Preschool Board Games
Today I want to share a couple of amazing preschool board games that ED really loves!
ED turned four a couple of weeks ago. I always ask the kids what kind of cake they want. ED wanted a Beyblade cake (the spinning top that you see down to the right of the cake). Funny, huh?! I’m no major cake maker but the kids love helping to make their own birthday cake. So here was ED’s cake tah-dah!
ED got a couple of new cooperative board games from Grandma and Grandpa. ED and DD really love them. They’re really terrific so I thought I’d give them a mention here in case you have birthdays coming up for your 3-5 year old.
This is an award winning cooperative game called Hoot Owl Hoot! (affiliate link)
The first game is called Hoot Owl Hoot. The object is for the players to get all the owls home before the sun comes up. (The sun is at the top and moves across as players come across a sun card.) This is a game like Candy Land which only requires that the kids recognize their colors. They have to fly the owls around the game board from color to color back to their nest before the sun comes up.
The other game we’ve been playing a lot is called Lost Puppies. (affiliate link) Again, it’s a cooperative game where all the players work together to get the puppies home.
Each player takes a turn flipping over a card. If the player flips over a night (star) card it has to be placed on the corresponding number on the gameboard. Players use a flashlight card to remove the night/star card from the board. To take the puppy home there has to be a clear path (with no night cards in the way).
These games are wonderful because they are not competitive–no winner or loser. And with the age of my girls (4 and 6) they can play them happily together independently. Still, I can easily recommend these games to the younger crowd as well (say 2 1/2 and up).
I also really like Dino Math Tracks. We played this a lot with all three kids… and it helped introduce the idea of place value. Dino Math Tracks Game (affiliate link)
As long as I’m on the topic of gift recommendations I also must add Perler Beads (affiliate link) to the list. ED has done dozens of these and everybody (even LD) continues to make them from time to time. These are wonderful for developing fine motor skills. Kids will be into these at different ages. ED was just over 3 when she started doing these independently, but LD didn’t really enjoy doing them until he was 5.
This bucket is popular: Perler Beads 6,000 Count Bucket-Multi Mix (affiliate link)
We also used Perler Beads to make bead bowls. You might want to check this post out!
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase.
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page. And, don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! ~Liesl and the kids
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- If your child knows their letter sounds, they may be ready to learn to read. Visit this post, Teach Your Child to Read, for fun ideas that help your child learn to read!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page. And, don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! ~Liesl and the kids