Bitsy Learners  Thanksgiving Fun Book from The Simple Homeschool   If you like this pack, you might want to pop over to The Simple Homeschool and register for their newsletter. From Dec. 1-12 they will be giving away...

Writing: Super Sentences 0

Writing: Super Sentences

In collection (our morning group time) we talked about building super sentences. I used some materials I got from the Teacher Filebox (a subscription site that gives you access to most of the Evan Moor books from writing and reading to science and history).  This was a great activity for DD and good review for LD (ages 6 and 8). First we looked at a simple sentence.     The frog hopped.Then...

Starting Our New Routine 5

Starting Our New Routine

Sorry about the endless postings about our ocean unit… just a couple more and that’s that!  Blogs are funny because they sure don’t show the whole picture. From looking at our blog our days are consumed by oceans!!  Heh heh! Well, that’s not at all accurate.  I read and read, planned and planned and finally the older kids started back to school last week. As you’ve seen, ED has been...


Ocean Activities: The Ocean Zones

The ocean is divided into different layers. The zones differ in temperature, water pressure and available nutrients.  Marine organisms live in different zones according to the amount of sunlight that reaches there. Sunlight Zone: More than 90% of marine life lives in the Sunlight Zone. Twilight Zone: Animals that live in the twilight zone must be able to survive cold temperatures, an increase in water pressure and dark waters. There are no plants in...

US Landmarks and Symbols Cards 23

US Landmarks and Symbols — free 3-part Montessori cards

I made some Montessori 3-part cards for the kids for our study of some of the well-known landmarks and symbols of the United States. These cards include landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the White House, Mount Rushmore and more. You can download the  US Landmarks and Symbols Cards at this link.  We used these cards by talking about where they were located and placing them on our giant...


Plant Experiments–Garden Science

Plants, plants, plants!! That’s still the main focus of our homeschooling life. The kids are enthralled by the growing process this year. The kids tenderly attend to their plots in the garden. We watch each strawberry ripen eagerly. They rush to inspect the blueberries and peas forming! They help bring in the lettuce for our supper each evening.And, they/we are loving the Junior Master Gardener handbook — and are enjoying...


Garden Science: Studying Plants

We continue to love the activities in the Junior Master Gardener Curriculum. I love that all three of the kids can be fully involved in these activities!  This week we continued to look at monocot and dicots, studied plant roots and looked at the age of trees. In our first activity the kids gathered flowers from our yard.  Then they had to determine whether the plants were monocots or dicots...


Garden Science Activities – Where Does Food Come From?

One of our activities before our holiday had us thinking about the ingredients of a hamburger and where each ingredient originated (and how everything, even the hamburger itself, tied back to plants).  It was time to use some of our Montessori sorting cards again since they helped the kids contemplate where their food comes from. Where Does Food Come From? From Plant to Food (Montessori for Everyone): This set had...