Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Sandpaper Letters; Writing Curriculum 0

Sandpaper Letters; Writing Curriculum

I wanted to share a couple of things that are workingreally well for us for handwriting. I had heard aboutsandpaper letters. In fact, I’ve heard that a lot of peoplehave made their own. I decided to buy sandpaper letters(ours are from I have found them SO helpful.Both LD and DD enjoy doing them and it helps LD withsome of the letters he hasn’t been forming properly. I wish I...

Pattern Blocks 0

Pattern Blocks

Grandpa also sent us some pattern blocks when he sentthe sandpaper (tactile) letters. ED and DD have reallybeen enjoying them a lot! We found lots of free patternblock printables at printed them in color on one side and black and whiteon the other (to make it more challenging for DD).


Little Critters

But then after our picnic lunch we went down closer to the (now mostly dry) river bed and saw lots of little critters– a little frog, a cicada coming out of its shell and a large 6-inch/15 cm praying mantis. By the way, once the cicada has dried, it is orange and black we just happened on it in the ten minutes or so when it’s still drying and the...

Place Value (to the thousands) Math 0

Place Value (to the thousands) Math

LD really enjoys this activity. I’ve talked about itbefore, but it’s worth another mention. It’s adaptedfrom Peggy Kaye’s Games for Math. On the back of a rug, I drew a target (it’s hard tosee the target in the picture but the rug works wellbecause it has little rubber nubby things that helpstop the paper clip from sliding). The center circleis worth 1000, the next ring is 100, the next is...


Biomes Pin Map

Today we started our big unit on biomes (deserts, forests, tundra, etc.) and animal habitats. I’m so excited about the pin map I made! I bought the picture cards set of biomes from (for $2.00 US). I printed them out along with some of the smaller photos.  (See the photo below this post.) I printed out the world biome map and the key from Then I combined the...


World Biomes — Homemade Pin Map

World Biomes Pin Map – Rain Forest, Desert, Savanna, Tundra and More For the map and pieces to this map click the link above!! I was pretty excited with how this turned out! I made this over the Christmas holidays and have been itching to show the kids. What do you think?!!  This is the full version, but I’ll be using it piece-meal as we cover a new biome. Again, continue on to this...

Forest Biome (Woodland Animal Habitat) 4

Forest Biome (Woodland Animal Habitat)

————– Here’s what we did today with our forest biome study: 1) We sang the continent song and the kids placed the continents in the world map (the world pin map is at the top right almost out of the picture). 2) We talked about the fact that different places in the world have different temperatures and different climates (ie. different biomes). We talked about our own climate (a desert)...

Deciduous Forest — Diaorama Project 0

Deciduous Forest — Diaorama Project

This week we’re going to make a diaorama on thedeciduous forest and its animal inhabitants. First wemade deciduous trees. The kids used cut up tissue paperand placed the bits onto contact paper. Then we putgreen paper onto the contact paper and cut out a treeshape. We’ll add a tree trunk later. Our other project today was to make coffee groundsquirrels. The kids decided to use colored sand for thesmaller version...


Squirrel Math Grid Game

DD and I played a squirrel math grid game today. We took turns rolling the dice and gathering acorns for our squirrels. She also quickly did the oak tree life cycle. Both activities were from (the acorns were from another game I printed out that we’ll play tomorrow, but if you have real acorns nearby that’d certainly be a better option!)