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Workboxes 0


The workbox yahoo group I participate in had a great discussion last week about “fun” boxes.  I wrote my own comments and thought I’d share them here too: I’m a little late adding to the discussion, but I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments and thoughts about fun boxes.  I always enjoy hearing how things are working for others. I think I’m different from many in that my kids do their...

Science Center Monday — Sink or Float Activities 2

Science Center Monday — Sink or Float Activities

I have lots of science experiments that we didn’tget to this past month. Since we’re going on toother units, I didn’t want to do science experimentsdaily. Instead, I have decided to set up a new sciencecenter every Monday. That gives me time over theweekend to gather the materials I need and to getthings set up. On Thursdays, I plan to set up an “old” experimentthat we’ve done already out on...

Sink or Float Experiment Activities (cont.) 2

Sink or Float Experiment Activities (cont.)

Part III: Float a Penny Test how many pennies can be placed on an index cardbefore it sinks. Do the same with a popsicle stick. See how many rocks/pennies can be placed on a pieceof bark before it sinks or tips over. Part IV: Float AND SinkTry to make the following items float. Then try to makethat same object sink. Do not place anything on it. Try: aluminium foilclaya plastic...

Make a Boat Ancient Greece seas 0

Ancient Greece — Importance of the Seas

When we looked at the geography of Greece last week we had talked about the importance of boats both for trade, transportation and as warships. Our science center led naturally to the construction of their own “Greek” boats.  We looked at a couple of books we have, brought out LD’s saw, glue, tape and off they went! We tested their boats in our pool afterwards. Related Posts you May Be Interested In: Ancient Greece Geography...

Parthenon Craft - Ancient Greece Unit 0

Parthenon Craft (Ancient Greece Unit)

I think I mentioned last week that we started a new unit on Ancient Greece. (We studied Ancient Egypt last semester.) We’ve been quite busy reading and crafting and LD seems to be having a lot of fun with this unit! LD and I worked together to on this wonderful Parthenon craft that we found at http://www.stormthecastle.com/paper-castle/paper-parthenon.htm. All we needed was a printer, scissors, glue, tape and a cereal box! We visited this Art History...

Greek Olympics 0

Greek Olympics

We learned about the ancient Greek olympicsand talked about the modern Olympics. Wewatched a video of the 2004 Olympics inAthens and LD made an olympic victorywreath. Of course the 2010 winter Olympics beginFeb. 12 and we will do some activities totie into that. Activity Village has some activitiesand website links about the Vancouver olympics.Here are a couple other resources that I mightcheck out in more detail about the winter Olympicssoon:...

Greek Myths — Resources 0

Greek Myths — Resources

We read a wonderful book about the Ancienct Greek gods and goddesses of Olympus by Aliki. The book had very visual pictures that went along well with the short myths about each god or goddess. It captured LD’s imagination and he really learned a lot from its simple retelling. We read through the entire book and LD has asked me to re-read sections again. We also read the myth of...


Making Medusa Masks

Today the entire family sat down to make scary Medusa masks. LD was the only one who had the patience to glue his snakes onto the top piece. DD said to put it into her workbox for later and spent the next hour playing with the three masks she had made.

Camouflage Animals 0

Camouflage Animals

The kids did this quick camouflage activity (from Take itTo Your Seat Science Centers, Grade 1-2). We alsodid an online game trying to find the camouflaged animals.Find the frog, ibex, snakes, fox, insects, turtles and more.The kids played that for a little bit, but we also just enjoyedlooking at images on the computer such as this websiteabout animals that change colors:http://webecoist.com/2009/02/22/color-changing-strange-animals-species/

Double Digit Addition Math Activity 1

Double Digit Addition Math Activity

LD has been visually working on double digit addition.We put 10 mini erasers into Ziploc bags (and stapledthem shut so ED wouldn’t get into them!). Shown here is 19 + 27. He simply lays out 19 (1 bag +9)and 27 (2 bags +7). When he counts how many singleerasers there are he exchanges 10 singles for one bag of10. With this and the exchange game LD seems to havereally grasped...

Preschool Peek — Fruits and Vegies and Where’s the Fairy? 0

Preschool Peek — Fruits and Vegies and Where’s the Fairy?

Here’s a peek at a couple things DD did this week in herworkbox. The plant sorting activity was from kidssoup.com.It goes along well with some plant related games from theTake it to your Seat Science Centers we’ve had in theworkboxes this week. Where’s the Fairy? — Reading/Word GameThe second activity uses Ami’s household word cards atHomeschool Share– Workboxables. Since DD is on thecusp of learning to read (but doesn’t want...


First Grade Math (addition/place value)

This post was one I wrote when my son was 6 years old. Now on to this entry… We continue to review/reinforce basic math addition facts. I made this little rocket/planet activity that LD and his friend have enjoyed. We also reviewed place value: We built the number 1783 (which separate into 1000, 700, 80 and 3 and stack on top of one another) Picture (below): I put a few 1000s together...

Mushroom Arts and Craft Project 0

Mushroom Arts and Craft Project

Our big project this past week has been making mushroomplay houses. 1) We covered rolled-up cardboard and a balloonwith paper mache. [1/2 cup flour + 1/2 cup water, stirin 2 cups of boiling water; let it cool and then dip thenewspaper and cover]