Category: Science Units

Experiment 5: Science in the Kitchen 0

Experiment 5: Science in the Kitchen

After many of our experiments, LD and DD want tocreate their own experiments. They add all kinds ofingredients to see what happens. In this “experiment”they added (as I recall): water, vinegar, baking soda, margarine, flour, yeast,peppermint, cinnamon, food coloring and pepper. They took it out to the garden to see what it woulddo to the ant trail. I heard that their “ant poison”worked (I was cooking dinner and didn’t observe).

Human Body 0

Human Body

While ED and DD painted, LD wanted to workon his body — no weight lifting involved! He laydown on the paper and I did a rough outline ofhis body. Then he put together the bone puzzlefrom a book that Grams gave us.

Organs 0


We looked at the organs in the human body in thebook that Grams gave us and I penciled them inlightly on outline pictures of the kids’ bodies (bythis time DD wanted her outline done — and thenED immediately lay down on the paper and wantedhers done too!) I suggested to LD that he colorthe organs in (the book had them colored). Heoutlined them instead. DD and ED spent a lot...

Plate Movements on Earth Cause Earthquakes and Volcanoes 0

Plate Movements on Earth Cause Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Our last experiment (demonstration perhaps is a better word) was on plate movements. We looked at a map of the world’s plates, then made our own out of clay. On each plate was a continent (raised) and ocean (lower parts). We talked about how plates move around. Under each plate we put some magma (corn syrup and red food dye). When the plates are moving nothing happens to the magma (picture 1) Sometimes plates...

Natural Disaster — Putting the Book Together 0

Natural Disaster — Putting the Book Together

We’ve done a huge unit on natural disasters this term. LD has been asking and asking when we could finally finish up the lapbook (which we actually put together with a comb binder). I got things ready and figured we spend the week putting things together. LD decided he wanted to do it ALL on Monday. He barely even let me get a quick lunch together. He spent close to...


The cute exploding volcano was from All in all, LD learned a lot this term. He sure isproud of the final product! I was amazed at theenergy and focus he had to put everythingtogether. He’s been bringing it everywherewe go (including to Standley Chasm!) justin case there was someone there who mightwant to look at it.


Natural Disaster Activity — Tornado

Our tornado in a bottle didn’t turn out as well as the ones online did, but we did get it to work. (It didn’t work when we used food dye, oil and water. everything turned red.)   LD wanted to “do his own experiment” with the oil and food dye (which he noticed formed bubbles in the oil). He put the oil and dye on a leaf, broke the bubbles...


Natural Disasters

We have been doing a unit on natural disasters. We have yet to put our lapbook together, but I’ll share some of the activities we did.  (Still to come in the next couple of days is the tornado activity.) Update: We have a new Natural Disasters Packet. See you again soon here or Homeschool Den Facebook page. Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter! ~Liesl You can find out more about...


Hurricane Activity

The majority of damage from hurricanes comes from heavy winds. We watched a youtube video about hurricanes where the wind blew the roof off of a house. Then we did our own activity. We built a house out of index cards and then tested their strength with level one winds (one straw). Seeing that the house blew down, we reinforced it (with more tape). It then withstood the level one...


Tsunami Activity

Our next activity was to recreate a tsunami. In a flat pan, the kids built up a sandy beach (sand, corn flour) and built little houses. Then they added water and created an earthquake. It didn’t work when the kids hit the table with the bat, but when the table was given a good shake the tsunami hit fill force!                 We looked...

Volcano Activity 0

Volcano Activity

Last January we made a volcano out of paper mache. This time around we just used sand and corn flour. The mixture actually dried to rock hard (later), but the kids didn’t have the patience to wait a full day. Of course we had to make our “lava” realistic by using not just baking soda and vinegar but also red food dye and dish soap (to add to the foaming...