Category: Homeschool Den


We’re Under Construction!

Hi Everyone! We are working hard to transfer all our materials from our location to our new location here! Please bear with us as we work to get the site up and running.  Our appearance will change considerably over the coming days and weeks.  We hope to start posting officially here around the first week of January; of course, feel free to browse around through all of our older...


Skip Counting by 6s Song and Clapping Game (Video)

This is a fun way to learn to skip count by 6s! I’ve shared a number of the skip counting mazes, but this clapping game did a lot more for helping ED to remember the 6s. Earlier this fall, I mentioned that ED has been learning to skip count by 4s, 6s and 7s.  We made our song into a clapping game too and the girls really had fun with...


Homemade Christmas Keepsakes

Every year there are a few Christmas decorations that I absolutely LOVE bringing out!  I wanted to share a few of our family favorites! My personal favorites are the ones that include pictures of the kids. One year when the kids were not-quite-2, 4 and 6, I made a holiday picture banner. I took pictures of the kids holding all the letters in Merry Christmas.  Then I laminated them and...


Holiday Skip Counting Pages (2s thru 7s)

I made some Christmas skip counting mazes for my daughter and printed them out for her math notebook.  She loved them!   You’ll find skip counting pages for the 2s through the 7s. You can move in any direction including diagonally. If you are interested you can download them and use them with your kids as well! Kids will practice skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s or 7s....


Christmas Addition Worksheets with Pete the Cat

I made these pages a couple of years ago. They include basic addition practice and a blank sheet for domino math.  I’ll have her roll the die and fill in the blanks—and I’ll also use some dominoes and have her fill in the numbers. If you don’t have actual dominoes, you can print the domino set from Mathwire. They even have a add-on set for up to double-nines. I’m hoping to create some subtraction pages...


Pete the Cat Multiplication and Division Pages

A couple of years ago I made these Pete the Cat inspired pages for the kids.  They love when I make practice pages just for them! 🙂 You can download the Christmas Division Pages here. Meanwhile, I made these sheets for DD when she was working on her multiplication tables from 1s through 5s. (That’s why there is nothing higher than that.)  There are six pages — one pages is just multiplication...

Math Card Games- Christmas 0

Christmas Math Games (Number Battles, Place Value, Odd-Even)

In this post you’ll find free Christmas-themed math cards and various math games you can play with your kids… anyone from 2-10 depending on how you use the cards!! There are lots and lots of different cards games you can play during math time.  Here are some of the number cards I made for the kids. They look like this: Ages 2-4: If you have a toddler or preschooler you can...


Christmas Math Games (ages 4-8)

Here are several Christmas-themed math games that I made for ED last year. I’ve printed them out for her again this year and will put them into her workbox for next week. I’ll explain how to play below. The first game is called the Quick Christmas Cross-Off.  It’s great for kids who are learning to recognize double-digit numbers. You need the number cards 0 through 9 from five or six different...


Holiday Art Basket: Inspire Your Kids to Be Creative and Crafty

I’ve been falling down on the job… I realized I could create a much more inspiring environment. When the kids were little, we did a lot of Montessori activities. One of the concepts that Maria Montessori emphasized was having a prepared environment. A prepared environment, she believed, supports a child’s natural desire to learn. As the NAMC website put it, in a prepared environment “everything the child came in contact...


What if Your Assets (or Your Children) Were Seized Because You Homeschool?

I’m so grateful that homeschooling is legal in all 50 states here in America. In fact, the numbers of homeschooled children continues to increase around the country. But that isn’t the case everywhere. Homeschooling has been banned in Germany since Adolf Hitler was in power. Germany requires that all children go to their public schools.  In fact, a 2007 decision in Germany found that homeschooling “may constitute a misuse of the...


What We’ve Been Up to In Our Homeschool Lately (Grades 1, 4, 6)

These days I tend to write about our activities in separate posts, but occasionally I like to talk about the flow of our homeschool in general.  We have had a busy fall — not just because the kids are involved in a lot of activities, but also fitting in the other things that take up time (trips, doctors appointments, and on and on!). We made a conscious decision to (try...


Pumpkin Muffins

It’s the perfect time of year to make pumpkin muffins for breakfast! We’ve been making these for years. We love these muffins so much that by the time I got around to taking a picture, there were only two muffins left!  These are pretty easy to make and my kids love them.  It’s the season for pumpkins, so it’s the perfect time to share this recipe. You need a very,...


Thanksgiving Skip Counting Mazes 2s, 3s, 5s (Free)

Last week my daughter did several skip counting mazes and she asked for more. I whipped a few new sheets together for her… the turkey has to find his lost hat (and not wind up as dinner!). You can move in any direction including diagonally.  If you are interested you can download them and use them with your kids as well!  Enjoy! Thanksgiving Skip Counting Practice 2s 3s 5s If...