Comma Rules and Practice Sheets (Free)
Last week I mentioned that we’ve been doing some grammar review again. We went over 11 comma rules. Then each day they’ve been doing five or six sentences — adding in the comma where needed and identifying the comma rule that applies.
My kids love science, so the comma worksheet has a lot to do with science this time. (There are sentences about the plague, polio, the Venus fly trap, ocean currents and so forth.) I made another sheet last year that is quite similar and I’ll include the link to that and some other free grammar sheets I’ve made at the bottom of this post.
Comma Rules and Practice Sheets – Science Facts
By the way, if you don’t have a color printer I included p. 3 without pictures at the end of the document.
My youngest wants to do everything her older brother and sister are doing. I made a Simple comma Rules Worksheet for K-1 her as well, but she only went over four of the comma rules:
In this related post, you’ll find links to more of my other free grammar sheets.They cover not only comma rules, but capitalization, homophones, possessive nouns and pronouns, the use of apostrophes, quotation marks, underlining and more: Various Free Grammar Sheets
Here is a recent practice sheet I made for their/there/they’re and its/it’s
I don’t think you hear this enough but I appreciate how much work you put into making your work usable to others. It really is a labor of love! Thank you!
Thank you SO much for your nice comments, Dawn! I really love hearing from my readers and your comment made my day! ~Liesl
The Comma rules have been explained very well; the worksheets will really help my students!
Your methodical work has saved my time and some prepartation time! Thank you soo much!
I’m so glad these were helpful! 🙂 If you look around, we have tons of other free grammar sheets that I’ve made for the kids as well! ~Liesl