Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Reasons for Homeschooling 9

Homeschool Questions Answered: Why Do People Homeschool?

People are often curious why homeschoolers have chosen this route. After all, the vast majority of people choose to send their children to public school.  On the other hand, there are now more children being home-schooled than are enrolled in charter and voucher schools combined. I read recently that there are now over 2 million homeschooled children. In 1999, three reasons for homeschooling were the most frequently cited: 49 percent...

Pretty Pacific Northwest (Washington State) 0

Pretty Pacific Northwest (Washington State)

I was born in Seattle, Washington and both sides of my family are from there. In fact, many of my mom’s relatives were among the first settlers in the region!  One of Hubby’s best friends now lives in Seattle.  They planned a hiking-reunion weekend and they spent several days hiking around the beautiful mountains out to the west of Seattle. The scenery was so beautiful, I definitely hope to plan...

Homeschooling in the News 0

Homeschooling in the News

There have been quite a number of homeschool-related articles in the past couple of weeks: A German homeschooling family that has been living in Tennessee for several years has been seeking asylum in the U.S. because homeschooling is not allowed in their native country of Germany. They withdrew their children from German schools because the school teachings on sex, violence and other issues conflicted with their Christian faith.  They face...

Science Books with Engaging Articles- Ages 9-12 0

Science Books with Engaging Articles- Ages 9-12

Yesterday, I mentioned a couple of science books that I bought out to see if they’d be a good fit for our homeschool.  I purchased the Physical Science Daybook first. I thumbed through the articles and read some with the kids.  I was really impressed by them. They have articles on various topics that are truly interesting and engaging. Yesterday, I shared about the Frog Antifreeze — frogs who freeze...

Massive Hornets Nest, Before-After Room Shot and other Summer Stuff 0

Massive Hornets Nest, Before-After Room Shot and other Summer Stuff

I remember reading once that you are never supposed to write about not blogging. “Boring!” someone said.  I still feel the need to apologize or explain the infrequent posts, though! We’re still in summer mode and while  I think I’ve more-or-less hammered out our fall semester and have been busy browsing and purchasing books, scoping out cool science experiments and activities, making some worksheets and games for our units, I’ve felt...

When Kids Bicker, Argue…How to Address Sibling Fights! 2

When Kids Bicker, Argue…How to Address Sibling Fights!

We’re in the home stretch of summer vacation. It’s very hot (very, very hot!) so we’re spending a lot of time indoors. At times the kids play like angels. Their creativity is inspiring. Their music and shows are lovely. Other times? They argue and are at each other’s throats. Nasty words come out. Tears run like Niagara Falls. What do we do to help alleviate that sibling bickering? I notice...


Worksheets to Accompany the Bob Books Set 2

Earlier this summer ED switched back to the Bob Book series for a little while and I made some worksheets to go along with them.  She really liked working on these. I hope someone else finds them useful. As always, they are free to download. If you’d like to share or pin, go ahead just link back to my original post. Thanks! If you use them I’d love to hear...


My Skin Cancer Scare

Here in the U.S. we hear about the importance of staying out of the sun during peak hours and using sun screen.  Over in Australia, there was a HUGE campaign to get people to protect themselves from the sun.  “Slip, Slop, Slap” was an advertisement we saw ALL the time on TV. Slip on a shirt, slop on the sunscreen, slap on a hat.  The kids in our small town...

Introducing Classical Music to Kids 0

Introducing Classical Music to Kids

I’ve been working on gathering our music resources for this next fall.  I want to introduce the kids to a bit of classical music. I’d like them to have a little more familiarity with some of the famous composers. I found this CD, The Idiots Guide to Classical Music, used at our local used bookstore for 99cents. It has small snippets from many, many famous pieces. It has 99 tracks!...

Candy Land Addition Game (Free at the Moment) 1

Candy Land Addition Game (Free at the Moment)

Practically everyone has a Candy Land board around, right? I came across an adorable addition game to go along with the classic board game Candy Land.  If you’re looking to review some basic math facts with your child this summer you might want to print out the cards offered by Mel at Teachers Pay Teachers.  It’s free at the moment; I don’t know if it normally costs something to download...


50+ Science Books for Kids

I am trying to do some general organizing this summer for the next school year.  I’ve been trying to figure out what science units we’ll do this next year and also wanted to be sure that I’m covering some fun/basic information with the kids.  My oldest loved science from very early on and we added lots and lots of books to read aloud when he was in preschool-kindergarten. At the...


Free German Worksheets for Kids

This post has some free German worksheets that you can use with beginners. These are some of the printable materials I used with my kids when they were first learning German. In this post, I’ve shared some of the resources we used as we reviewed basic words in German: numbers, colors, words around the house, words in a school room, animals, etc. Be sure to scroll all the way to...


My Three Rs — Re-energizing, Relaxing, Re-Organizing

I love our breaks!  I really, really need time to re-group and get refreshed for another semester. This is probably as important a part of our homeschooling life as when we are going full-tilt with science experiments and history projects! Right now I’m spending a lot of time taking care of myself (reading!!), tackling the house (getting up to my elbows re-organizing and cleaning) and working on the yard (weeding...

What we did with 20 lbs of Blueberries!! 0

What we did with 20 lbs of Blueberries!!

It was dreadfully hot, but after dropping LD off at his day camp the girls and I headed off to a u-pick farm. In just an hour and a half we picked 4 huge containers of blueberries!! I love that this farm doesn’t spray their berries. What did we do with 20 pounds of blueberries? Well, we made 9 jars (3 batches) of blueberry jam… It’s easy to do you just...