Category: Math Categories (By Skill and Grade)


Sunny Side Up (game learning about double digit numbers)

I brought out a dice game to play with DD called Sunny Side Up.  The dice have the numbers 1-5 and a smiley face.  I made little cards that have 9 numbers using just those digits (such as 51, 42, 14, 3, 5…).  We each have our own card and take turns tossing the dice.  We try to build numbers using the value on each die.  So you need a...

Bird Related Activities 0

Bird Related Activities

So aside from learning about the birds in our area (which are all new to the kids), I also selected a number of general bird and chicken activities to slip into their workboxes. Here are a couple they did today: DD had this chicken grid game from in her workbox today for math.  We played with two dice and she had to try adding them together.  That’s quite challenging...

Addition Math Games for Number Families 9-18 7

Addition Math Games for Number Families 9-18

I spent some time making some cards and games to work withLD on his addition facts the 9s through 18s families (so 4+5=9or 11+7=18, etc.). Each game set works with three families(so pictured below are the games for the 9s, 10s and 11s families). Addition Bingo (below):In the board below, the cards for 9s, 10s, 11s should be upside down in a pile. Each player takes a turn picking upa...

Preschool Games 0

Preschool Games

In this game, I made a number of dice with the numbers0-56-1010-15Each player chooses the mouse they want to be. Theneach player choose one die for that round. Both/allplayers roll their dice and pick up that number ofcookies for their mouse. Spin the spinner for that round and see who the “winner/s”was/were. cookies were from: cute activities relating to If You Give A MouseA Cookie from Belinda Mooney are at:

Active Math Games: 5 and 6 — Math Tail Tag; Math Monster 5

Active Math Games: 5 and 6 — Math Tail Tag; Math Monster

MATH TAIL TAG: Today after Kindergym I told the kids we weregoing to the park to play math games. Theywere pretty excited. Our first game was Math Tail Tag. The kids all had astrip of construction paper with a number on it tuckedinto our shorts. We ran around trying to protect our tailfrom being swiped and tried to swipe someone else’stail. When we got a tail, we looked at the...

Active Math Games: 1 The Math Snail 2

Active Math Games: 1 The Math Snail

This week I’m moving away from the theme time tableand am focussing on some active math games instead (Ionly have so much energy to get things organized and setto go!). The kids were beside themselves to get outside to seewhat I was up to with the chalk last night! This is a mathsnail. LD is doing the addition problems. DD is practicing either saying the number (in light pink,it’s very...

Active Math Games: 3 — Math Splat! 2

Active Math Games: 3 — Math Splat!

I drew circles and placed numbers up on theoutside wall. The kids had to dip a sponge inwater and splat a number. LD worked on the 13 number family. If hegot a 7 for example, he had to figure out whichnumber makes 13 (answer=6). This is thefirst time he’s done the 13 family, so there’sa sheet for him to look at for help. Once again DD worked on “comes after.”...

Active Math Games: 4 — Contact Paper Math 2

Active Math Games: 4 — Contact Paper Math

This week our living room carpet has been dectoratedwith math problems (we don’t have a separate homeschoolroom or area). LD’s doing the space themed additionproblems. DD is doing “what number comes next.”And ED can’t ever be left out, so she get to jump on “1,2,3!” I did this earlier in the year (with different problems) and itreally helped cement in some of LD’s addition facts. It waseasy to say “go...

Math Resource List (K-2) 4

Math Resource List (K-2)

I wrote up a list of math resources I’ve come across some time back. This is an old posting, but worth a look for math resources (websites, games, activities) you might not have come across. My kids are young, so these websites are generally for K-2. Math Resources List Part I — Addition, hundreds board, skip counting Math Resources List Part II — Time, Place Value, Money Activities, Multiplication Leave...

Princess Counting 0

Princess Counting

I printed off princess bookmarks from here. (Iactually used the j-peg image so I could printtwo sets (16 bookmarks total) on one page, but youcan also get the larger bookmarks in a pdf file there. (It took several tries, but I did manage to view thepdf file, just so you know.) I put a dot sticker onthe bottom with the numerals 1-19. I pulled outour beads and DD has really...

Theme Time: Princess 12

Theme Time: Princess

With two girls, we have lots of princess thingsaround. Since it really appeals to the girls, I seeno reason not to tap into their interests. So from bugs,frogs and the outdoors one day–to princesses the next! At any rate, the princess theme was a big hitespecially the wooden castle which DD paintedand the princess numbers/beads. We did lots ofbuilding, puzzle making, read lots of princess booksand things like that.

Theme Time: Dinosaurs 0

Theme Time: Dinosaurs

It’s amazing how many books and things you findin various nooks and crannies around the house.We had quite a large selection of dinosaur books,puzzles, animals (mostly from my childhood!).I added in a puppet, board game and made amath worksheet for DD. (You can download itat the right if you’re interested.)  The wonderful thing about this was that ED andDD spent a LOT of time here today doing thingsindependently (though I...

Skip Counting Activities 0

Skip Counting Activities

The kids were anxious to try these sheets out. DD saw me working on them last night and asked to do it this morning (she can recognize the numbers if I tell her what to look for, but doesn’t know about skip counting per se). This brought LD over and we spent quite a while doing the sheets together. I hope someone else enjoys them too.