Category: Language Arts: Writing
Someone shared this wonderful link to an article on the benefits of teaching kids cursive writing Also, if you need a homeschool id (for teachers or for students) card, you can make one (free) at the homeschool buyer’s co-op. I need to update ours before we go on travel and thought I’d mention it here in case you hadn’t heard about them. The homeschool id card was beneficial when...
I wanted to share a couple of things that are workingreally well for us for handwriting. I had heard aboutsandpaper letters. In fact, I’ve heard that a lot of peoplehave made their own. I decided to buy sandpaper letters(ours are from I have found them SO helpful.Both LD and DD enjoy doing them and it helps LD withsome of the letters he hasn’t been forming properly. I wish I...
I wasn’t quite sure what to call this post, buthere’s an activity we did today. Part I: I put letters on some cards and hid them aroundthe yard. DD (4) had to find the animal worker lettercards. LD (6) had to find the stars.
Part II: DD had to sort her hard hat animals into different colors.Then she had to put the letters in the right order tomake the words house, flower and teddy bear. LD had to take his letters, make as many words as hecould and write them in his notebook (men, cent, pin etc). He’s been unhappy about his journal writing, but hereally enjoyed this activity.
Peggy Kaye’s books have been a WONDERFUL additionto our homeschooling curriculum. LD is not thrilled aboutwriting, but using ideas like this one from Peggy Kaye’sbooks have made a HUGE difference to the enjoymentand pleasure he gets out of writing. I got this ideafrom Games for Writing and LD is tickled by the sillysentences that he’s had to write like this one: A robot sang a song in the White House...
LD has a writing journal. Activities really vary. Forexample, I’ve asked him questions like“What did you do over the school holidays?”“What is your favorite type of junk food?”“What is your phone number?” and“Look at your fingers. Your finger tips areall different. Draw two of your finger printsbelow. Label them.” This idea below I got from Peggy Kaye’s Games forWriting. What a great resource! (Sorry if I’m soundinga bit like an...