Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

On the Road… 5

On the Road…

We’ve now been on the road for more than a month. I have a few minutes on my own and thought I’d take the opportunity to write a brief update.  Not much to report on the homeschooling front, but life in general has been full to overflowing!! Our first stop after leaving Alice Springs/Sydney was California.  We spent two weeks there and enjoyed time at Legoland, the La Brea Tar...

Goodbye to the Outback! 14

Goodbye to the Outback!

It is hard to believe we have been living in the Outback formore than twelve years. The time has come for us to moveback to the US to be closer to family and friends there. Still,it has been quite difficult to say goodbye to those we’ve becomeso close to here. We fly out tomorrow (May 15th). We organized to go on a camel ride with some of our friends afew...

Another Flood Photo — What’s left of my sister’s living room 6

Another Flood Photo — What’s left of my sister’s living room

Here’s another picture sent by my sister. This is the livingroom/study and dining room — looks out on the backyard. Yes, that’s insulation hanging on the lamp chain. And on the right, that leg stick up near the far door, that’s the piano. Again, this is one of the rooms on the first floor.  The water went at least 5-7 feet higher than this room.  This level of the house...


Flood Destroyed Den/Library

My sister sent this picture of their den/library/study. This area had their computers, a number of tall bookshelves and so forth. The ceiling used to be finished, but this room was fully submerged under the waters; you can see the collapsed ceiling over the top of the other stuff. (The flood waters reached the second story beds, another 5-7 feet above this room.) My sister said they don’t know yet...

My Heart Goes Out to My Sister 6

My Heart Goes Out to My Sister

My sister, her husband and three kids live and homeschool in Nashville, Tennessee.  They have just lost most everything they own when floods rose to above the beds in their second story.  The first floor (living room, kitchen, library, den, hobby room) was fully submerged when creek flood levels rose. (We’ve been there, and the water must have risen at least 50 feet to have gotten that high!) Considering that...

Free Montessori Cards 4

Free Montessori Cards

I noticed that there are free “guess what” cards at For example, there’s a close-up picture of a sunflower and one picture from farther away. These cards would probably be appropriate for 2-4 year olds.  It’s probably only available for another day or so, but thought I’d mention it here. Also there are some new free cards at  showing the food and its product (tomato and ketchup, for...

Addition Math Games for Number Families 9-18 7

Addition Math Games for Number Families 9-18

I spent some time making some cards and games to work withLD on his addition facts the 9s through 18s families (so 4+5=9or 11+7=18, etc.). Each game set works with three families(so pictured below are the games for the 9s, 10s and 11s families). Addition Bingo (below):In the board below, the cards for 9s, 10s, 11s should be upside down in a pile. Each player takes a turn picking upa...

Preschool Games 0

Preschool Games

In this game, I made a number of dice with the numbers0-56-1010-15Each player chooses the mouse they want to be. Theneach player choose one die for that round. Both/allplayers roll their dice and pick up that number ofcookies for their mouse. Spin the spinner for that round and see who the “winner/s”was/were. cookies were from: cute activities relating to If You Give A MouseA Cookie from Belinda Mooney are at:

Preschool – Tot Bag Activites 0

Preschool – Tot Bag Activites

As you probably know, we’re getting ready to leaveAustralia. The packers come next Tuesday, soI’ve been quite busy. Our suitcases are mostlypacked with the things we’ll need/use for thenext 3-4 months. I thought I’d share thisbag of preschool -tot activities I put together.We’ll be spending a week here, a week therefor a couple of months, so this should be a goodcollection of small things to pull out when inneed in...

Preschool – Tot Bag Activities 0

Preschool – Tot Bag Activities

Matching: I made this using foam boards,matching foam animals/shapes and coveringit with contact paper. An inexpensive wooden teddy bear puzzle. Frog/Dragon Fly Color Matching Gamefrom Marbles, golf-t and suction cup the golf-tand marbles are for doing balancing “relay”races trying to walk keeping the marblebalanced.

Looking Back over the Year, 2009-2010 0

Looking Back over the Year, 2009-2010

This year (2009-2010) our main units included natural disasters,China,  biomes/animal habitats, ancient Greece (we did ancientEgypt just before this school year officially started and before Istarted this blog), flowers and apples (the last two  were gearedmore towards my preschooler).  We also enjoyed lots of scienceexperiments (almost weekly) and the younger kids really enjoyedthe theme time tables.  We did a lot with geography throughout the  year and reallyenjoyed doing  country/continent swaps...

Workboxes: Set to Go! 1

Workboxes: Set to Go!

This is probably not the typical workbox picture, is it?!As you can see, we’ve broken down the workboxes andstacked them, ready for the movers. Now all schoolsupplies that I’ve chosen for the next few months are inthe green bag there. (Ignore the blue tray; it has manipulatives,workbox subject labels and other random things that haveyet to be packed and put away.)These days, school is considerably less “hands on” sincewe haven’t...