Free Online Multiplication Games
The past week or so, ED has been playing some online multiplication games to work on her math facts. I wanted to highlight some of the ones she has been having fun with.
My girls’ favorite from is called Fairy Fun. The picture adds more and more detail as you answer the problems correctly. You can highlight more than one set of multiplication facts (you could select 2s, 3s and 6s, for example). After practicing the problems, they can create a more elaborate fairy-themed picture.
The Knight and the Princess Multiplication Game: The kids really like this game too. You can practice one set of math facts at a time or you can practice the facts from 0-3, 0-6 or 0-9.
In this game you direct the leprechaun with the arrow buttons and jump up the clovers (or across clouds) to grab pots of gold. Once you’ve got the gold, you have to solve a multiplication problem before going on your way again. Be sure to jump over the crows!
Number Invaders is fast paced game. You select just one set of math facts to work on, but they go up through 15. So for example, when ED was practicing the 6s, we had to make sure she knew that 6×15=90. The format is fun (you use arrows to move back and forth and the space bar to shoot the balloons), but could be frustrating for a child new to multiplication.
Keep your penguin customers happy by scooping at the correct answers in Cone Crazy:
If you want to browse for other multiplication games, here are two websites to check out:
Scrambled Egg City: A game by MacMillan-McGrawHill for reviewing the
6s and 8s (pictured below)
Over the years, our family has also had a lot of time with Timez Attack. There is a free version that does a wonderful job of teaching all the multiplication facts. This game plays more like a video game and students work on progressively harder problems. Sometimes my kids have gotten frustrated with this game, though, because they have to repeat the same problems again (and start over again) when they get something wrong.
That’s about it for today! ~Liesl
Learning the Multiplication Facts: As my daughter moved into learning her multiplication facts I looked around for the kind of multiplication practice that would help her. The math book she was using went through the math facts a bit too quickly for her. She needed quite a bit of repetition and wanted bright, colorful worksheets. I wound up making my own sets of practice pages and games. She loved that!
I made a series of Multiplication Packets as she learned her multiplication tables. These pdf packets are sold separately or as a bundle (including all 10 pdfs, 150+ pages of materials.)
Purchase ALL of these multiplication packets (10 pdf files) by clicking the link below:
Multiplication Bundle (150 pages of materials)
Note: Upon payment, you be get a link to download the pdf file. You will also receive an email to your PayPal Email Address from SendOwl (the service I use) with the transaction link. When you click on that link, it will bring up a window with the link to download these 10 files. If you have any problems with your order feel free to contact me: via the contact form, by email liesl at homeschoolden dot com or reply to the email from SendOwl. ~Liesl
Buy our COMPLETE multiplication bundle, 10 files, for $7.00 (Sold individually as well. Just follow the links below.)
- 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s (8 Pages) – Bugs, Butterfly and Flowers Theme
- Flower and Bird Theme (25+ pages total) 13 worksheets specifically for learning the 3s; Plus it also has 8 pages of mixed practice for reviewing the 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s.
- Flower and Bird Theme File Folder Games (2s through 6s)
- The 4s Packet has a total of about 25 pages.
- The 9s packet has a total of 19 pages.
- The Bonus 6s Packet is 10 pages. (Only available in this bundle.)
- Multiplication by 7s Packet and Review Pages, 10 pages. (Only available in this bundle.)
- 8s packet (seen above) is 37 pages.
- Mixed Multiplication Practice Pages (9 pages) – (Only available in this bundle.) Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction plus introducing the new skill – double-digit multiplication (a few problems on each page).
- Multiplication (and Division) Review Packet, Ancient Egypt Theme (25+ pages)
Here is a little more about the multiplication packets that are included in the bundle above (they are sold individually by following the links below):
Multiplication and Skip Counting Practice for 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s (8 Pages) – Bugs, Butterfly and Flowers Theme. (normally $1.50)
Flower and Bird Theme (25+ pages total) 13 worksheets specifically for learning the 3s; Plus it also has 8 pages of mixed practice for reviewing the 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. Plus file folder games-see photo below. (25+ pages total) (normally $2.50)
The 3s File Folder Game is free over at this post.
4s and 9s Animal-Multiplication Packets
The 4s Packet has a total of about 25 pages. The 9s packet has very similar worksheets there are a total of 19 pages. (normally $3.00 for both) The Bonus 6s Packet is 10 pages. (Only available in the bundle option.)
Multiplication by 7s – (Australia Theme) included in bundle below. 10 pages.
Lizard-Themed Multiplication by 8s Packet is 37 pages. (normally $3.00)
Review Packet (Ancient Egyptian Theme)
By the spring-time, ED had all of her facts down and started working on simple double-digit multiplication like 23 x 7. She worked on some mixed multiplication practice and she slowly began working on multiplication problems with carrying. This was the packet I made for her for this next skill (which had about 9 pages, with just a few double-digit multiplication problems on each page):
Introducing Double-Digit Multiplication: These pages had some multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Each day she also worked on a few larger multiplication problems (for example, 729 x 3). (These pages are included in the bundle below.)
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. ~Liesl