Category: Science Units

Layers of the Earth Hands-On Activity 28

Earth Science: Layers of the Earth Hands-on Activity

Just adding this in on Tuesday: I found out today that I have Pneumonia which is why I’ve been feeling ever so lousy. I first saw this activity last year at The Learning Ark. It fit in perfectly with our Earth Science unit. There is also a similar activity using a hard-boiled egg in the book we are using for this unit, How the Earth Works by Michelle O’Brien-Palmer.  One...

Earth Science–The Eight Planets 10

Earth Science–The Eight Planets

 We learned about the eight planets in our Solar System.  While the kids painted with watercolors, I sang this song from the Smithsonian, National Air and Space Museum Website.  It’s called “Family of the Sun” and has one verse describing each of the eight planets (plus Pluto, the dwarf planet).  It’s sung to the Farmer in the Dell:  Here’s the first two verses and the chorus:1)Mercury is hotand Mercury is...

Earth Science: Nesting boxes from the Galaxy… on down to the Atom 7

Earth Science: Nesting boxes from the Galaxy… on down to the Atom

I thought this was such a great idea for talking about our location, size and placement in the universe. It’d even be great for a study of maps. What a great lesson on where we live!! I had these all stacked together and went over these one by one asking them which galaxy we live in, what planet, what state, city, street etc. Then piled them one on top of...


Earth Science — Gravity: the planets, moon and space

Today we had our second earth science lesson.  LD begged to do science again and I always love that enthusiasm! I’m still using  Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding: A Science Curriculum for K-2  (affliliate link) as the basis for some of our lessons. *I read an excerpt about how the earth isn’t the only place with gravity. The moon and other planets have gravity too.  We talked about how people...


Earth Science Unit — Gravity

We have been making slow headway through our Ancient Rome unit, but we needed some new spice added into our homeschool days. We’re off to do a unit on earth science — studying concepts such as gravity, horizontal/vertical, directionality–N,S,E,W, and then moving on to the layers of the earth and the surface of the earth — the “ups and downs, ins and outs” of the landforms and waterforms and how...

Indian Corn Science — update 0

Indian Corn Science — update

Some time back, I shared our Indian corn activity. It’s now growing quite tall in big pots at the end of our dining room table! So here’s the corn after about 1 week of being watered. After a while we decided to plant the corn in some empty flower pots. The corn grew steadily. And now it’s about 12-15 inches high! Unfortunately, the corn cob attracted lots of fruit flies. ...

Carnivorous Plants Lapbook 2

Carnivorous Plants Lapbook

A few weeks ago, LD pulled out a project he started back in Australia — a lapbook on carnivorous plants (free from He enjoyed reading up on these plants again and put it all together. 


Butterfly and Insect Lapbook

A few weeks ago, I asked DD what she wanted to learn about. She chose to study butterflies and insects. We used two lapbooks. One is no longer available. The other one was a free lapbook on butterflies from Yee Shall Know. (Website no longer available.) (If you’ve never seen any of her lapbooks, I highly recommend her free lapbooks. (Website no longer available.) They are based on the Magic...

Jumping on the bridge 12

Snippets of our Week (for our 5-yr-old)

I’ve been meaning to put up a post about what we generally work on from day to day. But, with blogger not working for a while, I have a plethora of photos to share. So, here’s a glimpse of what DD (just turned 5) has been working on these past couple of weeks.  Her “basics” include math, reading, handwriting, music/glockenspiel, arts&crafts; and another unit-study (a lapbook in this case, but...

Mosquito Life Cycle 0

Mosquito Life Cycle

We’ve had a lot of mosquito larvae in our make-shift frog/toad habitat.  We watched a fascinating,  informative video about the mosquito’s life cycle here.  We didn’t know that the mosquito larvae breathe through a tube at the surface of the water.  Also we learned that mosquito eggs can live through the winter and hatch in the spring. Meanwhile, we have about 20-25 tadpoles that have survived in our habitat and...

Dinosaur trashosaurus 12

Huge Dinosaur Activity! Trash-o-saurus Measures in at 9 feet 9 inches by 4 feet 8 inches

We had so much fun with our huge dinosaur project.  A teacher on a website I saw somewhere (sorry, I forget where) mentioned having her class make a “trash-o-saurus.”  I thought that was a brilliant idea, especially as we have SO much packing paper from our move. We looked around the yard for some items to help us make the structure (bone system) of our dinosaur.  The previous owners left...


Dinosaur Body Structure Activity — Marshmallows, Straws and Skewers

We came across a wonderful idea here at U.C. Berkley: The Dinosaur Body to learn more about body structure and how dinosaurs had to be perfectly balanced to stand and move.  I read the paragraphs about the importance of balance and had the kids balance a ruler on their fingers and then add a light head and a heavy head (the heavy head made the ruler tip over and you...


Measuring Dinosaurs Activity

We looked up the length of several well-known dinosaurs, grabbed our plastic models and then went outside to see how long they really were. We chose stegosaurus 30 feet T-Rex 40 feet apatosaurus 90 feet We looked at how long one foot was (we hadn’t done measuring in feet before as we’ve used the metric system up until now) — and then measured out the dinosaurs’ lengths using a 20...


Dinosaur Fossils Impression Activity

At the beginning of our activity we looked at this real fern fossil (from Pennsylvania). We talked about how ferns have been around for millions of years and fossil records indicate they were around well before dinosaurs (we referred back to the chart we have on “what came first” from a previous day.)  Then we went into our woods and looked for different kinds of ferns for making our own...