Valentine’s Day Freebies!
We have a wide range of free Valentine’s Day printables here on the blog. I thought I would highlight those for your today. That’s the perfect way to celebrate love and friendship, right?! My kids often enjoy having worksheets that go along with the holidays. Hope you find something that your kids will enjoy. ~Liesl
In this post your find lots of free Valentine’s Day math worksheets, games, and other printables.
The free math worksheets for older kids are towards the top of this list and the free PreK printables are lower down:
- Coming this Monday, Jan. 30: Free Fractions Packet (my daughter is just learning about equivalent fractions and doing problems like 1/2=?/6… and she will slowly learn to work through all the fractions 1/3, 1/4… to 1/9)
- If it’s cold and you are still stuck inside, you might enjoy this STEM project:Make Your Own Crystals – Hands-On Science Activity! which has detailed instructions.
10 Ways To Fill Your Home with Love: This was a post I wrote a few years ago when I went through some horrible health issues (and 6 surgeries in 8 months) which ultimately made me lose my balance system on one side and go deaf in my left ear. It started with… 1. Nourish the relationships around you, no matter how you feel!
Read more at this post! 10 Ways To Fill Your Home with Love
If you are at all curious about my crazy ear/dizziness/balance/ear noise issues you can watch the video I made about that whole health journey here: Video Update – What in the world is semi-circular canal dehiscence?!!
See you again soon here or over at our Homeschool Den Facebook Page! Don’t forget to Subscribe to our Homeschool Den Newsletter. You might also want to check out some of our resources pages above (such as our Science, Language Arts, or History Units Resource Pages) which have links to dozens of posts. Don’t forget to check out Our Store as well. ~Liesl
P.S. It’s a little early for Easter yet, but I still thought I would mention our fun Egg-Speriment Packet. It is about 16 pages and is free to download: