Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den


Free Holiday Skip Counting Pages (2s thru 7s)

I made some Christmas skip counting mazes for my daughter and printed them out for her math notebook.  At the moment she is only work on the 2s, 3s and 5s, but I made other mazes as well since your kids might be ready for more advanced math. Free Holiday Skip Counting Practice 2s thru 7s Click here to save these on Pinterest! If you find them useful, I’d love...

Snowflake Math (2 1/2 Year Old’s Activity) 0

Snowflake Math (2 1/2 Year Old’s Activity)

With all the snow and ice we’ve had this week, it brought to mind a really cute activity I did with ED when she was a toddler.  This time of year there should be some pretty snowflake ornaments at the hobby store like the ones I got a few years ago.   When ED was 2 1/2 she always came running when I called the older kids for math time....

What’s Happenin’ in Homeschool? 1

What’s Happenin’ in Homeschool?

Tis the season to be flexible! Some days we get quite a bit done, other days… not so much.  I try to keep myself calm about that.  Yesterday, for example, all our friends had a snow day. Often time we do school anyway, but the appeal of sledding and playing outside with friends won over! Today, we were back to the normal homeschool schedule. Here are some of the things...

Ice Storm Holly 0

Beautiful Ice Storm

The ice storm that hit our area was incredibly beautiful. Our house is nestled down in the woods and the trees were so pretty. The kids and I spent a lot of time outside taking pictures: DD took this picture: The evergreens looked pretty too: The holly bushes looked so striking with their bright red berries!! We had to include this last picture because it looked so crazy that the...


Free Christmas Number Cards and Math Games

There are lots and lots of different cards games you can play during math time.  I made a set of six little cards (0-15) for my daughters this December.  They look like this: Ages 2-4: If you have a toddler or preschooler you can print out two sets of numbers, cut out one set and have your kids match the numbers on the other (uncut) sheet. You can also use...

Homemade Christmas Keepsakes (Great as Gifts!) 0

Homemade Christmas Keepsakes (Great as Gifts!)

Every year there are a few Christmas decorations that I absolutely LOVE bringing out!  I wanted to share a few of our family favorites! My personal favorites are the ones that include pictures of the kids. One year when the kids were not-quite-2, 4 and 6, I made a holiday picture banner. I took pictures of the kids holding all the letters in Merry Christmas.  Then I laminated them and...


Forgiveness, Fairness, Equality, Justice…Lessons on South Africa

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela in his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom Last night I read about the passing of Nelson Mandela,...


Comma Rules and Practice Sheets (Free)

Last week I mentioned that we’ve been doing some grammar review again. We went over 11 comma rules. Then each day they’ve been doing  five or six sentences — adding in the comma where needed and identifying the comma rule that applies. My kids love science, so the comma worksheet has a lot to do with science this time. (There are sentences about the plague, polio, the Venus fly trap,...


Geometry Review Pack

Last fall (a year ago), LD did a unit on geometry. He needed some basic review of some of the things he learned — so I put together a small review pack for him. I’ll share it here for anyone who might find it useful. There are 6 pages, plus the answers. You can download the free Geometry Review Packet here: Geometry Review Worksheets He used the Geometry, Grades 6 –...


Free Writing Workshop Resource Pack (30-pages)

A couple of weeks ago, I started writing a series about how and why we started our own Homeschool Writing Workshop. This is the fourth post in the series. Since it’s been a while, let me link to the first few posts in the series Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop — Post #1: How and Why We Got Started with a Workshop Model. Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop – Post...

Post Thanksgiving Thoughts (Eating, Shopping, Stretching, Books I’m Reading and More) 0

Post Thanksgiving Thoughts (Eating, Shopping, Stretching, Books I’m Reading and More)

I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving holiday.  Life seemed to charge forward at break-neck speed and suddenly it was Thursday — Thanksgiving. We hadn’t even bought a turkey!!  Since we didn’t have any extended family coming over (and the turkey was frozen solid!!!), we decided to have shrimp and veggies and a pumpkin pie on Thursday. Then we made the full spread on Friday (turkey, sweet potatoes, homemade...


Math Should Never Be Boring! More Math Brain-Teasers (Free Printable)

Yesterday, I mentioned that we’ve added a new portion to our math day. For much of the fall, the kids were simply doing math problems from their math book and they were complaining that math was B*O*R*I*N*G.  What? Oh NO!!  It was true, though, with everything else going on they were doing straight-forward stuff; you know fraction problems like this… or long division… or a good meaty problem like 5789...


What Happens in a Homeschool Day? Our Week (or 2) in Review (K, Grade 3, Grade 5)

I thought I would put a post together that helps give a flavor of what our daily homeschooling routine looks like. So many of my posts are compilations of our activities, but they don’t actually show what happens day-to-day.  It’s about time to do that again (and I enjoy reading these posts later as the kids get older!) We have finally gotten back to a relatively normal schedule. (If you...


Brain-Teaser for You and the Kids!

Here’s a math puzzle for your and your kids. Three match sticks are laid out in front of you. Moving just two match sticks, make six.  I’ll share the answer in another day or so and explain why I’m asking!! 🙂 Happy puzzling! There’s another puzzle over at my Homeschool Den Facebook page if you like this sort of challenge! Later: The solution is here at More Math Brain-Teasers (Free...