Tagged: free comma worksheets

Comma rules and practice pages 0

Comma Rules and Practice Pages (Free Grammar Worksheets)

Today I’m sharing some free comma rules grammar worksheets.  The first page has the 11 common comma rules we’ve covered.  There are various practice sentences on the next two pages. The kids have to place the missing commas in each sentence and must write down the rule that goes along with it.  Some sentences have more than one missing comma (and so might have more than one comma rule that...

Language Arts Homeschool-Curriculum 0

Language Arts Update: Literature, Spelling, Vocabulary and Grammar

This is just a quick post about our language arts so far this fall.  The first few weeks of school were off to a good start! 🙂 Our writing workshop is going well, and the kids really like the literature books we’ve add in (for the first part of writing workshop). The kids are really happy with these books. We set the timer for 20 minutes, but usually they take...


Comma Rules and Practice Sheets (Free)

Last week I mentioned that we’ve been doing some grammar review again. We went over 11 comma rules. Then each day they’ve been doing  five or six sentences — adding in the comma where needed and identifying the comma rule that applies. My kids love science, so the comma worksheet has a lot to do with science this time. (There are sentences about the plague, polio, the Venus fly trap,...

Grammar Worksheets: Comma Rules 2

Grammar Worksheets: Comma Rules

After a couple weeks working on spelling, we’re now back to working on grammar for a week or two. We use the Write Source Skills Books as our spine. (They’re about $7.95 each.) This week LD needed a bit of review on all the rules for commas and I made up a number of review sheets for him. After printing out the pages, you need to cut the rules and sentences...