247 Search results

For the term "summer activities".

Creating a Homeschool Writing Workshop – Post #2 (Creating a Space)

Getting the Writing Workshop Area Ready One of the things that jumped out for me from all the reading I was doing about writing workshops is that it is important to have a space, routine and materials completely ready to go.  We had always fit in writing pell-mell whenever it fit in to our homeschool day. I wanted there to be a designated space (both physically and mentally) for our...


Monster-Themed Addition Packet

Can you believe how soon Halloween will be here?  I’ve been trying to come up with some fun, interactive math activities for ED.  I loved the idea I saw out on Pinterest back in the summer where someone used googly eyes as manipulatives for addition practice. I drew our own little monster and made ED a packet with some flashcards and addition pages. She is learning very simple addition.  ...


What’s a “Typical” Homeschool Day Like this Year?

We’ve been back to school for about a month, I wanted to share how homeschool life is going.  I love the posts where other homeschoolers share what they aspire to each day — and that’s what this post is.  Not that everything on the list get checked off, but if we were to have an ideal day it might look something like this (this is the list that floats around...


Free CDC Lesson Plans Grades 4-8 — Science Ambassador Program

Over the summer, I stumbled across the Center for Disease Control’s Science Ambassador Program. What a great find!  It has a series of lessons (maybe mini-unit would be a better term for them) on all kinds of various topics with challenging activities for students to learn about. Topics include — autism, birth defect, Hantavirus, HIV/Aids… and many more. What I like about their lessons is that they require the students...


Worksheets to Accompany the Bob Books Set 2

Earlier this summer ED switched back to the Bob Book series for a little while and I made some worksheets to go along with them.  She really liked working on these. I hope someone else finds them useful. As always, they are free to download. If you’d like to share or pin, go ahead just link back to my original post. Thanks! If you use them I’d love to hear...

Trash Crafts (9-foot trash-o-saurus and more) 0

Trash Crafts (9-foot trash-o-saurus and more)

A wonderful way to recycle, inspire and create is to save your clean trash. Set that out along with feathers, googly eyes, glue, pipe cleaners and other assorted things to see what you child can come up with.  Egg cartons were a huge hit with the girls last week.  While I decorated a tissue box… the girls set to work on their own cute puppets (no input from me)! Our...

Most Popular Posts From this School Year 0

Most Popular Posts From this School Year

Since I am wrapping up the school year, I thought I would go through and share some of the most popular posts from this school year. Most of them had to do with some of the free materials I made, but two of them had to do with family life in general–3-The Most Stressful Number of Kids and the post I wrote just after our beloved Vovo, hubby’s grandmother, died — The...


Homeschool Preschool Year in Review

Each year at the end of the year, I put together a post that looks back at our school year.  ED has had a great year. She was 4 this year and turned 5 this spring. We homeschool together… so ED participates with my older two kids in all their activities. Some of these units (like the 5 senses) were mainly for ED, others were mainly for the older kids, but...


Standardized Testing: The Furor Over Exams

The weather feels like summer and we had a week away, but we actually haven’t quite brought our school year to a close. We have a couple of weeks left partly because we haven’t done our end-of-year testing yet.  As part of the requirements for our state, the kids have to take a national exam (there are several to choose from). The tests are graded elsewhere, we receive the results...


The Outer Banks, NC – A Terrific Family Destination

As you probably gather from yesterday’s post 10 Reasons Why Time Off is Important, our family was on holiday last week at the beach.  There are so many things to do at the Outer Banks (Southern Shores/Kitty Hawk/Nags Head area), I thought I would share some of the things our family has done there. I know it’s a popular family destination. Here are some things your family might enjoy in...


Road Trip to the Smoky Mountains

One of the fabulous things about being homeschoolers is that we can travel when it suits us.  We often homeschool when other kids are not in school (for example, we often start back to school in early August and don’t take the same breaks, holidays or snow days that other kids in traditional schools take). Then, when the opportunity arises we head off for a family holiday. We actually got...

Looking Back at 2012 – Favorites from the Homeschool Den 10

Looking Back at 2012 – Favorites from the Homeschool Den

Wow, it’s the end of 2012… a great time to reflect on the year we’ve had.  Here are some of the highlights from this year: our favorite homeschool activities: It’s hard to choose just two, but I guess these are the ones that really stand out for me at the moment… the Black Plague simulation we did. None of us ever made it to our destination!! The kids really loved...

When Kids Want to Quit 5

When Kids Want to Quit

You’ve bought the supplies, paid the dues, your child starts an activity… only to announce not long after that he doesn’t want to participate. The shoes are too tight, the coach is too mean, the drills are ‘boring,’ it’s just “not fun.” Yes, extracurricular activities can be enriching and rewarding, but sometimes your child wants to quit not long after he’s begun. What’s a parent to do? We’ve handled this...

Organizing Our Homeschool Room 6

Organizing Our Homeschool Room

I’ve spent a lot of time reorganizing our homeschool room this year.  I know lots of other homeschoolers are sharing pictures of their learning spaces in the not-back-to-school blog hop.  I thought I’d share some photos of our homeschool room as well. In the picture below you see our 3-ring notebooks, the craft table, LD’s writing desk, a bookshelf and DD’s desk (back by the window). A lot of our...