Theme Time: Ocean Creatures
The theme time table is working really well and only takes 10-15 minutes to cleanup and change over. It’s been great to bring in such a variety of books into our day again. And as I said in an earlier post, having things out on display work really well to ‘lure’ the girls (ages 2 and 4) in when they are interested.
Obviously the theme of this table is ocean animals. I pulled out books and games we had tucked away and made a few felt fish and felt number bubbles for the felt board. The octopus was from
As you can see, I set out puzzles, books, games, plastic ocean animals and matching cards, stuffed animals, a felt board, and other printables!
Below, ED is putting cheerios on the do-a-dot octopus:
The felt board you see above is homemade out of two pieces of hard painting canvas, so it can be bent in half and stand up as you see in the picture above. Here are the posts from when I made the felt board:
- School of Fish Activity
- Layers of the Ocean: Ocean Zones
- Ocean Unit Freebies
- Ocean Animals and Their Groups
Be sure to see the related posts:
- Montessori Cards: Vertebrates and Invertebrates – Free Printable
- Animals and Their Groups
- Animals and their Characteristics
- Animals Around the World – Montessori 3-Part Cards
- Animal Portfolio Project (for ages 8-10 or so)
- Free Montessori World Pin Map
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