Category: Arts and Crafts
This morning LD and I decorated skulls. I got this ideafrom First, he traced the outlineof a skull from a skeleton puzzle we have. Then he drewthe eyes, nose and mouth. We decorated it symmetricallyand cut it out. Then we put it up on our front door. Ourback-drop paintings are from the paint popping activity we dida few weeks ago.
Another project from wasthe pasta skeleton . All the kids really enjoyed thisincluding ED who carefully used all of her pastaand beans!
This afternoon DD and I sat down together to put togethera new felt board scene. This is based on Five Little Pumpkins .DD and ED had fun making and remaking the jack-o-lanterns’faces. I read the story several times while DD acted itout on the felt board. I took the picture in the book display area I was mentioningin the post I wrote yesterday about reading (scroll down below). By the...
A while back I read about a family who put paint inziploc bags and had the kids jump on them. Nowthat the weather is warming up, we decided to giveit a try. Some of the bags we filled with paint andair; some of them we had paint, vinegar and bakingsoda (to expand the bag). LD was able to pop allthe bags (and the ones without vinegar/bs “lookednicer”), but DD and...
I saw this idea on the Crafty Crow and thought it wouldbe pretty straight forward for the kids. It turned out reallywell! We used 6 1/2 cups fruit (2 1/2 raspberries, 4 cups blueberry)and 3 teaspoons of sugar. We cooked the berries on the stove for 45 minutes.Next we pureed it in the blender.Finally we baked it in the oven on low for 6 hours or so. Here’s the website...
Here’s another flower project we did for our flower unit.
The Crafty Crow mentioned this great flowerproject. You can find more information about how to makethese flowers at — Dry out some diaper wipes. Cut them into a large square.I then cut square into four pieces. Fold the small square into a triangle. Then fold the endsup. Fold and sew the two points and middle section togetherand sew five or six pedals together tightly. Staple the back sides together. Paint...
After letting our cornstarch beads dry for a few days,we painted them and strung them on string to makenecklaces. Here’s the link again to cornstarch clay:
Art for the relatives to admire!! This week I put colored paper and a couple markers inDD’s art workbox. She’s been doing two drawings each day.One day she asked to use the buttons too. Here are a coupleof her creations. The first picture is all one project. Thesecond picture is a picture of her and her brother and sisteralong with the 75 story world tower, where we stayed inSydney (on...
When we were on holiday the kids saw a showcalled “Playschool.” LD saw how to make alieneyes and yesterday he got all the materials heneeded and made himself and the girls alieneyes. I didn’t help in any way shape or form (noteven to find the glue)… a first!!
ED has really enjoyed painting this past week. She’s gottenher paint shirt and asked to paint numerous times this week. Shedidn’t really get into the marble painting, mostly she likedholding the marble in her hand. Then she laughed and signed“yucky” over and over and over with her bright blue hands!
When we were in Canberra we went to Floriade, a yearlyflower festival. DD decided that she wanted to do a flowerunit when we got home. Today was our first day of activities.We collected flowers from our yard and from our neighbor’sbeautiful garden (with permission, of course!) We used theflowers to hammer them into cards. They turned out reallypretty and you could use this for a symmetry activity as well.We also...
Yesterday we made our own cornstarch clay (idea from really like the consistancy of the dough (though it’s saltyso I had the kids wash their hands with sorbolene afterthey were done). LD made jets and DD made necklaceornaments. We poked holes in the cutouts with the end ofa paintbrush. Of course, ED enjoyed working with us andpoked holes in her clay! 1 cup cornstarch1 cup baking soda1/2 cup table salt1...