82 Search results

For the term "pete the cat".
Middle Ages Hands-On Projects 0

Middle Ages Projects and Books

Middle Ages Projects and Books for Kids! As with a lot of our homeschool curriculum, we’re patching together our Middle Ages Unit.  I thought I’d share some of the books, projects, and resources we’ve been using recently as we continue through our studies of the Middle Ages. Yesterday, we got to such an exciting part of our current Middle Ages novel, that we couldn’t stop! We read aloud for nearly...

How The Other Half Lives 0

Colorado Students Protest Sanitizing History and Removing Political Dissent

The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice. –Mark Twain History will be kind to me for I intend to write it. –Winston Churchill By now you’ve probably heard about the Colorado protests and walk outs by school students and their teachers this week. (See this Denver Post Article or this New York Times article). I’ve been quite caught up with the debates and protests out in...


What About the Social Aspects of Homeschooling?

For so many of us who grew up attending public schools and being educated among same-age peers, there are real questions about the socialization of homeschooled kids. We remember sitting in classrooms packed with other children and truly wonder how homeschoolers will fill in that “void” of being with other children so many hours of the day.  As a homeschooling family, though, I was quick to realize that socialization is...


Are Kids Reading Less Than They Used To?

There was a really interesting article over at Edutopia last month about the worry some educators have about how technology and testing are affecting the amount of reading kids are doing.  Educators have noticed that some kids are struggling to read deeply and comprehend longer texts. Are kids reading books deeply and for pleasure? Since the invention of the printing press, there has been a plethora of reading materials available.  Granted, not...


10 Ways to Fill Your Home with Love

It’s always time to fill the house with love, right? With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s timely to think about what this means. Sometimes love isn’t just the feelings you have, it’s the actions you take.   I wrote this post last year as I struggled with major (ear) problems that led to 6 ear surgeries in 8 months…  You can read more at this post,  I’m going deaf today. (I am...


Math Should Never Be Boring! More Math Brain-Teasers (Free Printable)

Yesterday, I mentioned that we’ve added a new portion to our math day. For much of the fall, the kids were simply doing math problems from their math book and they were complaining that math was B*O*R*I*N*G.  What? Oh NO!!  It was true, though, with everything else going on they were doing straight-forward stuff; you know fraction problems like this… or long division… or a good meaty problem like 5789...

Homeschool Students Fight to Play on Public School Teams 0

Homeschool Students Fight to Play on Public School Teams

A couple of days ago, NPR ran a story on All Things Considered about how homeschool students in some states are fighting to play on public school teams. It is an issue fraught with emotion and politics. The laws vary state to state.  Policies are changing from year to year. In fact just in the past two or three years, there has been a lot of legislation being considered by...

When Kids Want to Quit 5

When Kids Want to Quit

You’ve bought the supplies, paid the dues, your child starts an activity… only to announce not long after that he doesn’t want to participate. The shoes are too tight, the coach is too mean, the drills are ‘boring,’ it’s just “not fun.” Yes, extracurricular activities can be enriching and rewarding, but sometimes your child wants to quit not long after he’s begun. What’s a parent to do? We’ve handled this...

A Fun Fitness Board Game for Kids: Flip2BFit 0

A Fun Fitness Board Game for Kids: Flip2BFit

I have had the privilege of reviewing a new board game called Flip2BFit.  This is so much more than a board game — it’s a full fitness workout!  The kids and I had so much fun with this game. On the first day we tried it out, they liked it so much that they made Dad play it when he got home from work. The kids really enjoyed all the...

Let’s Talk About Homeschooling Successes 4

Let’s Talk About Homeschooling Successes

If you’ve been over to my facebook page in the past day or so, you’ll see we’ve had a rough time of it. Last week DD was under the weather and slept for a couple of days. This weekend LD came down with a virus and spent many hours hunched over a bowl. Unfortunately for LD, he tends to get illness-induced asthma.  So the nasty virus also progressed into a...

Montessori and Motivation (Article) 0

Montessori and Motivation (Article)

I mentioned a few days ago that I’ve been seriously reassessing how our homeschool runs.  I’m pretty excited about some of the changes I’d like to make– creating more structure yet giving them more independence,   or another way of putting that… creating academic work time yet giving them freedom within that, working with them on goal-setting,  creating the environment that gives them that autonomy.I read the book The Montessori Controversy...

Looking Back over the Year, 2009-2010 0

Looking Back over the Year, 2009-2010

This year (2009-2010) our main units included natural disasters,China,  biomes/animal habitats, ancient Greece (we did ancientEgypt just before this school year officially started and before Istarted this blog), flowers and apples (the last two  were gearedmore towards my preschooler).  We also enjoyed lots of scienceexperiments (almost weekly) and the younger kids really enjoyedthe theme time tables.  We did a lot with geography throughout the  year and reallyenjoyed doing  country/continent swaps...