483 Search results

For the term "middle ages".
Do I have what it takes to homeschool? 0

Do You Have What it Takes to Homeschool?

Do you have what it takes to homeschool? Of course you do, but let me tell you a little story! There is a shadowy figure that lurks outside of our homeschools. At the beginning of the year, this figure is so distant, we don’t realize it’s there. But just about this time of year, it starts to make an appearance. Sometimes it just pokes its head around the corner. Sometimes...

Earthquake Vibrations activities 0

Science Club Week 5 – Earthquake Vibrations, Taxonomy (cont.)

This week, we talked about how tensions build deep beneath the Earth and then suddenly release creating earthquake vibrations that move out away from the focus.  Below I’ll share several of the hands-on activities we did as we talked about this build-up of tension (and release of energy).  In the second part of our science club meeting we continued talking about taxonomy and focused on the digestive systems of flatworms...

Hearlthy Snack List for Kids 0

Homeschool Snacks

I’ve been falling down on the job. Our meals and snacks have been downright boring… and often not as healthy as they could be. So, the past 10 days or so, I’ve been challenging myself to offer the kids a variety of (reasonably) healthy snacks.  That’s what this post is all about! Our meals started out well at the beginning of the semester, but lately our meals – and especially...

Science Club Week 4 Convection Currents Major Phyla Engineering 0

Science Club Week 4 – Understanding Convection Currents, Taxonomy, Engineering Challenge

This was our fourth week of science club. Time’s flying by! As we waited for everyone to arrive, the kids filled in the tectonic plate map. We talked about the experiment we had done a couple weeks earlier that helped explain how the tectonic plates can move.  This week, we were going to do a couple more activities to show how heat/cooling can create currents and movement. (These pages have...

Science Club Week 3 - Taxonomy and Classification - Engineering Challenge 0

Science Club, Week 3: Taxonomy and Classification, Engineering Challenge

In the third week of our science club, we spent quite a bit of time talking about Taxonomy and Scientific Classification.  We had touched on it the previous week, but this time we went into much more detail. We had already talked about Linnaeus and his role in developing the classification system.  We also talked about how much it has changed – especially in just the last 15 or 20...

9th-grade-essay-writing 0

Essay Writing (LD’s 9th Grade Writing Activities)

This past summer, I spent quite a bit of time trying to decide what LD would do for 9th grade writing.  Last year we used Cover Story and the kids continued doing a lot of independent writing. They also had to do some writing for history, but we hadn’t delved much into formal essay writing. It was time for LD to start writing more polished pieces, but I wasn’t quite...


Layers of the Atmosphere, Weather and More

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been sharing some of the Earth Science activities we’ve been doing in our science club.  Today, I thought I would share some other resources that are buried here on the blog for those of you who want to continue on with Earth Science this year. a packet about the Earth’s atmosphere (Find out more about this 50+ page packet here.) Weather Packet Weather...

Homeschool Rhythms and Routines 0

Homeschool Rhythms and Routines

We’ve been in school for a couple of weeks now and creating good routines has been on my mind a lot.  I think we all want to harness the energy and excitement we feel these first few weeks of school and keep that going all throughout the year, right?! Coming up with a homeschool routine that works well for your family can be really challenging.  Some homeschoolers have a fairly...


Back to School Week!

This week we are starting back into homeschooling.  We’ll be starting slowly with a number of projects and activiteis.  I thought I’d share some of things our family is starting out with. 🙂 My kids have loved the math puzzles and challenges.  Our favorite book has been Mathematical Circle Diaries, Year 1: Complete Curriculum for Grades 5 to 7 (affiliate link).  These were a bit hard for my youngest daughter...

Free Printable Calendar 2017-2018 0

Free Printable Calendar 2017-2018 School Year

Hi everyone! As the school year begins again for many of us, we’re all trying to keep ourselves organized.  I use google (online) calendar for many of our activities, but I still keep a traditional paper calendar as well in my homeschool planner.  I wanted to share the updated printable calendar with you all.  This is FREE to download and print out, just click to link or picture below! This...

Back to Homeschool Challenge 0

Back to Homeschool Challenge!

The Back to Homeschool Challenge: Daily missions to make sure we’re on track for an awesome year! Can you believe that the summer is winding down?! I hope you’ve had a restful, adventurous summer (for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere!). Are you getting ready for the new Homeschool Year?  The Back to Homeschool Challenge gives us 10 days of small daily tasks to make sure we’re ready for...

Free Homeschool Planner 4

Free Homeschool Planner and Discovery Journal

I am excited to share our new Homeschool Planner and Discovery Journal!  This unique homeschool planning packet is currently FREE to download! It is nearly 100 pages! Not only does this packet include daily and weekly planning pages, checklists and record keeping pages, but it also includes various homeschool journaling pages… think gratitude journal meets homeschool goal setting! What is unique about this planner? We all want to be the...

Astronomy-Packet-eclipse-phases-of-moon-meteor-showers 0

Free Summer Astronomy Packet (Solar Eclipse Aug 2017!)

Today I want to share a free summer Astronomy Packet with you. This one highlights the amazing events coming in August 2017… the complete Solar Eclipse that will occur across a huge portion of the United States later this summer as well as other more common summer astronomy activities such as watching the Perseid Meteor Showers, looking for constellations, observing the phases of the moon and more! It highlights well...

History Homeschool Year in Review 0

History Year in Review (Grades 8, 6, 3)

Last week, I managed to get our Science Year in Review  post done. I had hoped to get the history post done too, but life got away from me!  It’s ready for my this week, though! So, here’s our HISTORY year in review!  There are quite a number of freebies in addition to the more in-depth packets I made this year. 🙂 This year my kids were in Grades 8,...