A Fun Fitness Board Game for Kids: Flip2BFit
I have had the privilege of reviewing a new board game called Flip2BFit. This is so much more than a board game — it’s a full fitness workout! The kids and I had so much fun with this game. On the first day we tried it out, they liked it so much that they made Dad play it when he got home from work. The kids really enjoyed all the moves–stretching, yoga, strength and cardio activities. My son especially loved the ‘group play’ when everyone has to complete the activity or compete against one another. I think they all loved that this was a game where they could out-do me physically (and I’m a long distance runner!).
This game was selected as the best game of the month-May 2012. I suspect everyone will want this game for those dog-days of summer or the cold, nasty days of winter because it gets kids up and moving (not to mention having fun while they’re at it).
Here’s how to play: Each player starts at home (the circles on the board). There are four card categories. On her turn she spins the spinner and takes a card from that category. If she completes the task or wins the competition then she gets to move ahead on the board.
The four categories include stretching (blue), cardio (purple), yoga (green) and strength (orange). Players move ahead more spaces for completing a strength or cardio card (3 spaces and 2 spaces respectively) and move just one space after completing a stretch or yoga move.
There’s another picture of the spinner and some of the cards in the picture below.
If you get a Pick It or Pass It Card which are interspersed among the four piles (the red cards below), then you move forward or backwards on the board depending on whether you made healthy or unhealthy food choices.
The kids (and I!!) absolutely loved this game. There was stretching.
There were yoga positions (green) and cardio cards (purple).
LD especially loved the competition and decided to make many of the strength cards into contests (even when it wasn’t group play!). The dolphin planks (below left) went on so long that I had to call it a tie (though I was out after 30 seconds!)! LD was mortified that DD could beat him on certain moves like the superman stretch (below right).
This game going to be a regular in our household. I thought it a lot of fun and so did the kids. It’ll be great for those days when it’s raining, cold or downright too hot to go outside and the kids have lots of pent-up energy. I’m all for a game that gets us up, moving and fit. You can purchase your own game at the Flip2BFit website or over at the Amazon.
Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of Flip2BFit for review. The opinions expressed here are solely my own.
~Liesl, The Homeschool Den