82 Search results

For the term "pete the cat".

How To Start Homeschooling

When parents are thinking about homeschooling, they want to know exactly “how to start.”  That’s such a huge question I’ve actually written a book… or rather, most of a book. It’s about 200 pages and I’m still not quite done!  But I still want to write a shorter blog post to help those parents wondering what to do to get started homeschooling. First things first, make sure you find out...

How Long Will We Keep Homeschooling? (Homeschooling Through High School) 16

How Long Will We Keep Homeschooling? (Homeschooling Through High School)

This is the question our family gets asked most often… or some variation of it… Will you homeschool through high school? How will you teach the tough subjects like calculus? My son will be entering 6th grade this year… In our area he would be entering middle school.  DD is a 4th grader and ED will be in 1st grade. (You know, we’re homeschoolers so really they do work on...


How and Why Did We Get Started Homeschooling?

As I start off this series, I realize there might be some readers who are fairly new to our blog.  I thought I’d share how we got started homeschooling (and blogging about our adventures). Homeschooling was on our radar even before we had kids. My older sister had kids before we did. They decided to homeschool their kids just about the time we had our son, LD. Also, my cousin...


Do we Homeschool in the Summer?

I was recently asked if we planned to homeschool throughout the summer.  We often start back to school a bit earlier in August than our public school friends, but our family has decided that we need most of the summer off… at least from our more formal approach to school. For one thing, the majority of the kids’ friends have “off” during the summer, so we set up more playdates...


Free Math Lapbook (PreK – K)

Here is the free math lapbook ED (and I) made together. It has all kinds of different activities she was working on from the days of the week and months of the year to the concept of odd-even, more-less, doubling, and other things! At the end of the year last year, I had ED cut out and put together a math lapbook. We didn’t go over much of the material...


Free Christmas Math Games (Double Digit Number Game, Grid Game): Ages 4-8

Last week I shared some of the math card games I played with the kids.  Life has been busy and I only had the chance to print out these next two games yesterday.  I’ll share them with you today. These are a couple more games that use the Christmas Number Cards I shared last week. The first game is called the Quick Christmas Cross-Off.  It’s great for kids who are...


Free Christmas Number Cards and Math Games

There are lots and lots of different cards games you can play during math time.  I made a set of six little cards (0-15) for my daughters this December.  They look like this: Ages 2-4: If you have a toddler or preschooler you can print out two sets of numbers, cut out one set and have your kids match the numbers on the other (uncut) sheet. You can also use...


Kitty Race Game — Doubling (5+5 thru 10+10)

ED loves kittens and I made this game for her to practice her doubling.  It’s a pretty straight-forward game. Just roll the die, double the number and move the token up one space. This doesn’t have to be a competitive game… the players just guess which kitty is going to win the game. (I drew all these kitties — not professional by any means but ED likes them and the fact...


Free Ultimate Math Game Board (+free addition cards)

This week I brought out a math game board to go over some math facts with the kids. The great thing about this board is that the kids can practice any math skill they’re working on. A player can start on any green start space. If she answers a math fact card correctly, she rolls the die and moves clockwise around the gameboard.  If she lands on a space such...

Hands-On Homeschool Activities for Tots to Ten Year Olds! 4

Hands-On Homeschool Activities for Tots to Ten Year Olds!

Not too long ago the categories section of my blog was disabled. I’m trying to get that up and running, but in the meantime I wanted to be sure people could cruise through the various topics we’ve done while planning for the fall. I’m sure homeschoolers all around the country are gearing up for the new school year! Update: We have just moved to homeschoolden.com… I have not yet provided the...

Most Popular Posts From this School Year 0

Most Popular Posts From this School Year

Since I am wrapping up the school year, I thought I would go through and share some of the most popular posts from this school year. Most of them had to do with some of the free materials I made, but two of them had to do with family life in general–3-The Most Stressful Number of Kids and the post I wrote just after our beloved Vovo, hubby’s grandmother, died — The...


Homeschool Preschool Year in Review

Each year at the end of the year, I put together a post that looks back at our school year.  ED has had a great year. She was 4 this year and turned 5 this spring. We homeschool together… so ED participates with my older two kids in all their activities. Some of these units (like the 5 senses) were mainly for ED, others were mainly for the older kids, but...


Preschool at Home: A Few Math Ideas for the 2 1/2 to 3-Year-Old Crowd

The last few weeks I’ve been trying to put together some posts for those who are interested in doing some preschool activities at home with their kids. Today, I thought I’d highlight a few things I did with my kids for math in the 2 1/2-3 1/2 age range. Here are some activities I did with ED when she was 2 1/2.  She was just learning to count up to...


Christmas Division Pages

I shared DD’s multiplication pages a couple days ago. Now here are the division pages I made for LD. He isn’t as inspired by the cute pages, but I still made a few pages for him. You can download the Christmas-themed-division here. I made the illustrations myself. There also some addition (with Pete the Cat) and multiplication (with Pete the Cat)  pages in this same style. See you again soon...