483 Search results

For the term "middle ages".
Summer Activity Ideas - Patches Projects 0

Summer Activity List (350+ Activities for Kids)

There are so many amazing activities that kids can do that don’t involve electronics.  This is a HUGE list of fun activities that will get your kids ENGAGED! Here are some examples: Cabin Camping, Camp Fire Songs, Candle Making, Candy Making, Candy Tour, Canning, Car Wash, Card Games, Card Making, Cardboard Boat Race, Carnival, Caroling, Cave Tour, Cemetery Walk, Ceramics Mug Pottery Wheel, Challenge Course, Chemistry Day, Chess, China, Chili...

Science Homeschool Year in Review 0

Science Year in Review 2015-2016

Today I’m going to talk about the science units we covered in our homeschool this year AND what we didn’t get to because we ran out of time!!!  My plans are always a bit more ambitious than what we actually cover, but even so it felt like we accomplished a lot! 🙂 This year the kids were in Grades 2, 5 and 7, but below you’ll also find some resources...


10 Step to Take When Planning for a New School Year

Someone once asked me, “How do you plan for your school year?” Here are 10 steps you can take to figure out what next year’s homeschool will look like for your family.  These are some of the questions I ask myself as I try to determine what we’ll cover and what skills the kids need to develop. Remember, your path as a homeschooling family will be completely different from anyone...


Free Cloud Worksheets

Today I have some free cloud worksheets for you.  Why? I’m in the process of making a Road Trip Travel Log for the kids for a cross-country trip this summer. This is just one of the sections, but it made sense to share this as a separate pdf file as well so that those of you working on a weather unit can find these pages more easily if they are...

Ocean Unit - Marine Habitats Coral Reefs Tide Pools Tides Currents Ocean Zones Bioluminescence Worksheets and more 0

Ocean Unit Packet: Marine Habitats, Tides, Currents, Ocean Floor, Ocean Life, Bioluminescence and More!

I created this Ocean Unit because I could not find any curriculum that tackled all the topics I wanted to cover. In our ocean studies we explored Marine Habitats Coral Reefs Tide Pools Water Form Words (bay, estuary, lagoon, fjord, etc.) Features of the Ocean Floor (trench, seamount, guyot, etc.) Ocean Navigation (early navigation with astrolabes & the constellations, modern SONAR) Salinity Tides Ocean Currents (Surface & Deep Sea Currents)...


Free Clock Printable – Free Skip Counting by 5s Activities

My kids learned to skip count by 5s roughly at the same time they started working on clocks and telling time in 5 minute intervals. Today I have a free printable that combines both of these. There are two pages that have the kids practice skip-counting by fives and fill out a skip counting maze counting from 5 to 55. Kids count by 5s along the sides and try to...


Ocean Navigation Hands-on Activity

Over the course of our ocean unit, the kids discovered how much our knowledge about the ocean has changed over time. Little was known about the ocean even just fifty years ago — let alone hundreds of years ago when explorers were first venturing out. We talked about early navigation techniques and in talked quite a bit about how the stars can be used for navigation.  The kids can recognize...


Homeschool Science in Early Elementary (K-2): Video Post

How do I start teaching science to my kids?  This is a very different answer if your kids are K-2 than if they are a bit older.  Here are some of the science topics you might want to consider if your kids are in early elementary. I put together a video of some of the activities we did when the kids were in early elementary. Some of these activities my...

er Sound Spelling sort and games 0

er Sound Word Sort and Game: ur, ir, er, or, ear, our Spelling Words

ED is working on the /er/ sound.  She really enjoys the spelling word sort activities and enjoys playing these board games, so I made a new spelling activity for her with a desert scene!  These cover words spelled with ur such as burn, turn, nurse, church words spelled with ir such as girl, bird, shirt, dirt, circle words spelled with er such as summer, mother, desert words spelled with or...

Science Activities for Early Elementary 0

20 Science Activities for Early Elementary

As many of you may know, I have been working hard to get some of the images in our older posts working again.  (It’s a complicated story, but it has to do with our moving our blog from Parents.com where we were for several years, to our new location here.)  Anyway, I’ve been fixing old posts and realized I should share some of these posts for our new readers!  So...


Spelling (Grade 2)

DD is a natural speller but both LD and ED have really benefited by the logical layout of the All About Spelling lessons. (affiliate link).  I do my very best to stay consistent working through those lessons.  It helps if we can work on spelling at least three times  a week.  During the spring semester, we also spend more time/attention on grammar, but we try to keep going with spelling...


10 Ways to Overcome Homeschool Burnout

Most every year around mid-semester, I wrestle with some of the same problems. Maybe you’ve noticed this too: Being tired Feeling overwhelmed Letting things slide Having too many commitments Feeling like the kids aren’t “doing” enough Feeling doubt Feeling really critical or cynical, irritable or impatient Feeling frustrated or anxious I find myself reaching for education and teaching books, hoping to find the perfect motivational nuggets to get me through...

Biology Packet - Ecosystems Biomes Food Chains Food Web Trophic Levels Populations 4

Biology Unit on the Biosphere: biomes, ecosystems, habitats, feeding relationships, biological interactions

What is the difference between a biome, ecosystem, and habitat?  What is the difference between a food chain and a food web? What are trophic levels?  What is the energy pyramid? What is symbiosis?  How do different species interact?  What in the world is amensalism or antiobiosis?!   These are some of the things we covered in our latest biology unit! How We Started Our unit on Biomes: This semester we...

Homeschool Organization 0

Organization: How We Keep On Top of Things While Homeschooling

When things get disorganized I feel really scattered and wind up dropping the ball. There’s a lot for homeschoolers to keep track of, right? So, how do we keep on top of everything? Being brutally honest here… I/We can’t always do it all! Homeschooling is challenging because there are so many different areas to juggle, not just the academics. We just do the very best we can! I’ve found there...