Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

History Portfolio Projects - Using them in your homeschool or classroom - Free Prinable 0

What is a History Portfolio Project?

History Portfolio Projects have student focus on one theme, topic or time period and can include an array of writing, art, and geography assignments that are compiled together in a final product. While we did a couple of portfolio projects when the kids were in elementary (age 8 -10 or so), Portfolio Project really become a powerful tool during the middle and high school years! History portfolio projects require students...

Then and Now Worksheets - Items from the Past and Present 0

Then and Now Worksheets – Items from the Past and Present!

Today I have some fun Then and Now worksheets to share with you!  These are currently FREE to download! 🙂  They include various items from the past and present… and are perfect if you are talking with your kids about the history of Thanksgiving! If your kids are a little older they can try to figure out how long ago these items were used – back in colonial days (1620)...

Thanksgiving Turkeys - Free Printable 0

Thanksgiving Turkeys – Free Printable!

How much do you and your kids know about turkeys?! This quick worksheet might come in handy as we approach Thanksgiving here in the U.S.  This turkey printable has a few facts: Turkeys lived almost ten million years ago. There are 6 species of wild turkeys. It is estimated that there are 7 million wild turkeys. The male turkey is called a tom. The female turkey is called a hen....

Biography Writing Paper Packet - Free Download 0

Free Biography Writing Paper Packet

Today I have a free Biography Writing Paper Packet to share with you! These writing pages include famous Americans as well as famous historical figures from King Tut to Marie Curie, Albert Einstein dozens more! These can be used with the biographies my daughter read (more details about those below) or just as quick assignments when you have the time. 🙂 My youngest has been working independently on these for...

Consonant Blends - L-Blends - Worksheets Games and Activities 0

L-Blend Worksheets, Games and Activities – Consonant Blends

L-Blend Worksheets, Games and Activities This is the first in a series of three Consonant Blends Activity Packets. This set focuses on the L-Blends such as bl, cl, gl, fl and pl. There are practice worksheets that include tracing, write in the consonant blends (bl, cl, fl, gl or pl), write in the words, and cut-and-paste activities.  There are consonant blend sorting cards and a sorting mat. Plus, your kids...

Hands-On Activity Ideas - Homeschool Teaching Strategies 0

Update to the Hands-On Activity Ideas and Teaching Strategies List – Free Printable

Hey Everyone, This is just a real quick note to let you know that I updated the Hands-On Activity Ideas and Homeschool Teaching Strategies List.  I wanted to update that list and add in some pictures. This post has a wide range of different hands-on activity ideas and teaching strategies that might inspire you in your homeschooling! This time of year, our homeschooling can start to feel a bit stale....

The mean email... 8

I just got a mean email which prompts me to write this…

Hey everyone, It’s a Sunday evening. It’s been an exhausting, though very fun family weekend.   But of course, as you can see from the title of this blog post, it’s been soured just a bit.  I got an email that is clearly a troll trying to make me feel bad and/or threaten me (well, or the website in general)…– accusing me of stealing (content I’m supposing?)…  May as well just...

Free Living and Nonliving Cards Worksheets and Activities 0

Newly Updated Living – Nonliving Packet (Free!)

Just a quick note to let you know that I updated the Living and Nonliving packet to include worksheets and activities.  It is still FREE to download.    This unit will help your kids learn about living and nonliving things. Some of the things that are included in this mini-packet include Living and Nonliving Sorting Cards, the Characteristics of Living Things Notebook Pages, as well as a half-dozen different types...

Magnetism Unit - Magnets Magnetic Fields Magnetosphere Migration 0

Magnetism Unit on Magnetic Fields, the Magnetosphere, and Animal Migration

In our latest Magnetism Unit we did some really fun hands-on activities with magnets and magnetic fields! This 25+ page Magnet Packet includes notebook pages, worksheets, a half-dozen hands-on activity ideas, and an interactive notebook pieces about magnetism & the magnetosphere.   In this unit we talked about how magnets were discovered, magnetic poles, magnetic attraction and repulsion, magnetic fields and the lines of magnetic force, magnetic induction & domains,...

10 Things I Learned Homeschooling Math 0

10 Things I’ve Learned About Homeschooling Math (and 30 Math Activity Ideas!)

In this post, I want to share some of the things I’ve learned over the years while homeschooling math with my three kids. Plus, I’m going to share more than 30 different math activity ideas that were big hits with my kids… everything from the types of math manipulatives we used to various math games and activities we incorporated into our math time. Very quickly, what are some things I...

Free Letter W Worksheet Printables 0

Free Letter W Worksheets

I have some fun, free Letter W worksheets for you today! These include Letter W tracing, finding the words that start with the letter W, and matching pictures with words that start with W such as well web wagon watch witch walrus watermelon whale worm Because it is close to Halloween here in the US, there’s also a fun Letter W coloring page with the words web and witch! 🙂...

Free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Worksheets 0

Free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Worksheets

My daughter has been working on geometry this year and needed a little more practice working on complementary and supplementary angles. I wanted to share these free Complementary and Supplementary Angles Worksheets with you today! She had to define and draw examples of these.  And, she also had to determine the measures of complementary and supplementary angles based on diagrams and the information provided. Two angles are complementary if the sum...

If you were in my living room right now... homeschooling life 0

If you Were in my Living Room Right Now… I would tell you…

If you were in my living room right now… I would offer you a cup of coffee (partly because I’m tired from driving ED early in the mornings to her soccer games this weekend) and I’d have some cookies baking in the oven. That sounds overly domestic of me, but the truth is we had signed up to bring cookies yesterday and I ran out of time to bake the...

25+ Free Grammar and Writing Worksheets and Printables 0

25+ Free Grammar and Writing Worksheets and Printables

I wanted to highlight some of the free grammar and writing worksheets and printables we have tucked away on the website.  It has been a while since I have talked about these and we have dozens of free resources!! I’m going to start with a few of the free writing resources we have and then I’ll give you links to our free grammar worksheets  on the major comma rules, apostrophes,...