Hands-On Homeschooling – Video Post (with DD and ED!)
Last week we did some pretty fun science experiments for our ocean unit. We always get so pumped up doing hands-on activities & the salinity experiment was especially impressive. I thought I’d talk a little bit what a big impact these kinds of experiments add to our day…
- the kids get excited and engaged
- they ask a lot of good questions
- the activities and projects are memorable so they often remember more about the material after doing experiments or hands-on activities
- they’re fun
- they break up the normal routine
As I was getting ready to do the video, the girls decided that THEY wanted to be in front of the camera! The video turned out a little bit different than I intended because it’s really more of a mish-mash of different activities we’ve done. But for what it’s worth, here is our family’s joint-project video… Hands-on Homeschooling! Enjoy! ~Liesl, DD, and ED
You can find the lyrics for the USA Presidents Song that the girls sang here.
P.S. I’ll be talking a little bit more in another post how the salinity experiment shown in the video fits into our Ocean Unit. 🙂
Note about the Salinity Experiment:
- In the experiment, we had plain water with blue dye.
- For the salt water we used 0.25 oz of Kosher Salt stirred thoroughly into 1 cup of water with 3 drops of red dye. We measured it on a small scale because it was good practice, but you can measure 1/2 Tablespoon of salt instead.
We haven’t made a ton of videos, but you’ll find a few of the other videos we’ve made at these posts:
- How to Make a Shake Table Video
- 6s Multiplication Song and Clapping Game
- 7 Continents Song — Done a very long time ago!