Earth Science Worksheets & Lapbook Pages Added to the Earth Science Packet
This is just a real quick post to let you all know that I have updated and added to the Earth Science Packet. It’s now well over 150 pages!
The link to purchase this Earth Science Unit is down below or in Our Store. Don’t forget to check out the Earth Science BUNDLE options as well!
My girls will be doing a bit on Earth Science again this year. I added in some new pages, added in some new graphics and things like that. As you can see, there are also a few (new) lapbook/interactive notebook pages as well. All the worksheets have answer pages too (though they are not pictured below). Here are some of the pages that are new or have been updated:
If you purchased the packet anytime in the past couple of years, you should have received an email from SendOwl (the delivery service I use) about the update. The download link will be in that email; (remember it is the email associated with your PayPal account). Feel free to contact me if you run into any trouble.
Other recently added materials:
Click here to save this Tectonic Plate Activity for later on Pinterest:
We’ll be doing most of the hands-on activities again this year (my youngest was 5 or so when we did this last time. She was in 1st grade; my older two were in 4th and 6th). This is a super fun unit!
Convection Currents – We did two activities to help the kids understand how and why convection currents occur and how the plates can move.
Heat Expands/Rises, Cool Contracts/Sinks – In the first activity, the kids learned what happens when air is heated and cooled.
Does the same thing happen with water? Our next activity went on to explore what happens when water is heated and cooled. 🙂
The Earth Science Packet is now well over 150 pages of worksheets and hands-on activity ideas.
The Earth Science Packet is $9.99. Our units are pdf downloads.
Be sure to check out the Earth Science BUNDLE options below!
Purchase the Earth Science Packet:
Cost: $9.99
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link.
When you click on the Buy Now button below, it will take you to Paypal. Upon receipt of payment you will immediately get a link to download this pdf in your browser. You will also receive an email from SendOwl Downloads which will give you a link to download. (Check the email linked to your PayPal account.) Of course, if you have any issues just email me at — liesl at homeschoolden dot com. You can also reach me by using the contact form. ~Liesl
There are several Earth Science BUNDLE Options
There are several Earth Science BUNDLE options which include the Earth Science Packet above.
We did several units that all relate to each other. For younger students, there is a Where I Live Activity packet (My galaxy, solar system, planet, continent, country, state, town, and home!). One year, we went on to talk about the Layers of the Atmosphere. We also talked about Earth’s magnetosphere (and did fun activities related to magnets). After we talked about the layers of the atmosphere we did a unit about clouds and weather… and learned about global and local winds, weather fronts, the jet stream, monsoons, el Niño or la Niña, and more. Note: These packets are also available separately in Our Store.
Earth Science BUNDLE Option 1:
Purchase the Layers of the Atmosphere Packet ($6.99) and the Earth Science Packet ($9.99) together in a BUNDLE with the option below.
Click here to find out more about the Layers of the Atmosphere Packet. It is well over 50 pages and has lots of hands-on activity ideas, worksheets, interactive notebook pages and more. Our Layers of the Atmosphere Packet introduces kids to some of the basics about Earth’s atmosphere. It starts with a review of Earth’s systems: the geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere and spends time learning about the different layers of the atmosphere (the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere).
This unit includes sorting cards and interactive notebook projects on objects & phenomena in the atmosphere. Students will learn about the Sun’s harmful rays — what they are (EM radiation) and how we are kept safe. Finally, this packet touches on satellites and the GPS system.
Purchase the Earth Science BUNDLE Option 1 with the link below:
Earth Science BUNDLE 1
Don’t forget to check your PayPal email address for the download link.
Earth Science BUNDLE of 5
$34.99 Earth Science BUNDLE of 5 (Earth Science Unit, Layers of the Atmosphere Unit, Magnetism & the Magnetosphere, Weather Unit) – After we studied the Layers of the Atmosphere and the Magnetosphere, we did a big unit on the weather talking about where weather occurs, weather fronts, global and local winds, jet streams, monsoons, natural disasters etc. This bundle also includes a 100+page geology unit on Rocks and Minerals.
$54.99 Earth Science & Physical Science BUNDLE of 10 (Save over $10 with this Bundle) 1) Earth Science Unit, 2) Layers of the Atmosphere Unit, 3) Magnetism & the Magnetosphere, 4) Weather & Natural Disasters Unit, 5) Rocks and Minerals Unit 6) Water Cycle Unit, 7) Where I Live Activity Packet – My galaxy, solar system, planet, continent, country, state, town, and home! 8) Environmental Studies: Trash and Recycling Unit; 9) Energy Packet: Kinetic vs. Potential Energy, Types and Sources of Energy, Renewable and Non-renewable Resources, Fossil Fuels, the Carbon Cycle 10) Simple Machines
FYI: The Electricity & Circuits Packet is included in the Chemistry Bundle
Be sure to check your PayPal email address for the download link.
These packets are also sold separately in Our Store.
- Visit the Earth Science Page for more details about the Earth Science BUNDLES. (All the units are sold separately as well.)
- Visit this post for more information about the Layers of the Atmosphere Packet.
- Visit this post for more information about the Magnetism Unit.
- Visit this post for more information about the Rocks and Minerals Unit.
- Visit this post for more information about the Weather Unit.
Again, if you have any questions just email me at — liesl at homeschoolden dot com. You can also reach me by using the contact form. ~Liesl
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