331 Search results

For the term "multiplication".
Homeschooling Multiple Ages 0

Homeschooling Multiple Ages

Reader Email (abridged): I have five kids from 8 years old down to a 1-year old. I would like homeschool, but I don’t know where to begin.  Do you have any advice for me? This post is for a dear reader who has a very full house with five kids – from an 8-year-old she’s considering homeschooling,  down to a 1-year-old!  This amazing Mom deserves a medal!! She was wondering...


Free Fall Math Game Board

This math printable can be used for any math practice. You can use any math fact cards, even for simple number recognition for younger kids. You can use any of the numbers that will work for your child or just create your own math problems on index cards. Use it for number recognition (for younger kids) and move that many spaces around the board addition facts (6+7) or subtraction problems...

Homeschool-Freebies-Free-Worksheets 0

50+ Homeschool Freebies!

Happy Labor Day! This is a post you definitely don’t want to miss. It has links to dozens of freebies in science, history, language arts, math, PreK, German and Spanish!! Today is a holiday that honors the hard work of men and women across America. This blog has been my labor of love for more than seven years! It started as a way for me to document our homeschool journey...


Homeschool Planning: Subject Area Checklists

Welcome to Day 3 of the Back to Homeschool Challenge!! Today, let’s tackle the Subject Planning… I don’t know about you, but I really mull things over in the summer.  I generally have tentative plans at the end of the year for the new school year, but given some time, I often change course slightly. Do you need to add in a different topic?  Last year in history, for example,...


World’s Only Diamond Mine Open to the Public & Acoma Pueblo Sky City (NM)

When we were planning our trip out West, I purchased a book of some of America’s best geological sites.  I read about the Crater of Diamonds state park and the kids were beside themselves at the thought of being able to search for *real* diamonds!! This state park is the world’s eighth largest diamond-bearing volcanic crater. We camped in the state park and tried our hand at diamond mining! Many...


Summer Activities: Science, Engineering, and Math Fun!

Here are some fun summer activities you might enjoy doing with your kids this summer! Today’s post highlights some fun engineering, science and math activities you can do this summer! Summer Fun: Science, Engineering, and Math Ideas  Egg Drop Challenge: Give the kids various supplies (cups, paper bags, yarn, scissors, hole punch, tape, and some coins). Have them design a parachute that will safely let an egg drop to the...

Summer Activity Ideas - Patches Projects 0

Summer Activity List (350+ Activities for Kids)

There are so many amazing activities that kids can do that don’t involve electronics.  This is a HUGE list of fun activities that will get your kids ENGAGED! Here are some examples: Cabin Camping, Camp Fire Songs, Candle Making, Candy Making, Candy Tour, Canning, Car Wash, Card Games, Card Making, Cardboard Boat Race, Carnival, Caroling, Cave Tour, Cemetery Walk, Ceramics Mug Pottery Wheel, Challenge Course, Chemistry Day, Chess, China, Chili...


Earth Day Resources and Free Printables

Earth Day is April 22nd!  The celebration of Earth Day began over 40 years ago. It is a day to celebrate our planet and think about how we can help our environment. Did you know that the Environmental Protection Agency was established not long after that first Earth Day in 1970? The Clean Air Act also passed that same year. Now Earth Day is celebrated in more than 175 countries...


Homeschool Science in Early Elementary (K-2): Video Post

How do I start teaching science to my kids?  This is a very different answer if your kids are K-2 than if they are a bit older.  Here are some of the science topics you might want to consider if your kids are in early elementary. I put together a video of some of the activities we did when the kids were in early elementary. Some of these activities my...


Free Easter Math Worksheets

I made a new set of mixed math worksheets for ED. These include multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction problems. She is just starting double-digit multiplication so there are a few of those on each page as well (but only with a few problems at the bottom of each page as she catches on to the idea of carrying). There are 7 pages. These are free to download. Hope someone else...


Hands-On Homeschooling – Video Post (with DD and ED!)

Last week we did some pretty fun science experiments for our ocean unit.  We always get so pumped up doing hands-on activities & the salinity experiment was especially impressive. I thought I’d talk a little bit what a big impact these kinds of experiments add to our day… the kids get excited and engaged they ask a lot of good questions the activities and projects are memorable so they often...


Valentine’s Day Math – Percent Worksheet

DD is working on percentages at the moment which she said she’s really enjoying. 🙂   I made a couple of percent worksheets in a Valentine’s Day theme. She was happy for that (rather than her same-0ld, same-old math workbook!).  I might add to the file later, but wanted to share this sooner than later with Valentine’s Day quickly approaching! Hope someone else can use these! 🙂 They are free to...


Chocolate Play Dough Recipe!

How to Make Chocolate Play Dough! The same day that we did the Chocolate Making Kit, (boy did my kids love that!!) I had a surprise for the kids. We made an enormous batch of chocolate play dough! Then, while I read aloud I let the kids have fun.  This was such a huge hit — even my 12 year old came over to check out the action for a while...


Make Your Own Chocolate Kit!

Chocolate Making Activity We did this Make Your Own Chocolate Kit (affiliate link) a number of years ago and we all loved it! After we went over the Rain Forest Plants, it was the perfect time and excuse to make our own chocolate again! The write-up they have in the kit is well done. We read that aloud together before actually making the chocolate. It explains the history of chocolate...