Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Theme Time: Human Body 0

Theme Time: Human Body

In this activity we talked about various handicapsand physical disabilities. Then we talked aboutarthritis and how difficult it would be to be inpain and have swollen joints and so forth. I thentaped Popsicle sticks to their fingers and theytried to see if they could pick things up withtheir fingers immobilized. The last picture is of the inside of a pomegranate.We had never had one before and tried it atlunch. LD...

Princess Counting 0

Princess Counting

I printed off princess bookmarks from here. (Iactually used the j-peg image so I could printtwo sets (16 bookmarks total) on one page, but youcan also get the larger bookmarks in a pdf file there. (It took several tries, but I did manage to view thepdf file, just so you know.) I put a dot sticker onthe bottom with the numerals 1-19. I pulled outour beads and DD has really...

Theme Time: Princess 12

Theme Time: Princess

With two girls, we have lots of princess thingsaround. Since it really appeals to the girls, I seeno reason not to tap into their interests. So from bugs,frogs and the outdoors one day–to princesses the next! At any rate, the princess theme was a big hitespecially the wooden castle which DD paintedand the princess numbers/beads. We did lots ofbuilding, puzzle making, read lots of princess booksand things like that.

Reptiles 3-part card; Pin-map activity 8

Reptiles 3-part card; Pin-map activity

We’ve been reading lots of books on snakes, chameleons, lizards and various reptiles. We recently visited the Reptile Centre and yesterday visited the Desert Park which has a great selection of reptiles too. Did you know that you can easily tell a legless lizard from a snake? Lizards have ear slits and snakes don’t. Though, with the snakes we have here, I’m not sure I ever want to go close...


What’s the Difference Between a Kangaroo and a Wallaby?

After I posted the pictures of the kids feeding the wallabies over the weekend, someone asked a great question. They asked what the difference between a kangaroo and a wallaby is. I’m no expert, but I’ll give a brief answer here. We actually went to the Desert Park (zoo) yesterday, so I happen to have a picture of a Red Kangaroo from our outing yesterday. The Red Kangaroo is common...

Theme Time: Monsters and Dragons 0

Theme Time: Monsters and Dragons

We read every book on the table this time! Thebig hit was the monster bowling game (fromAuntie G and Uncle S) and the board game,Adventures in Neopia which we hadn’t playedfor a while. It is such a great board game itwas worth a picture on its own (last pic). Itconsists of 7 mini games that you play on yourway to earning lots of money. Mini games include:shooting an arrow onto...


Chameleon Craft (Animal Habitat Unit)

LD: orange chameleon, DD: pink chameleon, Mom: green chameleon, ED: multicolored chameleon. While on the hunt for Eric Carle craft ideas, I went to visit two of my favorite art websites: Deep Space Sparkle and Art Projects for Kids. Art Projects for kids showed a very cute picture of a chameleon. We read this book by Eric Carle: The Mixed-Up Chameleon. (affiliate link) I had the kids watch the slide show at Eric Carle’s Website about...

Theme Time: Eric Carle Books 0

Theme Time: Eric Carle Books

I set out a number of Eric Carle books (and books of asimilar style). Then I rounded up puzzles and gamesthat went along with the characters in his books. I alsoset out a simple craft for the girls which was a big hit. Ihad pre-cut caterpillars, butterflies and tissue paperpieces that they could glue on. Although DD would havebeen fine to cut up the tissue paper, ED would haveinsisted on...

Theme Time: Numbers, numbers 0

Theme Time: Numbers, numbers

My, I feel like a broken record this week, but the themetime table has worked so well! I saw so much spontaneous use of our materials. I use workboxes, but again for ED and DD havingthings out really draws the girls in. So, this set up was all about numbers. I pulledout some math manipulatives for them to playwith. I pulled out all kinds of number relatedbooks. I also pulled...

Theme Time: Alphabet 0

Theme Time: Alphabet

There’s not too much to say about this themetime except, goodness, we sure have things tucked awayeverywhere! We have wonderful friends whohave passed us lots of games, puzzles and books. Ido find myself playing more games this way than whenI had the games in workboxes.  I wish I had somelovely shelves set up like some of you, but this little crafttable seems to be working wonderfully for the 2 and...


Redback Spider

The Redback spider is fairly common where we live. We used to have them quite badly at the flat that hubby and I lived in for the first eight years here; they haven’t been so bad here at this house. LD and I saw this spider today. We talked about them a bit and I warned them not ever to go near them or touch them. I took a lot...