Author: Liesl - Homeschool Den

Other Things to Keep Me Busy 0

Other Things to Keep Me Busy

Someone asked me a couple of days ago if I have any “girl time.” (And she obviously meant for *me*!) I don’t have too much in the way of outlets yet, but am getting a lot of pleasure out of working on the house and the yard.  The moving in process is now going forward at glacial speeds (as the kids take up a lot of my time and energy...


Dinosaur Body Structure Activity — Marshmallows, Straws and Skewers

We came across a wonderful idea here at U.C. Berkley: The Dinosaur Body to learn more about body structure and how dinosaurs had to be perfectly balanced to stand and move.  I read the paragraphs about the importance of balance and had the kids balance a ruler on their fingers and then add a light head and a heavy head (the heavy head made the ruler tip over and you...


Measuring Dinosaurs Activity

We looked up the length of several well-known dinosaurs, grabbed our plastic models and then went outside to see how long they really were. We chose stegosaurus 30 feet T-Rex 40 feet apatosaurus 90 feet We looked at how long one foot was (we hadn’t done measuring in feet before as we’ve used the metric system up until now) — and then measured out the dinosaurs’ lengths using a 20...


Dinosaur Fossils Impression Activity

At the beginning of our activity we looked at this real fern fossil (from Pennsylvania). We talked about how ferns have been around for millions of years and fossil records indicate they were around well before dinosaurs (we referred back to the chart we have on “what came first” from a previous day.)  Then we went into our woods and looked for different kinds of ferns for making our own...

Geologic Time Line Activity 6

Geologic Time Line Activity

The Montessori teaching albums have an exercise called the “Clock of Eras.” I felt that would not work as well for our family as DD really doesn’t “get” the idea of a clock fully.  I didn’t think it would really teach them the enormity of time as well as a long set of ribbons would… so instead I used the proportions of the clock and made a very long geologic...

The Purple Strip 0

The Purple Strip

For those of you who know much about Montessori, you’ll recognize “The Black Strip.” This is an impressionistic activity that is meant to impress kids with the enormity of time on earth.  Our version was the purple ribbon strip — and it is only 21 feet (as my ribbon ream was 7 yards!).  But it still shows how very little time we humans have been on earth.  I’m showing you...

My heart is home 8

My heart is home

This week was really quite special.  As I mention in the post below, LD and I had some wonderful talks about life, the miracles of life, the events that shape us, the paths we take along this amazing life of ours.  Something almost as touching, was when I realized that we were here.  We have come so far in these past four months and now we are once again a...

Timelines 3


Montessori uses five “Great Lessons” as an introduction to all topics.  It provides children with a big picture to demonstrate how sciences, art, history, language and geography are interrelated.  This idea resonates well with our learning style.  We did our own version of the first Great Lesson last year and LD still talks about it (and the science experiments and activities that followed). This year we’re off to explore the...

Want to make a “TRASH-O-SAURUS”??!! 2

Want to make a “TRASH-O-SAURUS”??!!

I lost my internet connection this week.  That’s a total bummer since writing on the blog is a major outlet for me since we’re so new to the area (and I know very few people yet). The kids and I had busy, fun week and I hope to start sharing some of our activities later this weekend. We’ve been working on our timeline unit (I’ll explain more soon, though a...

Nature Around the Yard 13

Nature Around the Yard

We had a lot of fun outside yesterday. We caught lots and lots of little tadpoles (and then let most of them go), as well as a couple of 3-inch frogs.  We came across a snake which I’ve tried and tried to identify.  My best guess is that it is a water snake (another book to borrow from the library!). And finally, we found another quite amazing looking mushroom growing...

Second Grade Readings 0

Second Grade Readings

It has been a LOOooong time since I have consistently sat down with LD to listen to him read.  Instead, he has been doing independent reading primarily on his own.  This week I was pretty impressed with his intonation, rhythm and general reading ability.  Grams gave us a children’s encyclopedia set and among other things he read some articles to me on birds and fossils.  He’s also reading through a...

County Fair 4

County Fair

Last weekend was LD’s birthday; he turned seven. We still don’t know anyone well enough to have over to celebrate his birthday with us, but we had a wonderful day at the county fair! We were surprised how few people were there — especially compared to “Show Days” (the annual fair that came to our town in central Australia). I wasn’t quite up to getting the kids organized to submit...


Sunny Side Up (game learning about double digit numbers)

I brought out a dice game to play with DD called Sunny Side Up.  The dice have the numbers 1-5 and a smiley face.  I made little cards that have 9 numbers using just those digits (such as 51, 42, 14, 3, 5…).  We each have our own card and take turns tossing the dice.  We try to build numbers using the value on each die.  So you need a...