Free Packing List and Other Summer Printables!
Summer Planning Printables!
In this post you’ll find several useful (and free!) Summer-Time Packets and Printables:
- Free Summer Planning Packet (including a Packing List for Travels, Summer Scheduling Pages, and more)
- 350+ Summer Activity Ideas (Free Printable)
- Free Preschool Activity Ideas Printable
- Free “Design and Draw” Packet
- And our End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire (one for students and one for parents).
My kids are at the age that they are responsible for packing their own bags on our trips. They always ask for a packing list so they can check things off as they go. I thought I would share this with you today. I included my master packing list, but also included a blank list so you can create your own (or that you can print out on the other side of the page).
Also in this free Summer Planning Packet are some pages for planning trips and other summer-time fun. You’ll find a “Things To Do” list (both with my “to-dos” or blank). An “Instructions for the Pet Sitter” page, as well as some summer planning pages. A couple of different pages for planning different types of summer activities, a summer schedule page and a few others.
You can download the Free Packing List and Summer Planning Packet here:
Free Summer Planning Packet – Packing List – Summer Scheduling
Plus, don’t forget we always have a free calendar available. Here is this year’s link (it goes through August 2019). You can visit this post:
Summer Activity Ideas (Free Printable) Need some ideas for summer-time fun? There are so many amazing activities that kids can do that don’t involve electronics. This printable has more than 350 different ideas. My kids always *love* going through this list for inspiration
Cabin Camping, Camp Fire Songs, Candle Making, Candy Making, Candy Tour, Canning, Car Wash, Card Games, Card Making, Cardboard Boat Race, Carnival, Caroling, Cave Tour, Cemetery Walk, Ceramics Mug Pottery Wheel, Challenge Course, Chemistry Day, Chess. China, Chili Cook-off, Chinese Culture, Circus, Citizenship, City Hall Tour, Civil War Re-enactment. , Clean Up, Climbing Wall, Clinic Tour, Community Awareness, Computer Knowledge, Constellations, Cooking – Make 5 Meals with your Parents for this badge, Corn Maze, Costume Party, Craft Project, Creativity, CSI, Cupcake Decorating.
Here are some more examples from the Ps:
Pajama Party, Pancake Breakfast, Paper Making, Park Bench (clean up the park), Peace, Peacemaker, Penny Drive, Pet Care – Dog Kitten. Pet Store Visit, Petting Zoo, Picnic, Pioneer Day, Pizza Party, Planetarium, Plant a Seed, Plant a Tree, Plant Study, Poetry, Police Visit, Pony Ride, Pool Party, Post Office Tour, Pot Luck Dinner, Pottery, Pow Wow, Power Plant Tour, Pretzel Tour
So, here is our long, long list of activities. The activity ideas on this list are appropriate for elementary and middle school kids. It’s about 5 pages long and better yet, it’s free to download! If you get some good use out of this, I’d love to hear from you! ~Liesl
Summer Fun Activity List – for Elementary and Middle School Kids
P.S. If you have younger kids, you might enjoy this HUGE List of Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers!! It has more than 100+ activities to do with your 2-5 year old (and it too is free to download!) ?
You might want to check out this post with more Creative, Fun Summer Activity Ideas. There you’ll also find the link to our FREE USA Road Trip Travel Log Packet (which has activities about the summer constellations, the license plate game, free printables about clouds and more… helping to make your summer travels fun and educational for the kids!)
As you wind down your school year you might enjoy these two (FREE) printables:
End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire Printable (Student Reflection Questions)
End of Year Homeschool Questionnaire (Parent Reflection Questions)
Creating Your Own Homeschool Curriculum: These are some resources I made that might be helpful as you create your own homeschool plans. These are somewhere between 30 and 50 pages and are FREE to download:
I have one for Creating a Homeschool Curriculum for Grades 6-8
You might also be interested in this post Planning for Next Year (Free Planning Pages) At that post I shared the process I go through as I plan out next year. These pages are not as much a traditional Homeschool Planner as Homeschool Vision Planner. If they are of interest you can check them out here:
And here is the link to our free Homeschool Planner (which is now well over 100 pages): This unique homeschool planning packet is currently FREE to download! It is nearly 100 pages! Not only does this packet include daily and weekly planning pages, checklists and record keeping pages, but it also includes various homeschool journaling pages… think gratitude journal meets homeschool goal setting!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well.
Happy Homeschooling, everyone!! ~Liesl
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