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How Castle Walls Were Built 2

How Castle Walls Were Built

 We’ve been reading bits of Castle by David Macaulay aloud together.  It is a very detailed account about how a castle and the adjoining town were planned out and built.  One section talked about how the castle walls were built.  We tried to design our own walls to be as strong as possible. The drawing from Castle shows how thick the castle walls were constructed. We tried to do the...


The Four Alls (Learning about Feudalism in the Middle Ages)

A place for everyone and everyone in his place: We have been studying the Middle Ages.  We’ve read lots of books or snippets of books about castles, knights, the Church, and feudalism.  This is an activity suggested in one of the books we checked out from the library.  It’s called the four alls and talks about some of the roles people had in the Middle Ages. These roles were ‘fixed...

How mountains form - activity 15

Earth Science: How Fold Mountains are Formed

The most common types of mountains are fold mountains. Some fold mountains include the Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, and Alps. This activity showed how plate movement creates folded mountains.When the two continents collide, the plates wrinkle and fold.  Here’s our activity to show this happening.  It’s the same principle as the damp graham cracker we did a few days ago, but this shows the “layers” of the earth folding/wrinkling. Showing how...

Tectonic Plates Hands-On Activity 8

Earth Science: Plate Movements, Pangaea

We were still talking about plate tectonics on Friday. We talked about how scientists theorize that the continents were once connected as one giant super-continent, Pangaea. I cut out South America and Africa and asked them to fit them together as best the could. When they didn’t fit together perfectly I asked the kids why the continents wouldn’t match perfectly after 250 million years? We talked about erosion and the...


Earth Science: Plate Movement, Earthquakes

We looked a bit more closely at what happens at fault lines where slight shifts in the crust cause earthquakes. First the kids all made their own layered crust. ED especially enjoyed this! Then we placed an index card in a larger container and created layers on both sides of the paper. We moved the index card back and forth and watched as the grains of rice shifted and moved....

Wonderful Valentine’s Day Math Activities (for K or 1st) 4

Wonderful Valentine’s Day Math Activities (for K or 1st)

I’ve come across a number of beautiful Valentine’s Day math activities that I plan to use this week with DD. They are so pretty and well done, I just had to share in case someone else might want to incorporate them into their week! I wish I had the time (and health!…I still have a vicious cough from the pneumonia.) to be making such beautiful things, but at the moment...

Some of LD’s Activities (2nd Grade) 2

Some of LD’s Activities (2nd Grade)

Science: Obviously we’re working on our Earth Science Unit and that will probably continue for at least another month.  We are also working through the Real Science-4 Kids Chemistry book Pre-Level 1.  I really like these books and recommended them to my sister (they homeschool) back a couple of years ago. Her kids are older than mine and she went through the Pre-Level one books and then continued on with...

A few of DD’s Activities (K) 0

A few of DD’s Activities (K)

It turns out that DD has pneumonia and an ear infection as well. She’s been sleeping LOTS these past 10 days. Only today did she show interest in resuming work on her penguin lapbook. But she’s been pretty amazing — and has kept up with her reading and math most days despite being sick. She’s to the stage that she picks up books to read on her own as well....

Age 3 activity 4

A Few of ED’s Activities (Age 3)

ED turned three this week! Happy Birthday Sweetheart! ED still enjoys this math activity.  She does it with snowflakes and Christmas trees — now I’ve made up the same activity with heart stickers and beautiful heart erasers from Oriental Trading.  She really gets the one-to-one correspondence now. We play many, many rounds of Cariboo together.  This game is just perfect for her.  Each card has a shape (triangle, square or...

Plate Tectonics Activity 16

Earth Science: Plate Movements & Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Mountain-Making

Here’s our hands-on studies of tectonic plate movements, 2nd grade style. We used: a tray with a thin layer of chilled jello (jelly) graham crackers for the earth’s crustal plates colored icing (green-continents and blue-oceans) You can see LD putting the continent and ocean onto his plate (ie. graham cracker). We read about the plates and tectonic plate movement and looked carefully at this map.  We talked about how when...

Layers of the Earth Hands-On Activity 28

Earth Science: Layers of the Earth Hands-on Activity

Just adding this in on Tuesday: I found out today that I have Pneumonia which is why I’ve been feeling ever so lousy. I first saw this activity last year at The Learning Ark. It fit in perfectly with our Earth Science unit. There is also a similar activity using a hard-boiled egg in the book we are using for this unit, How the Earth Works by Michelle O’Brien-Palmer.  One...

Save the Egg Penguin Game —  and — Antarctic Animal Game 2

Save the Egg Penguin Game — and — Antarctic Animal Game

DD enjoyed this penguin computer game.  The object was to move your penguin around to keep the egg warm by avoiding the other penguins and obstacles or predators that might get in your way.  Here’s the link:http://www.nationalgeographic.com/marchofthepenguins/game/ Also at the national geographic website was a crittercam game. She had to spot the various animals of Antarctica — the Emperor Penguin, krill, skua and other things.  http://www.nationalgeographic.com/features/03/crittercam/antarctica/  Finally, she played a...

Arctic Animal Science Journal , Penguin Unit and other Freebies 4

Arctic Animal Science Journal , Penguin Unit and other Freebies

If you are working on Arctic Animals, this first grade teacher made a very cute science journal which incorporates polar bears, penguins, walruses, the arctic fox and snowy owl: Oceans of First Grade Fun.She also has a set of penguin “What Comes Between” math cards. The child has to place the number that comes in between 31 __ 33 or 36 __ 38.  What’s nice for us is that they...

Sigh… 0


Our entire family needs a collective sigh of relief.  We’ve been hammered and as a result we’re just plain tired.  Let’s see, so I wrote about the furnace going out. Then LD got a virus.  Well, the day he felt better, I got a slightly different virus. I was so sick I had to call Dad home from work (last Friday).  By midafternoon I couldn’t get out of bed.  I...