Garden Science: Studying Plants

4 Responses

  1. Joyful Learner says:

    Great activities! Does the curriculum come with worksheets, teacher's manual or picture illustrations to know what to look for?

  2. Joyful Learner says:

    Great activities! Does the curriculum come with worksheets, teacher's manual or picture illustrations to know what to look for?

  3. The curriculum is great — it comes with a workbook and a teacher's manual. I was hesitant to get both, but the teacher's manual adds in a lot of hands-on activities (hundreds of pages!). I wrote a more detailed post about it here — and have pictures of the workbook. It's kind of like a scout manual in that the kids can do activities on their own and the teacher/leader initials that the activity was completed. Let me know if you have other questions!And by the way, thanks so much for your other lovely comments. I keep meaning to write a quick comment and keep getting pulled away. It makes my day to hear from other homeschoolers out there since my adult conversation time is limited at times!! :)~Liesl

  4. The curriculum is great — it comes with a workbook and a teacher's manual. I was hesitant to get both, but the teacher's manual adds in a lot of hands-on activities (hundreds of pages!). I wrote a more detailed post about it here — and have pictures of the workbook. It's kind of like a scout manual in that the kids can do activities on their own and the teacher/leader initials that the activity was completed. Let me know if you have other questions!And by the way, thanks so much for your other lovely comments. I keep meaning to write a quick comment and keep getting pulled away. It makes my day to hear from other homeschoolers out there since my adult conversation time is limited at times!! :)~Liesl

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