Germ Experiment — Where Do Germs Grow in Your House??!

24 Responses

  1. Gabriela says:

    Very cool!
    I’ve been looking for a science experiment that: doesn’t make too much waste, shows something that is actually important to see for real life purposes, doesn’t call for hard-to-get materials, and is easy to use with the scientific method. This is the one. Thanks!

  2. Gabriela says:

    Very cool!
    I’ve been looking for a science experiment that: doesn’t make too much waste, shows something that is actually important to see for real life purposes, doesn’t call for hard-to-get materials, and is easy to use with the scientific method. This is the one. Thanks!

  3. I would have guessed the toilet. This is a really cool experiment. We must do this!! Thank you for sharing.

  4. I would have guessed the toilet. This is a really cool experiment. We must do this!! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Liesl says:

    I’m so glad to hear some people like this! I was so excited to share this post because the results were so interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Liesl says:

    I’m so glad to hear some people like this! I was so excited to share this post because the results were so interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I pinned your page!
    Love the germ experiment.
    Visiting from WUHS. 🙂

  8. I pinned your page!
    Love the germ experiment.
    Visiting from WUHS. 🙂

  9. happycampers says:

    Great article but one VERY IMPORTANT part is missing. After you take your samples and spread them on your petri dish, you need to either seal shut the lid, or if using cups put them in a zip lock bag AND DO NOT OPEN THEM EVER! You grew some awesome cultures, but you have no idea what they are. It is potentially dangerous to breathe in or handle unknown cultures. I would have never thought of this until I read that on a homeschool science supply website.

    Thank you for providing the culture growth medium recipe…we will use it!

  10. happycampers says:

    Great article but one VERY IMPORTANT part is missing. After you take your samples and spread them on your petri dish, you need to either seal shut the lid, or if using cups put them in a zip lock bag AND DO NOT OPEN THEM EVER! You grew some awesome cultures, but you have no idea what they are. It is potentially dangerous to breathe in or handle unknown cultures. I would have never thought of this until I read that on a homeschool science supply website.

    Thank you for providing the culture growth medium recipe…we will use it!

  11. We’re totally going to try this. I think I’ll use my smallest mason jars. I’ll sanitize them first with either boiling water or a dishwasher cycle, just like if I were making jam. Then I’ll use the plastic screwtop lids for them.

  12. We’re totally going to try this. I think I’ll use my smallest mason jars. I’ll sanitize them first with either boiling water or a dishwasher cycle, just like if I were making jam. Then I’ll use the plastic screwtop lids for them.

  13. Liesl Den says:

    That’s a great point about keeping the dishes covered. I didn’t think to mention that in this post. You do need to keep the mold covered and dispose of the cultures properly.

    Thanks for all your comments everyone!

  14. Liesl Den says:

    That’s a great point about keeping the dishes covered. I didn’t think to mention that in this post. You do need to keep the mold covered and dispose of the cultures properly.

    Thanks for all your comments everyone!

  15. Sally says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. My 8 year old did this for her school science experiment and it became a whole family affair to see who had the most germs growing on them!

    • homeschooldenadmin says:

      That’s great! Last year someone else did this for a science fair project. Their project worked out & they seemed to have had fun with it too. It’s been so long since we did this experiment, I should have the kids do it again. My youngest probably doesn’t remember doing it! 🙂

  16. Alimat says:

    Looking for something for my 3 to 5 years old preschool. this will really work well, very educative and interesting way to end school before the spring break. Thanks for this. Good job. I will see if i can ask them to bring their teddys from home and see how many germs on them.

  1. August 23, 2012

    […] Your House for GERMS August 23rd, 2012 | Posted by Kat in Ideas | Kids This idea comes from and it is crazy awesome. I am somewhat of a “germ aware” person and find myself often […]

  2. August 23, 2012

    […] Your House for GERMS August 23rd, 2012 | Posted by Kat in Ideas | Kids This idea comes from and it is crazy awesome. I am somewhat of a “germ aware” person and find myself often […]

  3. February 11, 2014

    […] Germ Experiment: Where do Germs Grow in Your House? […]

  4. February 11, 2014

    […] Germ Experiment: Where do Germs Grow in Your House? […]

  5. February 24, 2014

    […] Then, there’s the DIY version of the “what’s the dirtiest spot you can find” experiment from our high school biology days. Have kids make predictions about where the yuckiest spots in the house are, and make some homemade petri dish germ beds after swabbing said hot spots. Find the detailed how-to at […]

  6. February 24, 2014

    […] Then, there’s the DIY version of the “what’s the dirtiest spot you can find” experiment from our high school biology days. Have kids make predictions about where the yuckiest spots in the house are, and make some homemade petri dish germ beds after swabbing said hot spots. Find the detailed how-to at […]

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