Category: Science Units

Scientific Classification and Taxonomy Unit - Packet 60+pages 0

Scientific Classification and Taxonomy Packet

What is taxonomy and why do we need to study it?!  Taxonomy is the science of classification.  Our biosphere supports more than 7 million known species and probably 4 or 5 million more unknown species! Taxonomists work on organizing the vast quantity of species.  They are continually updating the classifications to keep up with new research and new discoveries. What is in the Scientific Classification and Taxonomy Packet? Scientific Classification...

Taxonomy-Scientific Classification-Activities 0

Science Club Week 8: Taxonomy and Scientific Classification (Fish), Earth Science Wrap Up

I realized that I never wrote up a summary of what we did at our last Science Club meeting!  We had such an amazing experience doing this club… the kids all became good friends and if you are contemplating putting a science club together, I *highly* recommend it!  My kids really looked forward to our Friday afternoons and I think everyone learned a lot along the way. If you’re just...

Volcano Worksheets and Notebook Pages 0

Volcanoes – Earth Science Unit

After our Science Club ended a couple of weeks ago, the kids continued studying volcanoes. I wanted to share some of our activities with you today. We went over the basic parts of a volcano – magma chamber, conduit or main vent, ash cloud, branch pipe, sill, crater, and so forth. Then we went on to spend quite a bit of time talking about the different types of volcanic explosions...

Science Club Week 7 0

Science Club Week 7 – Tectonic Plate Boundaries; Observation of Oysters, Clams & Crabs

This week when the kids arrived, they jumped in with our taxonomy unit. First, I challenged the kids to see if they could remember the 10 animal phyla we’ve been talking about this fall.  Most of them got at least 8 or 9 (of the 10 groups we’ve been talking about). As we waited for everyone to arrive, they took turns observing the “sea monkeys” that we had hatched a...

Science Club Week 6 0

Science Club Week 6 Earthquake Waves – Body Waves, Surface Waves + Annelids/Platyhelminthes

In Week 6 of our Science Club, we reviewed what we had learned about vibrations. Then we went on to talk about the different types of Body Waves (those waves within the Earth) and Surface Waves (those that move along the surface of the earth). We went over what they were and how they move.  Then did some hands-on activities to help explain why some waves move faster than others....

Simple Machines Unit - Worksheets Lapbook Activities 0

Simple Machines Packet Update (New Pages Added)

This week, I spent some time updating our Simple Machines Packet. I wanted to let you know that I added several new pages. I created a couple of new pages with simple machines you might find at a construction site.  There is a blank page for the kids to label and of course there are answer pages to accompany these. 🙂 Simple Machines Interactive Notebook Activity This Simple Machines Interactive...

Earthquake Vibrations activities 0

Science Club Week 5 – Earthquake Vibrations, Taxonomy (cont.)

This week, we talked about how tensions build deep beneath the Earth and then suddenly release creating earthquake vibrations that move out away from the focus.  Below I’ll share several of the hands-on activities we did as we talked about this build-up of tension (and release of energy).  In the second part of our science club meeting we continued talking about taxonomy and focused on the digestive systems of flatworms...

Science Club Week 4 Convection Currents Major Phyla Engineering 0

Science Club Week 4 – Understanding Convection Currents, Taxonomy, Engineering Challenge

This was our fourth week of science club. Time’s flying by! As we waited for everyone to arrive, the kids filled in the tectonic plate map. We talked about the experiment we had done a couple weeks earlier that helped explain how the tectonic plates can move.  This week, we were going to do a couple more activities to show how heat/cooling can create currents and movement. (These pages have...

Science Club Week 3 - Taxonomy and Classification - Engineering Challenge 0

Science Club, Week 3: Taxonomy and Classification, Engineering Challenge

In the third week of our science club, we spent quite a bit of time talking about Taxonomy and Scientific Classification.  We had touched on it the previous week, but this time we went into much more detail. We had already talked about Linnaeus and his role in developing the classification system.  We also talked about how much it has changed – especially in just the last 15 or 20...


Layers of the Atmosphere, Weather and More

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been sharing some of the Earth Science activities we’ve been doing in our science club.  Today, I thought I would share some other resources that are buried here on the blog for those of you who want to continue on with Earth Science this year. a packet about the Earth’s atmosphere (Find out more about this 50+ page packet here.) Weather Packet Weather...

Plate Tectonics Activity - Convection Currents 0

Science Club: Week Two (plate tectonics; taxonomy + mealworms and flatworms!)

Last week, I shared that we are doing a weekly science club with some local homeschoolers.  Today I’m going to tell you about our second week. We did activities on Earth Science (this week was plate tectonics) and also biology — scientific classification & taxonomy.  We are doing work with various organisms this semester. In the second week we observed our mealworms and were introduced to a type of flatworm...

Layers of the Earth Activity 0

Science Club!

If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know that we really love science! This year we’re doing something a little different.  We opened our home for a weekly science club for some other homeschoolers in our area.  We have 10 kids, the same ages as my kids (who are 9, 11, 14) — and we’ve been having a blast so far! Before I share some of the...

Earth Science Worksheets 0

Earth Science Worksheets & Lapbook Pages Added to the Earth Science Packet

This is just a real quick post to let you all know that I have updated and added to the Earth Science Packet. It’s now well over 150 pages! The link to purchase this Earth Science Unit is down below or in Our Store. Don’t forget to check out the Earth Science BUNDLE options as well! My girls will be doing a bit on Earth Science again this year.  I...

Eclipse August 2017 2

Eclipse 2017 in Tennessee

Like so many in the U.S. we got caught up in the eclipse excitement today! We spent the day looking up from sunrise to sunset and everything in between! You’re going to laugh when you see the camera filter I used for this series of photos!  Hey, but it worked!! Our family headed to Tennessee to enjoy the eclipse with my sister and her family.  A trip all the more amazing...