Back to Homeschool Challenge!
The Back to Homeschool Challenge:
Daily missions to make sure we’re on track for an awesome year!
Can you believe that the summer is winding down?! I hope you’ve had a restful, adventurous summer (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere!).
Are you getting ready for the new Homeschool Year? The Back to Homeschool Challenge gives us 10 days of small daily tasks to make sure we’re ready for a fabulous new homeschool year!! I am linking to those over a FB, but not everyone sees the posts there, so I thought I would share this series here on the blog as well!
Don’t miss this post as well! Homeschool Summer Checklist – Getting Ready for the New School Year!
How Do I Start to Homeschool?! Help! – If you are new to homeschooling or just want to collect a few teaching strategies to add into your homeschool routine, this post might be helpful. 🙂
- Our first challenge is just to spend a few minutes reflecting on the journey we’re on and being grateful for the opportunities we have as homeschoolers
- Then we’ll time Organizing our Homeschool Work Space
- And we should make sure we’re *actually* ready to homeschool in each subject. Double checking that we have the curriculum & books we need.
- We might need to top up on Homeschool Office and Science Supplies (without overshopping!)
- Time to think about Chores and Homeschool Life – Finding a chore system that works… the kids are older, so are they pitching into help the way they could/should?!
- Here, we talk about taking care of ourselves day-to-day and week-to-week.
- And, we make sure we have some plans in place for the inevitable Sick Days!
- Hold a Family Meeting – to help with routines, rules and expectations (as well as because they are just plain fun!)
- And the last Homeschool Challenge? Finding ways to celebrate the First Day of Homeschool!
Are you getting ready for the new Homeschool Year? These posts might be helpful:
- If you are just starting to homeschool for the first time, be sure to check out this resource page: Starting to Homeschool. It has links to tons of useful posts!
- Free Homeschool Planner and Discovery Journal
If you are still in the Planning Stages of your Homeschool Year, you might want to check out this free resource:
Homeschool Planning for Next Year (Free Planning Pages): Homeschool Vision Planner
I shared these free Homeschool Planning Pages that I use as I try to figure out our long-range homeschooling goals. This post shares share the process I go through as I plan out the next year… I shared the planning pages that I’ve been using the past few years. I like having colorful planning pages to work on. This isn’t really a weekly/monthly planner, but rather a homeschool vision planner. This 30+-page pdf is currently FREE to download! Let me know if it’s helpful! ~Liesl
Free Homeschool Planning Pages (Homeschool Vision Planner)
You might also be interested in these FREE Homeschool Curriculum Resource Guides:
If you are looking for more practical homeschooling tips, you might be interested in our Homeschool Planning Series with tips on Creating Your Homeschool Curriculum. We have four free resource guides available for K-1, Grades 2-3 and Grades 4-5. Grades 6-8.
Creating a Homeschool Curriculum: Kindergarten, Grade 1 This FREE 50-page Resource Guide has been created to answer some basic questions: What subjects should I cover? Where do I start? How do I know what to teach. It offers topics, units and hands-on activity ideas that might appeal to your kids.
Creating a Homeschool Curriculum Grades 2-3 FREE 30-page Resource Guide
This guide is a starting point for choosing the material you might want to cover in your homeschool. What subjects, units and topics should you cover in Grades 2 and 3? Where do I start? This resource guide will offer suggestions on what topics and hands-on activities might be engaging for your kids at this age.
Creating Your Homeschool Curriculum – Grade 4-5 FREE Resource Guide
As many of you know, we started a Homeschool Den Chat FB group last January.We take a summer break, but so I’m not posting at we’ll resume regular posting toward the end of August. This is a closed FB group to share what’s working (and what’s not) in your homeschool. It’s a place to talk about the ups and downs of homeschool life.
• Share what’s working in your homeschool.
• Get inspiration from others!
• Talk about homeschool strategies that work.
• Learn from one another.
Find out more about the Homeschool Den Chat Group here.
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. You might want to join our free Homeschool Den Chat Facebook group. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl
I’ve chosen not to use pop-up boxes at this point, but you can click here to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! Newsletters will resume in the Fall.
P.S. We’re not starting back to homeschooling quite yet, so we won’t resume posting regularly here on the blog until the end of August.